The Substitute's Lesson


Cera woke slowly from her restless night.. thinking to herself, what a bad dream.. then she moaned softly as she sat up.. oh god.. it was a dream wasn’t it?? she rushes to the mirror, turning quickly and moans out loud as she sees the remnants of the angry welts on her ass.. it wasn’t a dream! Some how he had known.. how did he know???  It had been her first day to substitute in the class.. he had come in late.. been so quiet yet his eyes watched every move that she had made.. when she had called on him, he just sat there and looked at her.. a smirk on his face as if he knew a secret about her.. then when she told him to stay after class.. god help her.. shaking herself, she vows not to think about it.. even though her every move causes her ass to ache and remind her.. no no no!!  shame filling her and she sits on the bed trembling.. then resolves that today will be different.. she will control the situation.. she will not let him get inside her head again.

she  gets dressed quickly, this time making sure she wears her panties.. damn!!  Why do all her panties and bras have to be tiny lacey things?? Can she help it if she likes the way they make her feel??  Damn him!!!  now he is making her question even her clothing.. she wont let him do this to her.. reaching into her drawer and finding her black lace garter and stockings, matching bra and thong.. she will show him.. he can’t intimidate her!  her confidence restored she dresses quickly in a black suit with the knee length skirt, adding her favorite emerald green blouse. Her power suit she called it.  slipping into her shoes she takes a look in the mirror.. oh no.. she couldn’t wear her hair down.. looked too soft.. she rushed to the bathroom and pulled it back in a twist and clipped it with a single clip.. her makeup light she glances once again in the mirror.. holding her head up high and shoulders back.. taking a deep breath.. control Cera.. control.. you have it.. and wont let him take it again.  Picking up her purse and briefcase she heads off to the school.

 Cera enters the classroom early.. hoping to settle her nerves and pounding heartbeat before the students arrive..  her hands trembling.. she shakes them out.. ok Cera.. get a grip here.. he is just a man.. nothing special.. and you wont let him get to you again.. taking deep breaths, she calms just in time as the students start to arrive.. she begins to write up on the board the assignment for the day.. reaching for the chalk.. her fingers stopping and shaking as she touches the pointer.. closing her eyes tight.. slamming her fist on the board.. no! stop thinking!.. instantly realizing what she did, she smiles and excuses her behavior to the students that have arrived already.. laughing it off that she just forgot to bring her lunch again.. they all laughed and took their seats.. the bell rang.. he wasn’t here.. he doesn’t have the nerve to show up here after what he did last night.. not realizing that in her subconscious she was hurt that he wasn’t there.. trembling.. she started the lesson for the day.. half way thru the class, she turned her back to the class as she wrote up on the board some new facts for them.. not hearing the back door as she wrote and spoke.. turning to the class and beginning to explain what she wrote, she instantly stops mid sentence as her eyes are instantly drawn to the dark commanding eyes, smiling knowingly at her from the back of the room.. she begins to tremble inwardly.. but then berates herself..  shakes herself out of her stupor.. and apologizes continuing where she left off.. trying desperately to ignore him for the moment.. control Cera.. control..  Mr. Nichols.. we are very glad you could bring yourself to finally join us.. but since you were late you will have to make up the work you missed after class.. that voice.. so quiet.. so strong.. a smirk on his face.. I was counting on it teach..  seething, she sits in her chair and slams her fist against her leg to calm herself.. no one seeing her shake.  Pull yourself together!! He is just a man.. nothing more.. you are in control this time!  Cera stands and finishes the lesson for the day.. ignoring Mr. Nichols at the back of the room as best she could.. she felt his eyes on her constantly.. those knowing eyes.. those beautiful blue.. stop it!!!   she hurriedly writes the homework assignment on the board.. answering any questions as the bell rings.. smiling and telling the students bye and see you tomorrow as they all parade from the room.. when she turns back, the room is empty.. she smiles to herself.. ha! He is to chicken to show his face in here!.. feeling rather confident she sits at her desk and writes the plan for the next several days.. not realizing how long she had worked till the janitor and his leering eyes pokes his head in the door.. she shivers at the disgusting tone in his voice as he asks if she was going to be staying late again like yesterday.. turning a bright shade of red.. her embarrassment at him hearing and seeing her last night overwhelming her .. feeling like she cant breathe.. she takes several