The Ride of Her Life

Cera sat at the table all by herself, her four friends having left already.  They had all gotten together at the bar for a drink to celebrate her friend Kim's promotion.  Cera had decided to stay a little while longer and have another drink, she knew it was getting late, but she figured one more wouldn't hurt.  Suddenly she felt the tingle run along her spine again for what seemed like the hundredth time that night.  She didn't understand why she had kept shivering all night; it was almost a shiver of excitement, yet she couldn't figure out why. Cera looked around to see if anyone had left a door open, although she knew it wasn’t cold outside.  She wondered if anyone else had noticed a chill in the room.   All the other patrons were having a great time, talking and laughing.  No one seemed to be shivering as she was.  And then, without warning, her eyes met the most beautiful, dark piercing eyes she had ever seen.  She couldn't seem to pull away.  He commanded her attention.  

Another shiver.  

Was it him?  Thinking she was being silly, Cera tried to look away, but he drew her to him like a moth to a flame.  He was extremely handsome, his sexual appeal sending shivers through her body like a lightning bolt.  Damn, how could she have missed him before now?  Did he just come in, or has he been here all night?  She shivered again.  Was he the reason for her shivers?  Cera shook her head and turned away.   She sat trembling, her mind racing, squirming in her chair.   It was then she noticed how wet her panties were, and had been all night.  My god, she thought, I only looked at him.  She took a long sip of her drink, feeling it run like hot lava down her throat, marveling at the fact that her throat was now burning just as much as she was between her thighs.  

Cera closed her eyes tight.  What in the hell made her think of that??  She continued to sit there with her eyes closed, thinking it must be the drinks and debating with herself that she should get up and walk out.  That was exactly what she had decided to do, except that when she opened her eyes, her vision was filled by his presence.   

Cera was speechless, her heart was pounding and her breathing was ragged.  He just sat there with those piercing eyes and an, 'I know your thoughts' look on his face, one that instantly stirred her.  Without a word she quickly stood up to leave, but before she could take one step, quick as lightning his hand wrapped around her wrist with a vice like grip, and he said only one word.  


Cera's body was suddenly in flames, trembling just from the single word.  She couldn't move.  From the point of contact of his hand on her wrist, a million electrical shocks shot through her body.  As quietly as possible for her to hear above the noise, she heard him say, "Sit, or I will make you kneel right here in the bar."  Her eyes flashed.  Cera turned to look at him and tell him ‘what for’, but again nothing came out at the sight of his piercing, commanding eyes and presence.  

Her knees weakened and she slid into the chair helplessly, his hand still around her wrist.  His touch so hot it branded her, he stared at her for what seemed like forever before speaking again. "Tell me Cera, how wet are you right now?" 

 Cera was shocked.  First, how did he know her name??  And second, how did he know she was so wet??  Cera finally shook herself out of her stooper, almost yelling at him incredulously, "I don't know who you are, or what you want, but that is none of your business, nor do I intend to tell you a thing!" 

 He chuckled, "You will tell Me anything I wish Cera, and you know it.  I have watched you since you first walked in the door earlier this evening, and in just that short amount of time knew all I needed to know about you." 

 Cera held her breath, and then began to laugh, although a bit nervously, no one could learn that much from just watching a person, could they? "You know, that is the most unique pick up line I have heard to date.  I must give you credit for that.  I promise not to run just yet if you will let go of my wrist, please." 

She hoped she sounded flip, calm.  She needed him to let her go.  When he touched her she was set on fire.  If he would just let her go, she could think a little.  He loosened his grip a little then let go, leaving his hand just touching her, but not holding her, daring her with his eyes to move away.  She took a deep breath, defiantly leaving her hand there, not wanting to let him think he had any control over her, which is exactly what he seemed to be thinking.  

Another shiver. 

Cera began to rattle on nervously, trying to get any information about him that she could.  She began to relax a little after he voluntarily answered her initial questions.  Maybe he wasn't such a threat after all, in fact, strangely enough she felt so safe with him.  She wasn't sure why.  The drinks she had had relaxed her, and she found herself warming to him.  More than warming, quite heated in fact!  He was so handsome, and she was immensely attracted to him.  The wetness completely soaking her panties was proof enough of that.  He watched Cera as she squirmed in her chair, reaching out and laying his hand over hers once again.  At her indrawn breath he smiled very calmly, yet with such command, he looked deep into her green eyes. 

