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Small Page of Music

My Music        







More About Myself

This is where you can download my latest and requested music. Unfortunately due to my available space being only 20Mb, I cant post much music on here, there for its important that people request any songs to be reposted as they may not be put up for a long time once coming off.

All music is produced using FruityLoops and Reason 2. However as my computer gets upgraded I will be able to link my keyboard ( Yamaha PSR2000 ) to the computer and implement many a programs I have at my disposal. This should see an increase in the quality of music/songs an faster rate of new songs being finished :)

Approaching Storm: Produced using FruityLoops 3.56, this is the first piece of music I have completed, even though there will probably be many constant upgrades to this song over time. The changes will be minor and probably only make a difference to me :) A slow piece early that implements strings, piano and guitars with a simple beat before taking the style of old style rock before gently finishing off with its soft nature. I like it as it was my first title, and i probably hear it the way I want to hear it, not the way it is... but its mine, so HA!

Overtime I will be gradually updating and improving this site, however as it is my first don't expect anything too wonderful... not even my music ;)