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Monday, 15 March 2004
A Monday Like Every Other!
Boy today sucked more than usual thank the Lord I only have to work 3 days this week . But these idiots still have me tied up for the next 2 days. I 'm worried about my wife's surgery a lot more than I care to admit I feel so selfish because it seems i am more scared for me than her. I am also worried about the finacial sitituation while she is off recovering. I just pray we can keep afloat. I wish I could pay some of this debt off and find a job more to my liking and enjoyment and stop going to work in fear of losing my job. I would love to start my own business so at least I could be a little more relaxed and less dependant on someone else. It gets tiresome with someone telling you when to go to lunch or doing the work of 2 people because some stupid report says you only need 1. I get tired of a useless hr person and clueless and indifferent management. we should have a union to put an end to some of this abuse inflicted on us.

Posted by music5/romerocks at 8:35 PM CST
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Sunday, 14 March 2004
first entry
toight i am just getting back from going out.i had to let off some stress. i get so tired of this whole money situation. there never seems to be enough or i owe this place or that place soon as i get it. so i met my freinds from work since my friend roger is relocating and this will be his last weekend here i thought i would see him off and dance off some stress to boot. I am so very tired of the same old feelings of depression and uselessness i started this as a way to also let out stress and try to get some of this off my chest.

Posted by music5/romerocks at 1:29 AM CST
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