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Picnic Information

Park Rules

Map & Directions

Pet Friendly Lodging

Press Release


The Pictures


The Florida Deaf Dogs Picnic this year wasn't a big one, but it sure was a fun one! Jack Edwards had his trusty camera so he could share these great pictures with y'all! Here's Jack's commentary:

Here are our local hosts, Chris Hendrickson and her hearing Dalmatian, Mr. Patch. Chris was honorary hostess for the day since she's the one who finally got the directions cleared up, otherwise we'd all still be looking for the park.

Here's Chris and Patch, but with the addition of Jake, a 5-mos-old deaf Pit that belongs to Renee & Brian. You can also see Isis, the local, hearing GSD/Rott/who-knows-what-else mix that made it her special job to show young Jake all the different ways to have fun and get into trouble in "her" park. They ran and played and swam and wrestled like they were BOTH puppies all day long. Unfortunately, couldn't get a picture of all that fun.