 "Cera, I want you to slip your panties off.  I know they are soaked.  Give them to me." Cera had had just enough to drink that she began to blush wildly, filled with embarrassment, but didn't protest.  It must be the drinks making her bold, wild, totally abandoned; she would never consider it otherwise, would she???  She thought what the hell, I will give him a little thrill.  Cera laughed nervously then tried to stand to go to the ladies room to take them off, but he grabbed her wrist once again, "Do it now, here."  

Another shiver. 

 She looked at him in disbelief, blushing a deep crimson, whispering to him, " No way! Are you crazy?? I can’t do that here!  Everyone will see me!"  

 His face never wavered, in fact became even more commanding, "Now Cera, right here."  The blood was rushing through her body, she could barely hear, her heart was pounding so.  Why did the thought of it frighten her yet excite her all the same?  She didn't want to really do it did she???  She opened her mouth to speak, to protest, but nothing came out as his eyes captured hers. 

Another shiver. 

 She lowered her eyes, then looked all around her and took a deep breath.  As she pulled her hand from his, he let her go.  Why did she feel a need to obey him?  Why was she doing this?  She tried to be inconspicuous as she let her hands slip up under her skirt, having to reach way up to capture the elastic of her thong.  She raised up in the chair, flushing brightly as she felt the cool air cross her ass as her skirt slipped up and over it, baring her to any that might be looking.  Finally grasping what she could of her panties, she pulled them down, lifting up off the seat to slip them down her legs and off her feet.  She quickly tried to adjust herself back to decency before she held the soaking wet panties under the table out to him whispering,  "Here! take them quickly before anyone sees them!" 

 He didn't reach for them as she expected, but held his hand out above the table, waiting for her to put them there in his hand.  She looked up at him wanting to scream.  His face didn't change as he sat there patiently waiting, not wavering.  

Another shiver.. she was getting used to them, they were coming now with such consistency.  

 Cera continued to squirm in her chair, her wetness now slipping to her thighs since there were no panties there to capture them.  Frustrated, she quickly rolled them in a ball and placed them in his hand, hoping he would take them quickly away so that no one would see them. 

 "Very good Cera, I am pleased." 

 Why did that make her feel elated??  That he was pleased??  For some unknown reason, it thrilled and pleased her that it did.  Her heart pounded and she gasped when she watched, in wide-eyed shame and excitement, as he opened her panties and brought them up to his face, taking a deep breath when he brought the wet crotch to his nose.  He smiled as he watched her.  She closed her eyes tight as if shutting everyone in the room's eyes.  Cera practically jumped out of her skin, when he held the panties to her lips, letting her feel and taste the wetness on them. "Lovely isn't it Cera?"  He dared her to open her eyes and look at him. 

 She trembled visibly.  How can this be exciting her??  She was so embarrassed, but she couldn't help herself when she opened her eyes, now a wild dark green, she looked up at him, and whispered "yes" so softly he could barely hear her.  He smiled then stood, holding out his hand to her.  She couldn't believe it when she actually placed her hand in his.  As she did, the flames were again threatening to take over her body.  Slipping the panties into his pocket, he walked her out to the parking lot, telling her they would come back for her car later.  He led her to his motorcycle.  After he got on, he held his hand out again to her.  His eyes were tender, yet commanding, his presence drawing her.  How she knew she was safe, she couldn't say, but she was.  Cera took his hand then cringed as she tried to mount the bike as ladylike as possible.  Without panties and her skirt so short, she didn't think she could even get on, yet alone ride. 

 When she opened her mouth to tell him she couldn't, it was as if he read her mind, stopping her before she could even speak, "Cera, you will get on, and you will hike up that skirt so that your naked pussy and ass will feel the leather of the seat.  Do it Cera.. NOW!"   

