13SR Weekday Rotation Schedule |
5:00am to 8:00am |
Classic Metal & Rock with a touch of Grunge
Iron Maiden - Black Sabbath - Skid Row - Guns n Roses - Whitesnake - AC/DC - Van Halen - Motley Crue - Poison - Aerosmith - Nirvana - Megadeth - Alice in Chains - Motorhead - Soundgarden
Some Cheesy, Some Rockin, Some Big-Ass Hair, Some Flannel Shirts and Doc Martens. All Awesome.
8:00am - 12:00pm |
13SR Mainstream Metal
Five Finger Death Punch - Staind - Slipknot - Metallica - Godsmack - Korn - Linkin Park - Marilyn Manson - Sevendust - Disturbed - RATM - Audioslave
Both old and new school mainstream metal, many songs you'd probably hear on your local FM rock station. Lots of our featured bands make the cut if they have a mainstream sound and are featured throughout the playlist.
12:00pm - 4:00pm |
13SR Local Brutality
All of our Submitted Bands in rotation
All of 13SRadio's featured bands that are in currently in rotation. A great place to find new bands that you haven't been exposed to yet. You can find the full lineup of bands in rotation and links to their social media HERE
4:00pm - 7:00pm |
13SR Mainstream Metal
Five Finger Death Punch - Staind - Slipknot - Metallica - Godsmack - Korn - Linkin Park - Marilyn Manson - Sevendust - Disturbed - RATM - Audioslave
Both old and new school mainstream metal, many songs you'd probably hear on your local FM rock station. Lots of our featured bands make the cut if they have a mainstream sound and are featured throughout the playlist.
7:00pm - 11:00pm |
Think of having every song in your music library on a random shuffle. This is similar.
A mix of bands and tunes crossing all genres and years.
Not a bad one in the bunch.
Also includes all of our Featured Bands past and present!
11:00pm - 2:00am |
Nile - Unearth - Pantera - Lamb of God - Pig Destroyer - Dying Fetus - Machine Head - In Dying Arms - Cannibal Corpse - Death - Fear Factory - - 3 Inches of Blood - Byzantine - Slayer - Napalm Death...
Nothing but the most brutal fucking bands from across planet earth. This is the reason 13SR was born, an excuse to listen to headsmashing music at ear splitting levels and call it work. You won't find these on your FM dial... |
2:00am - 5:00am |
Think of having every song in your music library on a random shuffle. This is similar.
A mix of bands and tunes crossing all genres and years.
Not a bad one in the bunch.
Also includes all of our Featured Bands past and present!