Diminished Chromatic
Harmonica Layout Intervals
A Versatile Alternative to Solo tuning

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Diminished Chromatic Harmonica
Harmonica Layout Intervals

For further information about Diminished tuning read Diminished Introduction and Diminished Layouts

Pattern Interval Maps
for the
Diminished Chromatic Harmonica

For sharp slide diminished chromatic harmonica

The following section shows the three patterns for all the intervals within an octave on diminished chromatic harmonica in any key. After locating the tonic of the music you are playing (found on the diminished layouts page) use the appropriate pattern across the range of the instrument. A five hole range is shown so that you can practise with the charts in front of you while practising and internalising the patterns. As you pass the tonic going up or down the registers you shift over to the other end of the table as you continue to play.

For further information on what the interval numbers mean and how to use them please refer to Intervalic Theory.

Pattern 1. Begins on Blow, Slide Out

Blow, Slide Out  b3 b5 6 1
Blow, Slide In   b2 b7 b2
Draw, Slide Out  b6
Draw, Slide In   b3 b5 b3

Pattern 2. Begins on Blow, Slide In

Blow, Slide Out  b6
Blow, Slide In   b3 b5
Draw, Slide Out  b2 b7 b2
Draw, Slide In   b6

Pattern 3. Begins on Draw, Slide Out

Blow, Slide Out  b7 b2 b7
Blow, Slide In   b6
Draw, Slide Out  b3 b5
Draw, Slide In   b2 b7 b2

Major Scales on Diminished Tuned Chromatic

I found it help to get really familiarise myself playing in Major scales in each pattern, then working off that to flatten notes to accidentals to play in different scales. Having a strong grounding playing in Major keys, and knowing the chromatic scale inside and out ie. knowing there's an accidental between every natural note except between B & C, and E & F, gave me a solid base to spring off when it came time to learn to play in other scales, modes and playing over changes. So I've included charts of each tuning, showing the three patterns for playing major scales.

Read the charts by following the colour coding demonstrated in the legend (under every layout). Each colour corresponds with a consecutive note of the diatonic scale, there are seven notes in a diatonic scale: '1' is the first or tonic to '7' the leading note. It is worth paying extra attention to tonic, third and fifths, when playing you can use them to mark chord changes, and playing appegios, with every pattern they lie side by side. For each of the three major scale patterns on Diminished there are four corresponding keys, all that you have to do is select which of the notes you mark as the tonic. Transposing couldn't be easier on the chrom!

Each pattern is simply the combination of which hole you play, whether you blow/draw and whether you press the button or let it out for any particular note to work your way through a key. When you know a scale you can then play a song in that key by constraining yourself to that pattern of playing. You can also quickly transpose to other keys by either shifting which note is your tonic and/or by changing to another pattern.

C Diminished also Eb, F#, A

Hole               10 11 12
Blow, Slide Out  Eb Gb A   Eb Gb A   Eb Gb A
Blow, Slide In   Db G Bb   Db G Bb   Db G Bb
Draw, Slide Out  Ab   Ab   Ab
Draw, Slide In   Eb Gb A   Eb Gb A   Eb Gb A
Pattern Key 1 C, Eb, F#, A   2 Db, E, G, Bb   3 D, F, Ab, B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

G Diminished also Bb, Db, E

Hole               10 11 12
Blow, Slide Out  Bb Db   Bb Db E   Bb Db E
Blow, Slide In   Ab D F   Ab D F   Ab D F
Draw, Slide Out  Eb Gb   Eb Gb   Eb Gb
Draw, Slide In   Bb Db   Bb Db   Bb Db
Pattern Key 1 G, Bb, Db, E   2 Ab, B, D, F   3 A, C, Eb, F#

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

B Diminished also D, F, Ab

Hole               10 11 12
Blow, Slide Out  Ab   Ab   Ab
Blow, Slide In   Eb Gb   Eb Gb   Eb Gb
Draw, Slide Out  Db G Bb   Db Bb   Db Bb
Draw, Slide In   Ab   Ab   Ab
Pattern Key 1 B, D, F, Ab   2 C, Eb, F#, A   3 Db, E, G, Bb

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

C Diminished 16 Hole Chromatic

Hole               10 11 12   13 14 15 16
Blow, Slide Out  Eb Gb A   Eb Gb A   Eb Gb A   Eb Gb A
Blow, Slide In   Db G Bb   Db G Bb   Db G Bb   Db G Bb
Draw, Slide Out  Ab   Ab   Ab   Ab
Draw, Slide In   Eb Gb A   Eb Gb A   Eb Gb A   Eb Gb A
Pattern Key 1 C, Eb, F#, A   2 Db, F, G, Bb   3 D, F#, Ab, B    