Cera jumped at his words and then felt the soft trickle of her juices as they slid further down her thighs.  My god he could excite her, and with just one word no less.  Trembling yet again, she lifted her skirt slowly, the cool breeze playing across her now bared ass and pussy.  She again flushed wildly with embarrassment as she mounted the bike behind him.  Her breathing became shallow as the leather stuck to her now dripping pussy. 

 As the motorcycle roared she could barely hear his words, "good girl, time for the ride of your life."   Little did she know he meant more then the motorcycle ride.  As he sped off, she quickly wrapped her arms around his waist, which pulled her body tight against his.  Cera could not only feel the vibration of the leather seat against her, but the roughness of his jeans against her as well, the combination of both making her breathless, desperate. 

 He drove with purpose.  Wild.. over bumps.. turns.. slowing and speeding up.. All giving her different sensations.  When they stopped at the first light he turned slightly to her, "Cera.. Open your blouse to the last button, and then pull those lovely full breasts out of the lace of that bra.  Do it.. NOW!" 

 How did he know she was about to protest??  She jumped at his command, but since there were no other cars she did as he told her, and knew deep down that even if there were cars, she would have obeyed him anyway.  She didn’t understand it, she just felt and knew that she would.  She unbuttoned her blouse to the bottom, leaving one buttoned so it wouldn't fly off her body.  Cera then closed her eyes as her trembling fingers pulled the lace of her bra down over her breasts lifting them high above the material.  Her nipples were so hard, tight, and they ached desperately as the combination of the cool air, and her own excitement filled her. 

 Before her arms were around him again, he took off, making her squeal and grab quickly to him, flattening her naked breasts to his back.  He chuckled as even over the roar of the engine he could hear her gasp and squeal.  He drove through the streets and with each passing mile he noticed her rocking her pussy against the leather and his jeans harder and harder.  As they were flying down the freeway, he could feel her need growing, becoming desperate, by her body movements and whimpers.  He turned to her slightly so she could make out his words, "NOW Cera!!" 

 How she knew what he was telling her she didn't know, but her body did and she screamed loud, wild.  Cera's body instantly convulsed and began to shake violently.  As she held onto him for dear life, the wind rushing past her accentuating each electric shock of pleasure as it took hold of her body.  With the constant vibration of the bike rubbing and pushing the leather against her throbbing clit, the wetness of her pussy tickling against the leather, the roughness of his jeans rubbing against her mound, the material of his shirt rubbing against her bared breasts and taut nipples, Cera came and came and came.  She couldn't stop.  She had no control of her body, He did.  Over and over he turned, sped up, slowed down, all to continue the wild pleasure coursing through her.  Cera screamed anew with each wild orgasm that rocked her body, shaking and trembling wildly.  As he felt her grip loosen around his waist, he knew she was weakening and wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer and so he brought the ride to a halt in front of a house, his house.  She was gasping for air and whimpering softly as the roar of the engine died away.  

 Her body trembled still with wild abandon.  The intensity of the pleasure that consumed her body took every conscious thought away from her.  When he stepped from the bike and lifted her off of it, she grabbed onto him for dear life, his strength all that kept her from sinking to the ground.  She didn't even care that her skirt was now bunched up around her waist, that her breasts were bared with her shirt falling open and her hair in wild disarray.  Her eyes dark and glazed over, she looked like a whore, but at the moment she didn't care.  He walked her inside.  She hadn't even gained enough sense to ask him where they were.  The house was quiet, yet handsomely decorated, definitely a male domain.  She began to gain a bit of her senses when she reached the living room and suddenly heard him behind her, "on your knees Cera." 

 She turned to look at him, not moving.  Even in her weakened state, her eyes defied him, sparks beginning to fly as her senses returned, "no, I wont.." 

 "You will do as you are told Cera, or you will learn what happens when you don't." 

Another shiver. 

