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ali's blog - words waiting for music
Thursday, 13 April 2006

Topic: words waiting for music

you are in the beginning
before it all began
your are in the ending
when all is undone

can't quite make you out
what's it all about?
don't know, what we don't know

can't quite see ahead
don't understand just what's been said
when will we come or go?

you are in the beginning
before it all began
your are in the ending
when all is undone

13th April 2006

Posted by Ali at 13:12 BST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Friday, 14 April 2006 09:07 BST
Monday, 20 March 2006

Topic: words waiting for music

feeling like a loosened end
an unwrapped ball of string
wondering when I clambered down
where I misplaced the will to sing

secrets splashed across the screen
naked offering to the crowd
weighed and judged with nothing known
forbidden feelings now so loud

needing things we dare not seek
holding tight to histories
missing times we've never shared
scared to acknowledge fantasies

16th March 2006

Posted by Ali at 13:14 GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Friday, 14 April 2006 09:21 BST
Friday, 17 March 2006

Topic: words waiting for music

feeling honoured every time
you make the choice to touch or hold
realise you are the one who calls
you are the one who is in control

it is only when you really need
when you are drinking long and deep
safe enough to move nearby care free
content to rest a while with me

it is only when you need to know
who you are and what you feel
or when the sun is beating warm
you come this far away from harm

16th March 2006

Posted by Ali at 13:32 GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Wednesday, 15 February 2006

Topic: words waiting for music

there are eyes in the grass
appetites awakening
sense the hunter's presence
are you his for the taking?

8th November 2005

Posted by Ali at 14:07 GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 3 February 2006

Topic: words waiting for music


pass on

3rd February 2006

Posted by Ali at 13:54 GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Friday, 3 February 2006 13:54 GMT
Wednesday, 1 February 2006

Topic: words waiting for music

time out
tick tock
running running
need to stop

circles circles
chasing dust
out of reach
meaning lost

1st February 2006

Posted by Ali at 15:52 GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Wednesday, 1 February 2006 15:53 GMT
Tuesday, 17 January 2006

Topic: words waiting for music

they'd like to wipe
us off from the face of the earth
terminate our type
zero tolerate
and set the world to rights

reboot the machine
switch it off and switch it on
we'll thank them for it
when the problem has gone

we and they
seem to think the same way
cold reason deals so effectively
with all that stuff that's just
getting in the way
of peace and love and freedom
of our smiley happy vision
of their clean and holy kingdom

reboot the machine
switch it off and switch it on
we'll thank them for it
when the problem has gone

they'd like to wipe
us off from the face of the earth
terminate our type
zero tolerate
and set the world to rights

don't think that this is not how we are
we all have the ability to exercise this power
would it not be better to try to find an answer
and keep this monster asleep deep inside our nature

14th January 2006

Posted by Ali at 13:14 GMT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Friday, 14 April 2006 09:19 BST
Wednesday, 11 January 2006

Topic: words waiting for music

tree trunks stomp
along the hall
small boys giggle
behind a wall
overhead whispers
clarion call
to scorn them all

1st January 2006

Posted by Ali at 13:12 GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 6 January 2006

Topic: words waiting for music

he could not wait
to reach the heights
that would give him the space
to see the sights
he longed to explore
and set the world to rights
when he got there

we apologise to passengers
for the slight delay
but there has been an incident
we hope the journey soon
will be back underway
and I bet you are all wondering
if some poor soul is dead

he could not wait
to reach the heights
that would give him the space
to see the sights
he longed to explore
and set the world to rights
when he got there

1st January 2006

Posted by Ali at 12:51 GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Friday, 6 January 2006 13:10 GMT
Thursday, 5 January 2006

Topic: words waiting for music

she will give birth
in the Spring
she told me today

an organic machine
on the way

5 January 2006

Posted by Ali at 12:53 GMT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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