Battle Hymn of The Republic.
By Julia Ward Howe.
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Key of D
- 1) Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord
- He has trampled in the warehouse where his Grapes of Wrath are stored.
- He has loosed the faihtful lightning of his terrible swift sword.
- His Truth is marching on. [chorus]
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- CHORUS: Glory glory hallelujah (3x)
- His Truth is marching on.
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- 2) I have seen him in the watchfires of a hundred circling camps.
- They have builded him an altar in the evenings, dews and damps.
- I have read his righteous sentence by the dim and glaring lamp.
- Our day goes marching on. [chorus]
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- 3) In the beauty of the lillies, Christ was born across the sea.
- With the Glory in His Bosom that transfigures you and me.
- As he died to make men Holy, let us live to make men free.
- Our God is marching on. [chorus]
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