deep breaths ..and again tries to shake it off.. trying to gain the control she knew she had somewhere inside her.. she turns and glares at him defiantly.. that is none of your business.. but so you will know when you can clean up this room I will be leaving shortly.. she turns back to her lesson, dismissing him..  suddenly from the back of the room.. tsk tsk.. such a haughty little bitch, teach.. think we need to work on that..  her heart instantly stopped.. she forgot to breathe.. gasping when her lungs started to protest.. she closes her eyes trying to gain control again.. grasping her hands to stop their shaking.. taking a deep breath she opens her eyes.. Mr. Nichols, you have disrupted this class for the last time.. if you cant get to class on time or turn in your assignments then I will just have to fail you.. she smiled at herself thinking how confident and strong she felt.. she wasn’t going to let him get to her today..  she watched as he walked to the front of the room.. taking a seat right in front of her desk.. I see we didn’t learn much yesterday.. shut the door teach.. her eyes flaring in protest.. Mr. Nichols.. I don’t know what you think you know from yesterday.. but I am here to tell you it will NOT happen again! I am not a simpering little girl that you can boss around! I … do it now teach or not only the janitor, but anyone else that walks by will see that wet pussy you have under that skirt.. she opens her mouth again in protest, but before she can get a word out, his commanding voice stops her.. NOW.. staring at him she slowly stands.. then stomps to the door slamming it shut.. I am only closing it so that I can give you a piece of my mind without anyone else hearing, so don’t think you can boss me around!  Before she can turn around, he is there behind her.. his body a breath away as his hands come up on either side of her head.. you were saying teach?.. her breathing quickening.. her chest lifting quickly with each breath.. she couldn’t speak.. no matter how hard she tried.. his breath so close she could feel it warm against her neck.. giving her goose bumps up and down her spine..  nice suit.. still trying to hide the hot little slut inside I see.. he sees the slight shiver at his words.. smiling wickedly.. knowing..  taking a deep breath.. her voice strong.. Mr. Nichols.. kindly step back and let me pass..  he drops his arms but doesn’t move away.. smiling at her as he sees the wariness in her eyes.. taking a deep breath she turns to him and defiantly looks up into his eyes.. so close to her.. their bodies only a breath apart.. with each breath she takes her breasts lift to barely touch his shirt.. her eyes challenging him.. I am going to tell you this only once Mr. Nichols.. you are mistaken in you opinion of me.. and what happened last night will never happen again.. so you might as well get that thru your thick head right now!  Smiling at her with a wicked gleam as he leans his body into hers.. letting her feel his cock thru their clothing.. It is thick remember.. if you are so sure I am wrong.. then why are your panties soaking wet right now? .. she opens her mouth to protest.. her face turning all shades of red.. opening her mouth to protest once again but stopped short … that is if you are wearing any today.. such a naughty little teacher not wearing panties yesterday.. shall we take a look to find out? His hand on her skirt inching it up as he speaks.. she closes her eyes and grabs at her skirt.. no!! you can’t do this! I wont let you! My panties are none of your concern!  Stumbling.. stammering for words as suddenly.. not knowing how he got there.. his fingers were at her pussy.. rubbing against the soaking wet lace barely covering her.. she whimpers softly in protest as his fingers rub against her clit.. he leans forward and whispers against her ear.. such a little liar you are teach.. I bet if I pressed on your clit right now you would cum wouldn’t you? Not able to speak she whimpers and shakes her head no.. instantly.. at the same time.. he presses on her clit with his fingers and tells her now.. her body immediately spasms out of control as she cums hard whimpering and shaking.. gasping for breath as her hands come up and grab his arms for support..  she hears his laugh.. her face brightening with shame.. as she tries to catch her breath she whispers back breathlessly thru gritted teeth.. you bastard.. he laughs again.. that isn’t what you will be calling me by the end of the night bitch.. he steps away with a knowing smile.. and she looks at him puzzled until she feels the cool air on her legs as her skirt falls and pools at her feet.. she gasps.. trying to bend and pick it up to cover herself.. he laughs at her.. leave it.. she bends trying to get it anyway.. I said leave it.. the tone in his voice freezing her.. she raises back up and stands before him.. shutting her eyes as a shiver washes over her.. the blouse.. take it off.. now.. opening her mouth to speak.. NOW… her eyes lowered.. not able to look up at his knowing eyes.. her fingers reach for the buttons of her blouse.. slipping them one by one