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Brian Molko!!!
Home Song Explanations Tour Dates Lyrics What are the boys up to? Biographies Interviews Photos



Sleeping with Ghosts out now!!!!!! Buy it, a FABULOUS album!!!  


"We just want you to look at yourself and be scared at what you find "

BrIaN MoLkO...My Sweet Prince...Without You I'm Nothing!

Hello to Placebo and Brian Molko fans, and if your not a Brian Molko fan you will be soon, with famous friends like, David Bowie, PJ Harvey, ABBA, and so many others he cant be such a bad person huh?. I have spent half my life adoring and admiring Brian Molko and now I'm going to spend half a year making a site about him. I've just started it up...and I hope you like it. Here you will Find Brian Molko photos and band photos, Interviews with Brian, lyrics, song explanations, Tour Dates and up to date information of what the band are up to...




Po Box 8260, London W6 8WD


© 2003 Lauren Sciacca. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without  the  prior written permission of Lauren Sciacca.