 Cera finally felt the cool air against her bared body and she gasped, realizing her state of dress.  She quickly pulled her skirt down and her blouse together, and then started to walk past him to leave.  When she got beside him, his hand reached out grasping her arm quickly, "I warned you Cera."  Instantly she was thrown over the back of the couch, her ass high in the air and her head buried in

the pillows.  The pillows muffled Cera's screams as his hand began to rain down on her exposed ass.  Her feet kicked in the air at him, screaming at him to stop.  She screamed at him how much she hated him, and how she would not do a thing he said.  With each word his hand rained down harder and she screamed louder, gasping as her ass became as inflamed as her body had been on the motorcycle.   He could hear her crying, and as she finally gave and her body began to accept the pain that was somehow beginning to excite her overheated body again to a fevered pitch, she stopped kicking and began lifting her ass. 

 It was then that he finally spoke, "you will do as you are told Cera.  You and I both know what you want and need.  It excites the hell out of you, the things I have done tonight, and the control I have had over your body.  Admit it, it excites the hell out of you the burning of your ass and pussy right now.  Admit that too." 

Cera just cried and screamed out defiantly at him, still not willing to admit anything, shaking her head no a bit too emphatically, "it does not!! I am not enjoying this at all!!"  His hand instantly came down hard on her flaming red ass, making contact with the sensitive tops of her thighs.  Then as suddenly as he started, he stopped again, this time his hand shoving rudely between her wet thighs "tell your body that Cera."  He chuckled as she whimpered and arched to his hand, her clit throbbing and desperate for release even so soon after her wild ride.  She couldn't believe what was happening to her.  How could she want this???  How did He know her deep dark secrets???  "Now get on your knees Cera and suck my cock. Do it Cera, now, or I will use my belt." 

 Cera cried as she lifted up off the couch, but she slipped to her knees, gasping and panting for breath.  Her body trembled with need, her clothing still in wild disarray, and yet she didn't seem to care any more.  He had already pulled his cock from his jeans.  Cera's eyes widened as she saw how big he was, how hard, throbbing.  His cock jerking before her eyes and she opened her mouth.  For only a second, she closed her eyes, telling herself she wasn't enjoying this that she was going to leave as soon as she finished and never look back!  Squeezing her eyes tighter and trembling with need, she knew the lie for what it was. 

 God, how she hated him.. How she despised him.. How she hated.. mmmmmmmmm she moaned around his cock as he pushed between her trembling lips, all thought of hate leaving her.  God how wonderful he tasted, how heavenly it felt to have him shoving that big cock deep in her throat, using her.. like a slut.. a whore.. Oh God.. she groaned.. how could this be?  How could he know?  She sucked him wildly, with total abandon, wanting to taste more of him, all of him.  She felt his hands in her hair.. pulling.. pushing.. using her.  Her eyes would water as he gagged her with his cock, shoving her head down over and over, harder and harder, fucking her hot wet mouth.  He grunted and groaned, pulling back as white hot cum shot in her mouth, on her lips, her cheeks, dripping down onto her breasts, covering her.  When his body was spent, he held her there until she had licked him nice and clean, then pulled her up by her hair and held her to him, her body trembling with a thirst that only he seemed to be able to quench.  He almost laughed at the denial that tried to creep back into her eyes as she fought to pull away.  He grabbed her wrist and pulled her silently toward the bedroom. 

 She protested, but he could tell it wasn't heartfelt.  He laughed at her attempts, "such a slut you are Cera.  And a very good cock sucker by the way my dear."  He chuckled again as he felt the fight come back to her, trying to pull away at his words.  He loved her feistiness, loved being able to tame her.  He threw her to the bed face down.  She scrambled quickly to get up and run but he stopped her instantly with his words, "one more move Cera and you will regret it.  You see, I know you well, in fact better then you do yourself.  I know how you long to be Dominated, controlled, Mastered.   I felt it from the first moment you walked into the bar tonight.  Feel your body's response Cera.  Feel it.  You know this is what you want, need, long for." 

Cera shook her head no, not in denial but in disbelief, she could not believe he actually knew her feelings… those deep dark secret feelings she had never told anyone, or even admitted to herself.  She took a tentative step toward the door. 