thru the holes till the blouse falls open.. taking a deep breath, she slips it from her shoulders letting it fall to the floor with her skirt.. a soft whistle.. look at the prim and proper teacher now… she reaches out instinctively to slap his face but he captures her hand before it strikes him.. she sees the anger flare in his eyes and trembles visibly.. that will cost you teach.. guess I am just going to have to show you who is Master here.. grabbing her other arm, he holds them in one hand tight.. the other digging in his pocket for the rope he had there.. quickly tying them together.. noticing the hooks in the ceiling that hold the maps he pulls her protesting body toward them.. pulling her arms up over her head he stretches her on her toes and hooks her tied wrists on one of the hooks.. stepping back he watches her try to pull herself down.. ranting at him to let her down.. stop this immediately!  He just laughs and reaches forward.. pinching a hard nipple thru the lacey material as hard as he can till she whimpers for him.. he laughs as her eyes close and her body trembles.. Now tell me teach.. what kind of prim and proper teacher wears such sexy lingerie? Yesterday no panties at all.. today a garter belt.. wonder what you will be wearing tomorrow.. guess I will just have to wait and see.. laughing as she tries to protest and pull her arms down.. there will be no tomorrow.. and you let me down this instant!  You are a bastard!!  Let me down!!  Suddenly she feels a tight tug on her panties and gasps as they are suddenly ripped from her.. he wads them up and shoves them in her mouth.. tying another rope around her mouth so that she can’t spit it out.. now, until you change bastard to Master we will leave that in there.. taste your cum on those soaked panties bitch.. such a little slut aren’t you?.. he moves in closer till she feels his hot breath on her cheek.. his fingers diving between her thighs.. aren’t you?.. she wants to scream no but all that comes out is a muffled whimper around the panties in her mouth.. tasting herself on them.. hating herself for the rush of pleasure coursing thru her body.. hating the tickle of her juices now dripping down her thighs.. hating that knowing laugh of his.. standing to the side of her, he lets his hand graze over her naked ass.. smiling as he sees the soft red lines and the bruises from yesterday.. laughing again at her as she presses instinctively back into his hand.. such a little slut.. you want and need to be whipped.. and you know you deserve it for your behavior.. you know, I think the janitor needs to come in here and watch this time.. you were not very nice to him.. it is only right that he be here.. her eyes wide and pleading as she begs him no.. her words muffled around the panties.. he just smiles and walks to the door.. knowing Tom is standing just on the other side trying to listen and see.. he laughs as he opens the door and Tom stammers to explain his presence.. it’s ok Tom, our teacher here is just about to learn a hard lesson.. and since she was so rude to you earlier I thought you should be here to witness it.  shutting the door behind himself, Tom follows Mr. Nichols in the room.. whistling as he sees the haughty teacher all trussed up and hanging from the ceiling.. Cera closes her eyes.. keeping her head down.. she squirms on her toes and pushes her legs together.. trying to turn away from the eyes devouring her body.. who would have thought the prim teacher wore those under that suit.. Tom takes his time looking her over.. then takes the seat in front of her that Mr. Nichols was offering him.. Tony walks over to Cera.. his fingers reaching up and unhooking her bra, tearing the straps from her arms despite her muffled protests.. tossing it to Tom.. here Tom.. a little souvenir for your troubles tonight... Cera wont be needing it.. his fingers instantly pinch her hard nipples as she tries to protest again.. laughing.. his other hand finding her pussy.. damn, teach.. you sure are wet.. I would say you are enjoying this .. laughing again as she shakes her head no.. he steps back.. letting her watch and listen as he pulls his thick leather belt from his jeans.. going to be begging again soon aren’t you slut?  Shaking her head no over and over.. such a naughty little slut.. he walks around her.. slowly.. this what you need bitch?? CRACKKKKKKKKKKK the belt landing hard and fast against her already bruised ass.. CRACKKKKKKKK CRACKKKKKKKKKK CRACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK CRACKKKKKKKKKKK  he hears her muffled screams thru the panties.. but notices how her feet dance around.. then instantly lift and raise her ass for more.. reaching between her thighs she squeezes her legs together still trying to fight him.. he laughs as he brings his wet fingers out dripping with her cum.. look here Tom.. I don’t know about you.. but I would say she wants more.. he wipes her cum on her lips.. letting her feel and smell herself.. she tries to turn her head.. no no no!!!  screaming out around the panties as the belt lands against her thighs.. CRACKKKKKKKKKK CRACKKKKKKKKKKKK CRACKKKKKKKK CRACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK he watches her body carefully.. notices everything .. how she dances on her toes.. how she lifts up on them and pushes her ass back for each new sting across her ass.. her nipples hard begging.. her thighs parting.. he smiles as he sees her juices flowing freely down her thighs.. yes.. he knows her well.. what she needs.. what she wants.. CRACKKKKKKKKK CRACKKKKKKKKKK CRACKKKKKKKKK CRACKKKKKK CRACKKKKKKKKKK his own breathing ragged as he whips her hard.. fast.. knowing and giving her what she needs.. seeing the flaming bruises welts covering her ass and thighs..  