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Goo Goo Dolls Links

Here's some links to REALLY cool Goo pages ...

The Official Goo Goo Dolls Site

I'd say this is one of the best sites if ya want a LOT of GOOd info.

Warner Bros. Goo Site

Fay Fay and the Goo Goo Dolls. WOAH!! THIS ladies and gents, is THE most up-to-date Goo site on the web. I STRONGLY recommend it.

This site's pretty neat! It has a trade page and you can see goo shirts from other concerts, a poll and other cool stuff.

Man, this site KICKS!! Awesome use of HTML and lotz of cool junk ;o)

If you don't wanna get ripped off on Ebay when it comes to fake signatures, you may wanna check out this site, it gives LOTS of examples of the Goos' autographs. This guy is THE Goo gooru lol, he has a LOT of Goo stuff.

This site's up for best fan site at, go and vote for them!! Gotta spread the GOO!! =o)

Long Way Down
This site's here 'cuz I like it, OK?? LoL!!

Love Goo, Eat Pez. This site has anything and everything!! Check it out!

More GOOey info to satisfy your sticky craving

Another site I like ;o) heh heh

Sound Uncensored... a new Goo site... but it's OOZING with GOO!! So check it out!

Ok 6 Insiders... It speaks for itself lol

Thea's Goo page... it's new! So check it out!

The Belgian Goo Site