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Letters From the Editors... uh... Visitors

So I had this really weird idea... (other than getting rid of the flying CD's. Sorry I had to do that, but it was freezing people's computers i.e. Dianna lol) and I thought... It would be kinda cool to have a page where I answered questions and stuff, so, I went for it. You can send me an e-mail and ask me anything about anything and I'll post it on this here page. So, just drop me a line at my little ol' addy and yeah... It'll be here along with an answer heh heh.

Hey Sky I like your page and it is so cool. I only have one question for you, What song is real player trying to play for me? I don't think I have heard it before or maybe I have and don't remember. Where do I find it? Sorry, two questions. Thanks. Keep up the good work and where is your fan fiction? Sorry three questions.

Hey Vicki!! Gosh, I've gotten so many compliments about my page ::sniff:: ::makes like she won an award:: I would like to thank my mom (even though she helped me with NOTHING!) and my dad (for the hell of it lol) and... but seriously, thanks!! =o) The song that Real Player is trying to play on the index.html page is a piece of "Out Of Sight" from the "Jed" album (released 1989). If you haven't heard it, you may wanna try the Goo Goo Dolls' main page at and searching in the "Music and Film" area. And my fan fiction is still around... kinda ;o) "Name" can still be found at this page and I'm trying to finish putting up the chapters to "Only One" (my other fan fic) on this page. So far, I've written 16 chapters to "Only One" and haven't posted them yet 'cuz I'm SOOOOO lazy lol but I do promise that they will be up soon. And I'm also working on about 2 more fan fics if you want to check those out later ;o) Thanks for writing! =o)


uh, Dear Sky,

Hey, like, you've got a cool page, dude :) I like it. . it's just like, cool, ya know?? lol Hmm.. I wanna ask a question, cuz I wanna see the answer.. lol but I don't know what to ask. . hmm.. I can ask you ANYTHING?? haha ::thinks:: Nevermind.. not appropriate.. lol (If I spell anything wrong.. can ya fix it?? lol) Alright, a question: How many words are in the lyrics for Dizzy? lol Oh, and if not Dizzy, How many "a"'s are in the lyrics for Amigone? lol This is fun . . I hope you answer.. :) OOh, I have another question! How many people live in Poland, like, what's the population? lol This is so much fun! Am I acting different since I know that other people'll read this? I don't know.. I think I am.. lol Well, hmm.. does this sound like me?: JOHNNY'S HOT!! Alright, I was told I could say anything.. so.. wait, wait.. nevermind.. you don't want to know.. lol Ok, I'm gonna go now, cuz you're probably getting bored . . lol
-- Susan

uh, Dear Susan, (heh heh)

Thanks for the compliments! I've been working kinda hard on this one. And there are approx. 149 words to "Dizzy". And there's 1 "a" in "Amigone". There's millions of people in Poland. And thanks for writing!
-- Sky