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Home Random New Things Shift244's Poetry Corner The George Lazenby Experience Concert Page Biography News

    Out of the town of Mosinee came a young guitarist by the name of Dustin Schoepke. His origin seems very simple but his life has a very complex path. One hot spring day in the year of 1982 he arrived on this planet. Living in the ghetto suburbs of Mosinee, somehow he survived the twists and turns of highway KK. In this world, one to survive KK at a young age, will grow to be one talented freak.

    He grew up always having an extra kick in him to strive for excellence. Shockingly he met band-mate Corey Hartwig at about the age of 6 in school. They didn't know this would turn into something, other than a friendship and some Cub Scouts, but 13 years later it did. A band. Dusty started out young. At the age of 8 you could see him playing a keyboard guitar that he received for Christmas. His music intuition was always there and it would continue to be. At the age of about 10 or 11 their was a sudden break between Dusty and Corey. For whatever reason, the two rarely talked ever again. When he reached the age of 12 he became interested in the grunge movement that had erupted in America. His favorite bands included Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and most importantly Stone Temple Pilots. Then a new breed of heaviness hit the airwaves and began to influence his musical tastes. In 1996 bands like Korn, Limp Bizkit, Deftones, and Tool become a part of his life. The genre of music become more experimental and it was time to learn how to play guitar. He started out small in 1997 and bought an acoustic guitar. He learned basic chords and how to strum from his teacher. Then it all changed when he went out and purchased his first electric guitar. This was about the time Dusty and Corey re-gained their friendship and began communicating more. The sound of Dusty playing guitar seemed to resonate through his room and house. Later there would be much extended jamming in his shed. This is where he received the nickname "Shedd". For his hours in the shed, doing everything. His guitar style continues to evolve today and if you listen close you might here him jamming on a new style in his apartment.

Quotes from Within

In Shedd's second year of college, he's had time to meet numerous new people. Longtime (2 years) college friend Julie Dahlen stated this when asked what she thought of Dusty: "What do I think of Dusty? Um... Dusty is awesome". She also stated this, "I Do" "him in public and in private. And it's good". But later stated this in conversation, "He definitely has performing ability and potential to be great." but needs "more practice."

Brand of Guitar..........Ibanez 
Brand of Amp..............Crate
Rock Group..........Deftones
Lead Singer............Scott Weiland
Concert..........Korn with Rob Zombie
Male Porn Star..........Peter North
Female Porn Star..........Chasey Lain
Porn Title.........Dirty White Girls 2
Porno Magazine........Shaved
Chips..........Taco Flavored Doritos
Alcoholic Drink.........Coors Light

Extra Bio
 Guitar Brand..........Samick
Strings.......Ernie Ball Power Slinky
Job...........HigherGround (Still Lazy)


Individual Photos of Shedd
Shedd.gif (328346 bytes)

This chunk of photos was taken sometime around October 12th. Shortly after Shedd dyed his hair. Photos taken with digital camera feature of a digital camcorder.  (Click to enlarge if you wanna see this ugly bastard).

Dusty guitar 1.jpg (75428 bytes)

Dusty 1.jpg (47880 bytes)            Dusty 2.jpg (48589 bytes)          Dusty 3.jpg (41443 bytes)               Dusty 4.jpg (51860 bytes)

Dusty 5.jpg (65493 bytes)

The photo below was taken last year, Spring of 2001. Don't ask.

Dusty Underwear.jpg (81804 bytes)

Dusty hit with garbage.jpg (278721 bytes)
Here Shedd gets hit by the famous garbage can that Shift was carrying around. Nice timing in the shot, don't ask what Shift244 was doing. This was taken on November 17th, 2001.

1-28 dusty happy to order pizza.jpg (255145 bytes)
The photo above is a shot of Shedd very proudly ordering a pizza one very rough evening.

1-28 dusty jack.jpg (251130 bytes)
Above Shedd does something he does best. Work on the computer.

H1-28 Dusty stomach.jpg (172235 bytes)
Dead sexy baby!

Read the marked number. Each photo is marked by a number, and then that number is written about. These were developed on 3/11/02

13-10 Dusty bottle in mouth.jpg (103115 bytes)    2 3-10 Dusty guitar booze.jpg (73461 bytes)      3  3-10 Dusty guitar multi.jpg (43196 bytes)

43-10 Dusty multi guitar.jpg (41025 bytes)       5 3-10 Dusty radio.jpg (278763 bytes)

1. This is Shedd choking down a bottle of Coke w/jack. Mouth away bitch. 2. Shedd enjoys playing his guitar without a pick, he prefers a bottle of JD. 3. This photo is a multi shot of dusty playing a few riffs, pretty wild. 4. This is a few multi shots of Special Shedd jamming. 5. This is a shot of Shedd dj'ing a late night radio show. Shift and Shedd sometimes go and do this show on Saturday evenings if they get bored. Straight hardcore rock baby. is where it's at.