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4 T Antler Artistry

Antler Information

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Antlers are naturally shed by deer, elk, moose and caribou. They are bony outgrowths that develop from, and are attached to, the top of the skull. While antlers are growing they are covered by a furry skin covering called velvet. The growing antlers and the velvet are supplied with oxygen and nutrients by a network of blood vessels. Growth and hardening of the antlers is completed in late July or August.

In August, increased production of testosterone cuts off the blood supply to the antlers and velvet. The velvet dies, dries up, and peels away. Further removal of velvet from antlers occurs during the rut. Among the testosterone-induced rut activities of the male, which begin in late August or September, is the thrashing of antlers against sapling trees and shrubs which rubs off the velvet and polishes the antlers while staining them.

The reduced daylight of winter diminishes testosterone production, this causes the shedding of antlers. Mature males shed them in February-March and younger males may retain theirs until May. New antlers begin to grow within days after old ones drop.




Cancer researchers have studied the antler, attempting to identify a relationship between tumor growth and the astonishing growth rate seen in antlers.

Antlers are the fastest growing tissue known in the world.

Caribou males and females both grow antlers, this is the only member of the deer family that this occurs.

Horn and antler are not the same, true antler is calcified tissue. Horn, found on sheep, goat antelope and buffalo, are actually hairs growing off the head of these animals and "mold" into the form of the horn.

An adult moose can carry a 60 pound set of antlers.

Antler is a renewable resource and shed-horn hunting is a common activity throughout the world, providing antlers to many markets without causing harm to the animal.
