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The Cave
Monday, 12 November 2007
Burning up the house!
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Don't Cha

Well, we are cooking our 25 pound turkey and we are smoking up the house.  The fire alarm has gone off twice so far, so we covered it up with a plastic bag and turned all the fans on in the house so  we can get the smoke out of the house.  

I also can not go to college because they want my transcripts, and I can't get them from morrisville because I still owe them money, however I am dissapointed, but this just means I can take more Belly Dancing classes!  I am already taking a Turkish, Egyptian mix with one instructor and I am going to be taking Romani/Gypsy starting in January as well as my Turkish/ Egyptian mix.  Well Namaste!

Posted by mt/neon at 5:21 PM CST
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Saturday, 10 November 2007
Welcome to the Cave!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Staind

Welcome to the cave, my newest blog, that friends and family can keep up with me.  The latest news in the cave is that Doppler, can now go outside with out a leash! this is very exciting for both Tim and I.  It makes taking him outside easier.  Also I have my new website up called Heidi's Sacred Space, it's still in the works, so just please be patient as I put more content on the page.  thanks and I have to go to a faculty party now, so Namaste!


Posted by mt/neon at 6:37 PM CST
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