Cera’s cries and whimpers muffled by the panties.. gasping and panting for breath.. her whole body on fire.. awash with the pleasure.. her own mind finally giving in as the belt rains down giving her what she needs.. wishing she could spit out the panties and beg him for more.. her tears streaming down her cheeks.. he knows her so well.. better then she knows herself.. oh god.. she knows now that he is right.. she is a slut.. she needs him to whip her.. she needs what only he can give her.. he notices the change in her body smiling to himself .. then walks over to the chalkboard and picks up the pointer he left there yesterday.. he turns back noticing Tom sitting in front of Cera stroking his hard meaty cock.. look what you have done slut?  You have Tom all hard.. and me too for that matter.. he walks up behind her.. hearing her moan as the scratchy rough material of his jeans rubs against her enflamed ass when he presses his cock into her.. whispering in her ear so that only she can hear him.. what does my little slut want? Does she want both these hard cocks? If you are a good girl then maybe you will get them slut.. but you know what you have to do if you want them.. smiling at her he sees her eyes closing.. she knows she must beg.. not sure if she can.. hating herself for wanting to.. yet knowing.. knowing it is what she will do.. because she needs to.. he steps back chuckling at the range of emotions rushing thru her eyes.. the belt in one hand.. the pointer in the other.. spread your legs bitch.. she hesitates.. then closes her eyes and steps out.. opening her legs for him.. look at that lovely pussy Tom.. would you have ever guessed she shaves it? laughing as Tom just strokes harder.. staring at the shaved wet swollen pussy in front of him.. don’t waste that cum this time Tom.. he chuckles.. lets put it to good use in a few minutes.. Cera still has a bit more of her lessons to learn.. crackkkkkkkk  Cera screams as the belt lands hard on her nipples.. gasping around the panties in her mouth.. shivering .. yet she turns to him.. looking up in his eyes.. her own green ones pleading.. begging.. her need so strong she would do anything to cum.. crackkkkkkkkkkk  once again she screams as the belt lands across her nipples.. he watches as she shivers.. smiling.. knowing how close she is.. simultaneously he tells her NOW as he cracks the belt over her clit.. crackkkkkkkkkkkkkk she screams out.. her body violently shaking as her cum drips from her body.. waves of pleasure taking her.. screaming as she cums hard.. crackkkkkkkkkk over and over.. crackkkkkkkkkkk with each new sting of the belt she cums again..  whoooooooshhh CRACKKKKKKK she dances on her toes as the cane lands across her ass.. lifting her ass.. her pleas muffled by the panties.. whooooshhhhh CRACKKKKKKK what is it slut??? What do you want??? Whooooshhhhhh CRACKKKKKKK he walks to her.. quickly untying the rope around her head.. pulling the panties from her mouth.. she gasps and cries out.. her throat dry as she tries to beg him.. pppplleaseee pleaseeee oh god.. pleaseeeee??? Please what teach??  Please whipppp this slut!!!!!! Harder!!! More!!!!! Please let her cum!!!! She will do anything.. just please.. she neeeeeeds!!! Whoooshhhh CRACKKKK whooshhhh CRACKKKKK NOW BITCH! Whoooooshhhh CRACKKKKKKK crackkkkkkkk whooooshhhh CRACKKKKK crackkkkkkk whoooshhhhhh CRACKKKKK alternating the pointer and the belt on her ass and clit and nipples.. her whole body a screaming, violently shaking mass as she hangs from the ceiling.. cum spilling from her body dripping on the floor.. tears streaming down her face ..her face that of ecstasy as she cums harder then she ever has in her life.. who knows this body slut?  Gasping she tries to answer.. You do Sir.. YOU!!  Who owns this body slut?  Whimpering.. her body shaking as another wave takes her.. screaming out.. YOU SIR..  what would you do for me slut?  Gasping .. desperate.. ANYTHING SIR!! Oh god pleaseeeeeeeee?????  Whooooshhhhh CRACKKKKKKK hitting her as hard as he knows she can take.. cutting into the already welted bruised flesh of her ass.. NOW!  Watching as her body convulses with pleasure.. shaking .. gasping ..crying out.. screaming with her cum.. not caring about anyone or anything but him and the pleasure he brings her.. he reaches up and pulls her from the hook.. her limp body falling into his arms still trembling and shaking with pleasure.. despite his roughness he helps her to the desk taking the time to rub her wrists gently.. laying her over the short side of the desk.. now teach.. you are going to suck Tom’s cock.. while I fuck this hot little ass of yours.. gasping for breath all she can say is yes.. yes… yes.. anything.. he leans down to her ear.. squeezing her ass with his hand making her moan and cry out.. yes what my little slut?? Yyyyeesssss Master!!!  