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Gospel Chicken House Band
Gospel Chicken House Band
Welcome to the Online Album for our Gospel Chicken House Band
Christopher Branson
Christopher Branson 
My family started going to the Gospel Chicken House in 2001. I first started out singing children songs with Mrs. Vickie. Ducky told me to buy a tambourine and I could play with them. Then I started to play the tambourine with the band. When I first got started “Pop” Weeks and the other band members took me under their wings and helped me to become a part of the band. “Pops” was a great mentor to me. He helped me a lot and I miss him greatly. I have been playing with the band for a little over three years. I started when I was seven years old. Now that I am older I also sing and play other instruments. I also juggle handkerchiefs and march with the band when we play. In the summer we go on a mission trip. I love being in the band. We always have a great time singing, playing, and praising the Lord wherever we go or whatever we do.
The Band Leader ...
Check Out Ducky's Website