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Welcome to the homepage of the Hawaii All State Honor Choir 2000.
The purpose of this site is for all the people who were in this program to be able to keep in touch and relive the memories.

Update 10-1-01 Got a email a few days ago that reminded me about the time we all shared together! If you want me to add anything or change anything email me and I'll get right on it. I hope to hear from you all soon!

Update 7-8-00 Hows everyone doin! Sorry that i havn't updated in awhile, I forgot all about the page due to schoolwork and I just got a email from Stephanie Kong, and that reminded me all over again how much fun we all had. I hope to be adding some more pictures soon, and maybe some more pages. Till Then!

Update 2-27-00 I put up some a few more email addreses. If I dont have yours up, send me a complaint at Send me other peoples emails if you have them. I want to get everyone posted :-]

Update 2-22-00 I finally got some pictures up! Isn't that the keenest? :-]

Update 2-20-00 Hello everyone. My computer broke down on wensday, so I hav not had the chance to do anything with the page at all. I didn't realize how much living in the boonies suck until The only thing I could do at home is chores or reading. We don't get any cable so I can't even watch "Boy Meets World." (Is that show still running? I havn't had tv for awhile.) Enough whining through. I have scanned some pics, but most of them have kauai people in thm becuaes thats the only people I got pics from. Send me some other pics if you want them posted. Thats all for now.

Update 2-15-00 The frames didn't work out, so I'm trying to make the page load has quickly as possible. Added some memberlistings. If you have email address of other honor choir people, send them to me :-]

Update 2-15-00 I just changed the page to frames version, and I'll be filling in all the links whenever I have time to work on it.

Created 2-14-00 I decided that I wanted to create a page for everyone to relive the program and have a chance to contact everyone else. I spent the day home resting and wrote about some of the things i remembered, hope you all enjoy it.