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Michael Ganz'z Home

I have updated a few things and added a link or two. Check out the Spider-Link. I 'high'-ly recommend it. My Gorilla page is alive and well, my Alfa page is getting better and better every day, and I added a page with several of my favorite quotes on it.

The Features of My Site...... behold

"The Mustang Scene," by Michael Ganz. It's a short story i wrote using pictures to capture the moment as it happened. I'm getting rid of this soon because it's old already.

My Car Gallery - Some Rare and Cool ALFA's

I am still fascinated with Gorillas. Check it out if you haven't already

A few of my favorite Quotes

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McGill University Homepage

Some links I dig-(check out the new spider link)

NEW - Nasa Spider Tests - Interesting and Amusing
Ben's Luxury Homepage
Emil's Page of WHAM!!!
Warren... The man, the myth, the legend. (Check out the Hellmanisms, i was in that class too)
Saul's HomePage-ocity!!!!!
My Genetics Course (basically the whole thing online)
