welcome fellow & future glitteratti!
okay, nothing fancy going on here: this is the web ring for all of getcrafty's glitteratti gals and guys! if you're a member of glitter and have a website, this is the place for you!
there are no other requirements (other than the two above), so if you *meet the requirements* and aren't listed, get crackin'!!
to join
1. meet the 'requirements'
2. place one of the ring codes (below) on your site's front page or links page. please don't make us hunt this down!
3. go here to let me know you're interested
4. in a week or so you'll get a confirmation email letting you know you're in.
note: please make sure you put the code up *BEFORE* you submit your site. i hate to say it, but i wont admit you if the code is not up and i don't have time to go back a second time to check up on you!
ring codes
a couple of hints: a ring code with your own site id will be emailed to you after acceptance, so don't worry about where it says ***SITE ID*** till then. if you are using a code other than the simple code, you have to go back and enter your site id where it says ***SITE ID*** after you have your id number...
1. simple code:
copy this onto your page:
<a href="http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?ring=Glitteratti;id=***SITE ID***;action=prev"> <<
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2. detailed code:
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This <a href="http://www.ringsurf.com">RingSurf</a> <a href="https://www.angelfire.com/my/kaystarr98/glitteratti.html">Glitteratti</a> Net Ring<BR> site is owned by <a href="mailto:***SITE EMAIL***">SITE TITLE</a>.
3. ring code w' graphic: if you use this, please SAVE THE IMAGE TO YOUR OWN SERVER!!!
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The RingSurf Glitteratti Net Ring is moderated by kaystarr*com.