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Jason Mitchell, "The Other Guitarist"

1) Jason has been playing guitar for about: 20 years on and off! Jason has also been playing drums for around 15 years or so!

2) Jason uses and abuses: ESP and Jackson guitars, Jason also uses a Crate amp, a Randall 4x12 cabinet, a BBE Sonic Maximizer and a Boss multi-effects processor.

3) Jason's favorite band(s): Slayer, Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Angel Corpse, Pink Floyd, Blind Melon, Led Zepplin, Opeth, Alman Brothers, Goverment Mule, Baphomet, S.O.D., Napalm Death, and Ripping Corpse to say the very least!

4) Jason's biggest influences: Indiana's local metal bands (and a few regional bands) such as....Ratzkrieg, Freak Accident/Subconscious, Nuclear Jealosy, The Kor, Judgement, Drop Dead, Demented, Legion, Necrophagus, Cryptic, Fog, Typhus, Imminent Demise, Hordes of the Lunar Eclipse, Graves of the Endless Fall, Systematic Overthrow, Dysperium, Lathe(Jimmy and Jon), Anthropophagy, Blatherskite, Contagion, Dysphoria, Embalmer, Exploding Zombies, Killers of Death, Malicious Hate, Masochist, Production Grey, Pumpkinhead (Jay Hackbush) and Gotterdammerunge (cookie)!

5) Jason's most memorable moment(s): Having my first kid, Shannon Destiny this year! Going to my first concert which was KISS in 1977/78! I've been hooked ever since and have been in the scene ever since! Seeing Ratzkrieg, Forbidden, and Exodus @ the 7th level in Ft. Wayne, IN. waaay back! Milwaukee Metal Fest 6 featuring....Baphomet, Suffocation, Mythic, Malevolent Creation and Deicide! Milwaukee Metal Fest 7 featuring....Testament, D.R.I., Flotsam & Jetsam, Suffocation, Cancer, Disincarnate, Body Count and when the lights came crashing down on me, Brent Terry and "Metal Mom" and we came away unscathed! Going to Detroit to see Cannibal Corpse, Gorguts and Atheist! Michigan Death Fest 3 featuring....Subconscious, Legion, Gutted and others! But by going to over 300 shows it's hard to recall all of the great fucking times!

Also being a roadie/drum tech for Subconscious/Jason Hatzell! If it weren't for those guys and the fact that I would never leave them alone, I wouldn't be where I am today! "Proud of myself moment" - would be when I tore down Thy Darkest Empires drum kit in the pitch black (lights out) with a tiny flashlight!!! loaded cymbals, hardware and everything in the cases and everything was in the van in under "10" min., while Nile and then Morbid Angel were getting ready to take the stage!!! Another "Proud of myself Moment" is the fact that over the 6 years as a roadie the only thing I lost was a cymbal and stand! What do you expect when the venue makes 5 drummers set-up in one small area!!! I found out how shitty lazy short sound men don't like their mics touched! Break my fingers....YOU FUCK!!!

6) Jason's Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

7) Jason's Marital status: In A Relationship/Never Married/1 Kid!

8) Jason's hobbies and interest other than music: Parties and finding out everything a person could possibly know about Metal music! When you meet me just ask! If you already know me then you know what I'm talking about!

9) Jason was born in: Auburn, IN.

10) Jason's favorite movie(s): Nightbreed, Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas, All Kevin Smith movies, Jackass 1 & 2, All Star Wars movies and many more!

11) Jason's favorite guitarist/drummer/influences(s) are: Bryan Johnston, Jason Hatzel (drums), Pat Cambell, Keeb Sutton, Andy Newton (AKA Typhus), and Bryan Leverenz!

** Jason would like to give special thanks to.... Bill Lilly, Chris Burch, Scotty James, Jason Pinnington, Bryan Johnston, Jason & Lisa Hatzell, Keeb Sutton, Andy Newton, Eric Mead, Pat Campbell, Dave Dalton, Jon Farmer, Mike V., Bryan & Andrea Leverenz, Rob Rakestraw, Brent Terry, Aaron Husted, Doug Bishop, and entire family, Bill & Leah Klug, Rick Lasalle, Terry Linn(RIP) & Rosie Linn, Chris Tittle(RIP), Rob Lee(RIP), Rick Bolen(RIP), Bones and Dano(Nuclear Jealosy), Kris Grub, Scott Hayes, Jeff Davis, Brian Cook, Joe & Shannon Day, Shawn Smith, Pat Heffley, Pat Hefty, Jim Neal, Mat Adams, Larry Angus, Clint Draper, Rick Lilly, Matt Smith, Russell Bean, Chris Davis, Jeremy Bowers, Robin Bowers, Jeremy Engle, Chuck Constable, Dana Duffy, Rob Yench, Sam Inzerra, Jeff Riemer(RIP), Gutted, Tom Stevens, Sandy Newton AKA "Metal Mom", Peggy Sutton, Angie Collins & entire family, Ron & Faye Sides, Pauline Mitchell, Fred, Linda, Mark & Lynette Demske, Rick, Duey, Dave, Todd, Taya, Dawn, Mahlon and Minnie Rieke, My Mother Diann Mitchell for giving birth to such a complicated and simple being that I am! Also Rick Bean, Kim Pinkerton, Steve, Jonny & Jimmy Depew, Brady Sparkman and family, Greg Harter and entire family, Judy Briner, Dalton Shirks, Skylar Perry, Brian King, Chad Stayner, Ted Spencer, Terry Burelson, Rex Walker, Dan Hjelm, Nick Handshoe, Jennifer Tittle, Joyce Tittle, Chris & Michelle Saboski, Greg Davis, Everyone @ the 4 Crowns Tavern, Martin's Tavern, Skips, Detour Village Inn, The Main Sail, The Fogcutter, Sheila Goetz and family, Clay, Danielle & Dakota Fair child, The Steel family, Steve & Jen Smith, Al Woods & entire family, The Payment family, Frank Behrens, Todd Olmstead, Derek Hansen, Mike (onions) Denius, Mary, Neal, Tim, Gut and the entire Detour Village, MI.! To anyone I forgot, I'm sorry but you know who you are. Also to all of those people that support original metal music! METAL FOREVER!!! Mitchell.

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