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Friday, 26 August 2005
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Mariah Carey
I have made some friends during the three day school year so far. There's Alexis, my first friend, Emily, my second friend, and Lizzie, my last one. I don't know if any of them like me that much, but I always smile at Alexis and try to be friendly to her. I really want her to like me as a friend, not just someone who smiles too much. Today in gym, she sat next to me!!!! Maybe she does like me. Emily asked me to be her partner in L.A. when we were at the theater, and before that, Mrs. Hamann said that we needed partners, so she asked me. Lizzie is Alexis's friend. I see that if I get to be friends with Alexis, I can also be friends with Lizzie. I like all these people and hope that I can be friends with them in the corse of the school year. If Alexis, Lizzie, or Emily from Northeast Middle in sixth grade are reading this, I really like you. Maybe you guys could have lunch with me and my old friends sometime. Please like me! I want to get to know you and your friends because I like you and my old friend, Shea, already got invited to eat with her friends. So please say something to me when you see me. Thank you everybody.

Posted by musicals/twinkleberry at 8:10 PM EDT
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