He smiles.. pats her ass such a good girl.. now what do you want slave?  I want your cock in my ass Sir!! I need you to fuck this little slut!!   .. what else slave? .. oh god.. please Sir.. please I want Tom’s cock.. I want to suck it.. I want to taste his cum.. please Sir can I have his cum??  No bitch.. I don’t think you deserve his cum the way you treated him earlier.. Tom.. let her suck you then cum all over her face like the naughty slut she is.. whimpering softly she lifts her face to Tom.. imploring him to come to her.. just as she lifts her ass high as she raises up on her toes.. please Master? Please?  Tom moves forward.. his cock right at her lips.. and moans as she devours him hungrily.. both men laugh at seeing the haughty teacher so hungry for their cocks..  Tony reaching between her legs.. her thighs parting further for him.. coating his fingers with her cum and smearing it over her tight asshole pushing his fingers inside her to wet her all over.. as well as to open her up loving her muffled whimpers around Tom’s cock as she pushes back against his fingers.. he grabs a handful of her hair.. pulling out his fingers.. then leans in closer.. is this what you want slave??..  without warning he plunges his thick hard cock deep in her ass.. she screams around Tom’s cock.. biting down on him unintentionally.. at his moan and the sudden slap to her cheek she realizes what she did and begins to suck again.. gasping around his cock as she sucks him harder.. faster.. in rhythm with her Master’s cock as he begins to fuck her hard.. fast.. pounding into her.. pulling her head up with a handful of her hair so that Tom can fuck her mouth.. aarrghhhhhh  I’m about to cum.. Tom moans pulling out of her mouth and pumps once and begins to shoot hot streams of cum all over her face.. her cheeks.. her lips.. her chin.. her mouth open as she tries to capture any that she can on her tongue.. she screams out as her Master’s cock pounds into her ass.. so big.. so tight.. pleaseeeeeeeeeee????? She begs him over and over… please what slut??  Pleaseeee let this slut cummmmm please give her your cummmmmm pleaseeeeeeee????? Who do you belong to bitch?  YOU Master!! Who does your body belong to?  YOU Master!!  Who does your cum belong to?  YOU Master!!! Please??????  NOW slave!!!!  Pounding in her.. pulling back on her hair.. he grunting and moaning as he fills her tight ass with cum.. pounding into her with each pulse.. her own body shaking violently as she cums hard over and over. .screaming out his name MASTERRRR MASTERRRR MASTERRRR!!!!!!!!! One last hard thrust and they both are spent.. gasping for breath..  he pulls out of her.. smiling as the cum oozes out of her tight little hole..  smiles as he looks down at her soft beautiful tear streaked face.. he reaches over and pets her.. smoothing her hair as she rests.. that’s it slave.. rest for a second.. he smiles at Tom who pushes his now limp cock back in his pants.. feeling rather smug he picks up the broom he had.. guess I’ll be cleaning up this mess too.. laughing as he sees all the cum on the floor.. that’s alright Tom.. Cera will get it.. Tom looks to Tony knowingly.. smiling.. yes Sir.. you just stay as long as you want and need Sir.. no one else will bother you.. I’ll make sure of it.. smiling as he walks out the door.. shutting it behind him..  Master comes up to her ..standing in front of her head.. clean me now slave.. her head weak, but she manages to raise her head.. instantly obeying him.. her lips opening and licking and cleaning his cock.. he strokes her hair.. such a good little slave you are going to be teach.. smiling down at her as she cleans him stroking her hair softly.. now get down on the floor.. you have more clean up to do.. as he points to the cum on the floor.. both Tom’s and hers from earlier.. she obeys him once again.. not even questioning.. just doing because she knows it is what he wants.. wanting to give him anything he wants.. whatever will please him.. slipping to her knees.. licking up all the cum she can find.. then sitting back on her knees.. her body bruised.. welted.. yet so very alive.. looking up at him.. then lowering her eyes.. how can this slave please you Master?  Laughing he looks down at her.. such a good little slave now.. just needed a few lessons.. well I think you will need more slave.. don’t think you are completely tame yet.. you had better be here after class again tomorrow.. we are going to need some extra tutoring to get you in shape.  He cups her face.. then leans down and kisses her hard.. then he picks up her skirt again as he had yesterday.. ahhhh another trophy.. grinning as he walks out the door.. chuckling.. see you tomorrow teach.


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