Microzyma Home Page

My Favorite things about Microzymian Philosophy:

Where I Get Some of My Ideas:

NATURAL ENERGY WORKS, where I got The Blood and Its Third Anatomical Element.
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My poem about the microzymas.
Webpage M3 -- Continuation of this page (Webpage M1).

". . . that which characterizes the fact of a living organization is not essentially, as the naturalists of the schools still believe, the establishment of the existence of some organ, of some structure, nor of some movements more or less spontaneous or voluntary in any living being whatever, or such as a microzyma, molecular granulation or lactic yeast, or such as a vibrionien; but the properties of producing and secreting zymases, each according to its nature or species; to produce or determine the chemico-physiological phenomena of transformation called fermentation, which are acts of nutrition, that is to say, of digestion, followed by absorption, assimilation, disassimilation, and so forth, and at last to reproduce itself if all conditions dependent upon nutrition are fulfilled."

-------------------from Bechamp, Antoine, The Blood and Its Third Anatomical Element. London: John Ouseley Limited, 1912, p. 43. Translated by Montague R. Leverson, M.D., Ph.D.

04-13-03 Sunday: This is something I should have added a long time ago, from a memo I wrote to somebody:

The website is not clear, but it is about my activities at the Park Slope Food Co-Op, the Microzymas, and the Show. My Anti-Medicine crusade is not mentioned directly, only obliquely through the Microzymas.

In the late Nineteenth Century microbiology was just emerging from chemistry (in most ways it still hasn't emerged). There still wasn't any organic chemistry or biochemistry. The discussion was about spontaneous generation and fermentation, and the two were linked. It was believed that life arose spontaneously or from cellular organisms in the air (a little known-fact: Louis Pasteur was for a long time a believer in spontaneous generation!). Bechamp disproved both ideas. He and his colleagues were much more thorough and better trained scientists than Pasteur and his government researchers.

A lot of the controversy came through the cell theory vs. the microzymian theory of life, and this is where Pages M1 and M3 of the website pick up (you can only reach M3 by opening this page [M1]). I hope this hasty explanation is useful to you.

The connection to modern American orthodox official establishment medicine is that if the cell theory is not true, the germ theory is doubly not true. So much of American medicine is based on the idea that one type of cell is associated with each particular disease, that if this were not true the whole stack of cards would fall. Well, many people did not believe in the germ theory then (including the great Florence Nightingale and the brilliant Ethel Douglas Hume) and still do not believe in it today.

"If germs do not cause disease, what does?" is a question that takes a long time to answer. I have been working on it for more than ten years and unfortunately I am not a trained biologist, but it is still worth the effort because it is so important. It is difficult to see any answer to this question because we are inured almost from birth with the neat little picture of the "germ," which we tried to indicate in one of my shows (I have a video). This is an oversimplification that caught on with the public and has been plaguing us ever since with half-truths, the worst plague of the mind that is imaginable! Even Pasteur, on his deathbed, said that it was the organism, not the germ, that was most important in the cause and cure of disease.

The Microzymas are in the cells and outside the cells, in the body and outside the body, they are in the earth, they are in the sky, they are in the sea, they survive (although they may be changed) when the cells and the body dies. They are seen to reproduce, and they are seen to clump together and produce cells. They "roll upon the wave, [They] scroll through the skies:" see Poem in the list of links above. They may be in the genes; they may be the genes (chromatin granules). Whatever they are they are soft, they are poetic, they are difficult compared to the simplicity of having an "enemy," they are a gentle way of answering the vicious myths behind American Medicine, and for these and other reasons they are close to my heart, and I hope you will like them too!

Clear as mud? But still, I hope this assists you.

Best wishes, and many thanks for listening

----------------- :) ----------- Albert.

Today, 07-16-2000, I have a new book on pleomorphic organisms, not a very deep discussion so far but I have only read a few of the articles; anyway it is available for only about $19.50 including postage from:

Holger N.I.S. Inc.
12 Denby Road
Port Dover, Ontario
N0A 1N4

Of course, without quoting the title and author of the book, which are Pleomorphic Microbes In Health and Disease: Proceedings of the First International Symposium, June 18-19, 1999. Edited by Gitte S. Jensen, Ph.D. and held in the Strathcona Building at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Enough for now. Sorry for such a sketchy report, but I'll be reading on.

New stuff 12/26/00: I have expanded my view of the Microzymas both by looking into Pleomorphic Organisms and by looking into Wilhelm Reich and his theories. The Microzymas may be just one phase of a sixteen-or-so phase process which pleomorphic organisms go through when in a rich (or poor--I don't remember which) environment. I will type more with the book in front of me (Aids, Cancer, and the Medical Establishment by Raymond Keith Brown), about the best thing in Alternative Medicine going for my money!!!

Raymond Keith Brown, M.D. worked at Sloane-Kettering at the time of the Ralph Moss/ Sugiura/ Laetrile coverup, and he is quite a guy. Book available on Barnes and Noble, Etc.

Today [date of origin of the website--November, 1999], after unexpectedly having a good time on Thanksgiving Day, two days ago, I had three blessings in the mail. One a check, which was only a paycheck, but it is so long since I have received any of those that each one is a sad but welcome miracle . . . Two, a lovely photograph of myself sent by Rolando, the East Side Artspirit, and Three, the 1912 English translation of "The Blood and Its Third Anatomical Element." I love to get things in the mail, but I almost never do!

There is a website that contains excerpts from this book, but it is incomplete; still I will post it as soon as I can, and I apologize that these links are not here yet. I have a letter from the New York Public Library (which tried to get the book for me on interlibrary loan) suggesting that the donor libary had changed its mind about sending the book. Now I have this lovingly Xeroxed, bound copy for only $23 including postage and handling. The provider of this copy is called NATURAL ENERGY WORKS, and I am putting their website on the list right now. Of course, having the copy doesn't mean I'll be any better off than having the partial version, because of my ignorance of Microbiology and lack of education in science in general. But yet I am determined to go on with this study project, and so the help of anyone conversant with these matters, and sympathetic to the cause of Progressive Medicine, would and will be much appreciated. The hope for such assistance and collaboration is one of the major inspirations of this Web page.

Continued on Webpage M3 -- See list of links.

This page last revised 04/13/2003.