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Life, Love, and the ever-unreachable
Tuesday, 8 July 2003
A World of Hope
Today was a day filled with storms both metaphorically and tangibly. Like every other day of my life, I often find myself thinking on my ex-girlfriend, her soft skin, her entrancing eyes...I never cared more for someone than her. I wonder if I can ever find love, that awe-inspiring and irrational feeling that accompanies the desire to make some always smile, never frown. I know, though, that upon mulling the issue that I can never truly know love. I believe in the phenomenon as if it were a fairy tale or a wish I need to come true, but I feel, deep inside, somehow lost without the direction that love supposedly gives. Maybe its because the closest thing I had to love was the intense desire to give all of myself to my ex, without regard for the selfish and malicious tendencies of human beings...she hurt me...I have been broken and bruised, but never so deep or so painful as the betrayal of someone who seemed so special...

I will keep looking though, for as surely as the rain has ceased, my downtrodden view of life will lift its veil from the wonders of the heart, and my spirit will be rekindled...

Posted by music5/relationships at 11:20 PM EDT
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