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How to Create a Web-page with HMTL

To create a web-page you have to familiarize yourself with HMTL codes (HyperText Markup Language), which is by far widely used language in the internet. There are numerous type of tools available in the market, which one to use depends on your budget and your goal. Our approach to web-page creation is simple and basic. You don't need to confuse yourself with so many complicated stuff. Simplicity is the answer, when you are ready to expand your knowledge, then we will provide you and refer you to a more advanced learning tools.

To simplify matters you can use the following as an editing tool, Microsoft Word or Corel Word Perfect and save your file as text or web-page (HMTL). These tools enables you to view your file as HMTL code or view the page itself. Another means of creating a web-page is to use the tools provided by some websites. For example, Yahoo Geocities provides you with free web hosting and there are two (2) types of editing tool available - Advanced or Basic HMTL editor. There is a file manager used to download files to your website. You can research about getting a free website by checking out Yahoo's Geocities.

A basic web-page consist of the following HMTL codes:



<TITLE>A Simple HTML Example</TITLE> 




<H1>HTML is Easy To Learn</H1> 

<P>Welcome to the world of HTML. This is the first paragraph. While short it is still a paragraph!</P> 

<P>And this is the second paragraph.</P> 




You can cut and paste this code to your editor (Notepad, MS-Word), replace the high-lighted text you'd like to publish, save the file as text and your good to go. This is just a basic text based web-page.

Definition of the following Markup Tags

This element tells your browser that the file contains HTML-coded information. The file extension .html also indicates this as HTML document and must be used (e.g., index.html)

The head element identifies the first part of your document that contains the title. The title is shown as part of your browser's window (see below).

The title element contains your document title and identifies its content. The title is typically displayed in the title bar at the top of the browser window. A title is used to identify your page for search engines (such as Yahoo!, Netscape, MSN, HotBot or Infoseek).

For example, you might shorten the title: Web Page Creation Guide. The name must always briefly describe your website. Generally the title must be 64 characters or less.

The second and biggest part of your HTML document is the body. It contains the content of your document (displayed within the text area of your browser). The tags below are used within the body of your HTML document.

Headings (H1)
HTML has six levels of headings, numbered 1 through 6, with 1 being the largest. Headings are displayed in larger or bolder fonts than normal body text. The first heading in each document should be tagged <H1>, but not always.

The syntax of the heading element is:
<Hx>Text of heading </Hx>
where x is a number between 1 and 6 specifying the level of the heading.

In the example shown above (Basic web-page) the HTML Document section, the first paragraph is coded as

<P>Welcome to the world of HTML.
This is the first paragraph.
While short it is
still a paragraph!</P>

In the source file there is a line break between the sentences. A Web browser ignores this line break and starts a new paragraph only when it encounters another <P> tag.

Important: You must indicate paragraphs with <P> elements. A browser ignores any indentations or blank lines in the source text. Without <P> elements, the document becomes one large paragraph.

To retain simplicity in your HTML files, put headings on separate lines, use a blank line or two where it helps identify the start of a new section, and separate paragraphs with blank lines (in addition to the <P> tags). These extra spaces will help you when you edit your files (but your browser will ignore the extra spaces because it has its own set of rules on spacing that do not depend on the spaces you put in your source file).

*NOTE: The </P> closing tag may be omitted. This is because browsers understand that when they encounter a <P> tag, it means that the previous paragraph has ended. However, since HTML now allows certain attributes to be assigned to the <P> tag, it's generally a good idea to include it.

Using the <P> and </P> as a paragraph container means that you can center a paragraph by including the ALIGN=alignment attribute in your source file.


This is a centered paragraph.

This is the right aligned paragraph.

The ALIGN=LEFT is the default alignment; if no ALIGN attribute is included, the paragraph will default to the left.

Now, these are just basic instruction to develop your own web-page. If you are ready, follow my suggested link to websites that provide you with more information. This will help to increase your knowledge and shorten your learning curve. There are many information available in the internet. It just a matter of choosing the one best suited to your needs. If you have any questions, please address it to,

Related links:


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