He was instantly there grasping her wrists, cuffing them.  He threw her again to the bed, this time cuffing her to it face down, her arms wide and her ankles to the footboard.  "You will learn littleone."  She could barely even move an inch by the time he had her secured.  He took his knife and cut away her clothes.  Cera cried out softly as the cool air rushed over her overheated exposed body, an electric shiver inching it’s way throughout her body as his eyes traveled over every inch.  He admired the loveliness before him for a few moments before he shoved several pillows beneath her belly and thighs, which raised her ass high, and pulled her arms and legs tight.  At the same time, it also opened her pussy even more then it was.  She fought against the bonds, pulling at the cuffs and squirming as much as she could on the bed, which wasn't much at all.  He had her tight.  His hand again came to her pussy, sliding along the sloppy wet slit. He circled her clit, shoving two fingers deep inside her.  Her greedy little pussy swallowed and sucked at his fingers in desperate need. 

"pleeeeeaaaassssssssseeeeee!!!!!" she begged. 

"NOW!"  His fingers shoving into her over and over at the same instant she heard his words.  Cera screamed, cumming violently over and over and over, so intense it took her breath away.  She cried and whimpered, writhing with the pleasure coursing through her, pleasure that he controlled.. that only he could give to her.  Her body convulsed and shivered.. soared beyond her wildest imaginings. 

Barely coherent enough to feel the bed dip, she knew he was between her spread open thighs.  She felt the velvety hard tip of his cock teasing at her opening.  She had no control of her body as it lifted and pressed back, begging for him to take her.  When he pulled back each time she tried to capture him, she cried out in frustration and need, "please???" 

Her words ragged, Cera arched her back so that she lifted to him, opened even more.  God how she needed to feel his cock inside her.. how she wanted to be used.. wanted to be fucked..  needed.   "You have to tell me what you want Cera. You have to beg for it."  Sliding his cock against her over and over yet only allowing the tip to penetrate her, "is this what you want?  You know you do Cera. You were made to be controlled, born to be dominated.  You know it just as I do."  When she didn’t answer right away, only whimpered and lifted back to him, he brought his hand down quickly and sharply against her raised ass and smiled as she lifted higher.  He had known, from the first moment he saw her. "Submit to me Cera.  You know you want it and need it.  Tell me what you long for, crave, desire.” 

Cera cried as she lifted, her body seeking desperately for what he was offering.  Each time she felt the caress of his cock or the sting of his hand against her ass, she felt his command, his dominance filling her, making her soar like never before.  The pain, the pleasure, the control.  Cera cried out to him in desperation, "please.. please fuck me!!  I am yours!!  Please take me to where no one else ever has or will!!  Please.. I can't stand it any longer.. please!!!!!" 

At her pleas, her admission, he plunged deeply into her aching needing body, pounding into her. Cera screamed in pleasure as her body tried to stretch to his girth.  He was so big.. so hard.. yet she pushed back each time he pounded into her, meeting him.  Harder.. faster.. wanting.. needing.. desperate for what only he could give. 

She cried out as he pounded into her telling her, "NOW!"  She came powerfully, wildly, her body shaking violently yet again with pleasure and squeezing around his cock with each new spasm.  She was gasping.. crying.. Her whole body overwhelmed with the feelings, the intensity of pleasure as it consumed her.  He continued to pound into her, faster and harder.  While one hand held the cheeks of her ass open, he probed her tight little asshole with the other, that simple little touch of pressure fanning the flames already consuming her. 

"This is where you will feel me next time littleone.  For now though.."  He pounded into her one last time, grunting and groaning.. exploding.  His cum shot deep into her hot wild pussy as it squeezed and milked him.  Cera was panting, whimpering and gasping, tears of fulfilled pleasure trickling softly down her cheeks.  She cried almost uncontrollably, totally overwhelmed, into the pillows as he finally lay beside her crooning softly to her.  He undid her cuffs and cradled her in his arms, "this is where you belong littleone.  This is where you will stay.. with me."  He kissed her softly, seeing the soft fulfilling smile break free on her face.  He knew what she was feeling at the moment.  He knew she was totally overwhelmed with everything that had happened.  He also knew that she was his, and from the way her body was curling into him, craving his touch, he also knew that she knew it as well.


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