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Home - Homeward bound!

Rusty Pics - Pics of London rustys

Starlight Sequence Pics - 'I am the Starlight' - classic pose!

Rusty + Pearl Pics - Aw! Aren't they sweet!

More Rusty Pics - More pics of Rustys from other productions of StEx!

My own Rusty Pics - Pics of Rusty taken by myself or Pally

Links - Links to other cool StEx sites!

Cast Lists - Lists of people who have played Rusty in London. It's not really finished yet, but I'd thought I'd link it

Caption Competition - A competition for you enter! Fun!

About Me! - Hey, don't ask! Every other page has one! :)

My awards - *Sniffle* I'd like to thank my mum, my dad, the little old lady down the road...

The Steamer Award! - Win my award for your site!

E-mail me!

Caption Competition!

O.k, here's a competition (thanks to Tom for the idea)
The idea is that every week or so (depending on the entires) I'll post a stex pic on the left hand side of the page, and the aim of the competition is to put the most ammusing caption to it.
At the end of the comp, the best caption will get an award! Sound good? Have a go! E-mail me with your entries!

Example pic:
'If I flap my arms hard enough I might just take off!'




Here's the first pic in the competition, please e-mail me to enter!




FT: Hey Dustin, see that woman in the front row?

D: Yeah?

FT: She wants me, bad.

D: Really?

FT: Yeah, me and my brick!



"What do you mean we have to skate in these costumes?"


Tom (Rocky_three):

Dustin:  Is that a brick in your pocket or are you just pelased to see me?!

Flattop:  Oi!...  actually it's my codpiece...  a-hem


Dustin:  do you recon Dinah (in background) will let us go now?

FT:  I dunno about you but this harness is starting to hurt my back

Dustin:  yeah, and that whip!

Dinah:  shut it lads, just pull!


Liz Butler:

A moment later, Dinah's sudden appearence would give Flat Top a heart attack and cure Dustin's constipation.



FT: Wait! Ain't Electra supposed to have a wig?!

D: Yeah, wonder if he'll give us Purse if we wax his head...







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