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

B Diminished 16 Hole Chromatic

Hole               10 11 12   13 14 15 16
Blow, Slide Out  Ab   Ab   Ab   F Ab
Blow, Slide In   Eb Gb   C Eb Gb A   C Eb Gb A   C Eb Gb A
Draw, Slide Out  Db Bb   Db E Bb   Db E G Bb   Db E G Bb
Draw, Slide In   D F Ab B   D F Ab B   D F Ab B   D F Ab B
Pattern Key 1 B, D, F, Ab   2 C, Eb, Gb, A   3 Db, E, G, Bb    

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Bb Diminished 16 Hole Chromatic

Hole               10 11 12   13 14 15 16
Blow, Slide Out  Bb Db G   Bb Db   Bb Db   Bb  Db E G
Blow, Slide In   F Ab   B D F Ab   B D F Ab   B D F Ab
Draw, Slide Out  Eb Gb A   Eb Gb   Eb Gb   Eb Gb
Draw, Slide In   Db E G Bb   Db E G Bb   Db E G Bb   Db E G Bb
Pattern Key 1 Bb, Db, E, G   2 B, D, F, Ab   3 C, Eb, Gb, A    

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Lay of the Land on a C Diminished Chromatic

What isn't so obvious in the above charts, is the simple patterns repeated over each octave. For blow slide out, blow slide in, draw slide out, and doubling up on blow slide out: draw slide in, you'll see there are two shapes left to right: the first found at thrice for pattern 1 & 3, and twice for pattern two, two notes you play, and two notes you don't. The other which appears once for two patterns and twice for pattern 2, is three notes you play and one you don't. I've found this is a useful way to familiarise yourself with the patterns, and form a mental picture of it, regardless of key or which layout you use.

The following charts show each of the three patterns over three octaves of a C diminished 12 hole chromatic to illustrate what I mean.

C Diminished Pattern 1, key of C

Hole           10 11 12
Blow, Slide Out  Eb Gb A Eb Gb A Eb Gb A
Blow, Slide In   Db G Bb Db G Bb Db G Bb
Draw, Slide Out  Ab Ab Ab
Draw, Slide In   Eb Gb A Eb Gb A Eb Gb A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

C Diminished Pattern 2, key of Db

Hole           10 11 12
Blow, Slide Out  Eb Gb A Eb Gb A Eb Gb A
Blow, Slide In   Db G Bb Db G Bb Db G Bb
Draw, Slide Out  Ab Ab Ab
Draw, Slide In   Eb Gb A Eb Gb A Eb Gb A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

C Diminished Pattern 3, key of D

Hole           10 11 12
Blow, Slide Out  Eb Gb A Eb Gb A Eb Gb A
Blow, Slide In   Db G Bb Db G Bb Db G Bb
Draw, Slide Out  Ab Ab Ab
Draw, Slide In   Eb Gb A Eb Gb A Eb Gb A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Blues Progression Maps
for the
Diminished Chromatic Harmonica

1st Pattern
2nd Pattern
3rd Pattern
Blow b3 b5 6 1 b3
B.in   3 5 b7   3
Draw 2 4     2 4
D.in b3 b5 6 1 b3 b5
Blow     2 4         2
B.in 1 b3 b5 6 1 b3
Draw   3 5 b7   3
D.in 2 4     2 4
Blow b7   3 5 b7  
B.in   2 4     2
Draw 1 b3 b5 6 1 b3
D.in   3 5 b7   3
Blow 5 b7   3 5 b7
B.in     2 4    
Draw 6 1 b3 b5 6 1
D.in b7   3 5 b7  
Blow b5 6 1 b3 b5 6
B.in 5 b7   3 5 b7
Draw     2 4    
D.in 6 1 b3 b5 6 1
Blow 4     2 4  
B.in b5 6 1 b3 b5 6
Draw 5 b7   3 5 b7
D.in     2 4    
Blow 4   2 4
B.in b5 6 1 b3 b5 6
Draw 5 b7   3 5 b7
D.in   2 4  
Blow 3 5 b7   3 5
B.in 4     2 4  
Draw b5 6 1 b3 b5 6
D.in 5 b7   3 5 b7
Blow b3 b5 6 1 b3 b5
B.in 3 5 b7   3 5
Draw 4     2 4  
D.in b5 6 1 b3 b5 6

For further information about Diminished tuning read Diminished Introduction and Diminished Layouts


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