The Pool Hall


The pool hall was a great success.  Master and his friend Jake Sir had worked hard together for months trying to start their own business, one they knew they would enjoy working at.  They had found the perfect building and had worked hard at transforming it into the place they wanted it to be.  It looked great.. a large bar area.. then a larger room filled with pool tables.   The décor was casual and fun, and had drawn a large crowd the first night it was open.  cera was so proud and happy for her Master now that it was such a success.  For months Master was going to the hall every day and every night, coming home excited each night.  cera had met him, each time he returned, naked and kneeling on her little rug by the door, her paddle, the cane, or one of his belts in her hands in offering to him.  He would smile down at her.. sometimes not saying a word, but opening his jeans and shoving his hard cock into her mouth till she sucked him dry.  A few times not even shutting the door and letting the cool air as well as any one passing by see his naughty little slave.  On other occasions he had been so charged and excited by things progressing so well at the hall that he would tell her to stand and grab her ankles.. taking the instrument of choice in his hands and whipping her ass as hard as he could until she could barely stand, enjoying her screams and tears as she came hard for him.  Then he would grab her by the hips and shove his cock in her pussy, pounding her till they both screamed in release.  After turning and cleaning him she would smile up at him from her kneeling position.. and he down at her.. leaning down to kiss his little girl and ask her about her day.  cera would fix her Master’s dinner and they would talk about their day, just enjoying each other’s company.  Then afterwards, she would clean the kitchen as he went to his office to do some work or just relax from the busy day.  cera would automatically fix her Master a cup of coffee and bring it to him, serving it up to him as she kneels before him.  Master would kiss her and take his coffee.. then pat his lap for her to join him.  She would curl up into his lap and they would talk, watch tv, or just sit quietly together just enjoying each other’s company.  It was always a special time for cera. 

 But since the opening of the pool hall, several weeks ago,  Master hadn’t had as much time with her.. coming in so exhausted he would kiss her softly and go directly to the kitchen to eat his dinner.. having her suck him off, and/or masturbate for him as he ate.  Then he would work while she cleaned the kitchen and by the time she would arrive with his coffee, he was either asleep in his chair totally exhausted, and not to be disturbed, or he would instantly dismiss her and send her to bed while he kept working .   She knew he was working hard, so she tried to be patient and understanding, besides knowing it wasn’t her place to question.. only to serve.  But he told her daily how much he loved her and appreciated her patience, that soon things would calm down again and he would spend more time with her.

 cera had been such a good girl, until this morning when she woke and the bratty impish vixen in her could stand it no longer.  she had gotten out of bed.. empty now but for the imprint of his body, and after looking around the house she realized he had gone yet again without waking her.  Instead of pouting, the brat in her took over.. she pulled out her vibe and began to play.. not caring that she wasn’t to play unless her Master told her she could.  cera’s fingers roamed everywhere on her body creating such wicked need that as soon as she slapped her clit she came instantly, continuing to slap her clit and cumming over and over, gasping and whimpering on each breath, her body shaking desperately as she cums.  Taking several deep breaths to calm herself, a twinge of guilt washes over her, but the brat in her pushes it aside.  cera goes about her day as usual, cleaning and making sure everything is perfect for her Master, planning a wonderful dinner for the two of them to share together.. feeling guilty again about her earlier play and deciding to have his favorite dinner ready for him when he got home, debating whether she should tell him or not, knowing that she would.. she couldn’t lie to him, besides the fact that he will know.  She knew she would get punished, but it was what she deserved for doing something she shouldn’t have done.   He would be home soon, cera thought.. as she put the finishing touches on dinner, smiling softly as she thinks about the evening to come, knowing that all will be perfect.  Suddenly the phone rings, it’s her Master.. “Hello littleone, I won’t be home for dinner tonight, I am going to stay at the hall tonight with Jake and a few friends.  We are going to celebrate the success of our first month after we close.  You can go on to bed when you are tired since I am not sure what time I will be home.  Love you littleone.”  cera was inwardly fuming, her dinner now ruined, but only said yes Master before hanging up.   The brat in her instantly taking over again, cera stomped across the kitchen turning off the oven and stove.  Without eating a bite, she put everything away and cleaned up the kitchen as she usually does, making sure she banged every pot and slammed every cabinet that she could.  After finishing in the kitchen, cera got a wicked gleam in her eyes, and knew in the back of her mind that she would probably regret her actions later, but she went to her room, flipping open her closet door to search her wardrobe for just the right thing to wear, she was going to go to the pool hall.

 cera should have heeded the warning that was going off in the back of her head, but her selfish bratty behavior was having none of that.  As she stepped thru the door at the pool hall, she instantly felt the eyes of the few remaining patrons  upon her.  Everyone there she knew as her Master’s best friends, and she smiles and waves across the room to them, all the other patrons having left already for the night.   she flicked her long golden red tresses over her shoulder, and smiled her sweetest smile as she removed her jacket.  The tight black leather mini-skirt she wore hugged her hips sensually, and the royal blue blouse caressed her naked breasts indecently, her hard nipples outlined easily by the soft material.  her collar adorned her neck, and her black heels adorned her feet.  Other then that, all she had on was her anklet.   cera suddenly had a shivering premonition that she should turn and go, but didn’t heed that warning either, walking into the hall, and up to the bartender who knew her instantly and smiled.  “Hello Bill Sir, could cera possibly get something to drink? Just an ice tea please.”  she smiles at Bill her sexiest smile, mesmerizing him instantly as he fixes her tea.  “Tony is in the back cera,” as he pushes the drink on the bar for her.  “Thanks Bill, sweetie, I will just wait for him, and maybe have a little fun playing pool.”  Bill shakes his head seeing the impish gleam in her eyes.. knowing instantly that Tony wouldn’t be happy. 

 cera walks over to the first empty table she could find, racking up the balls to play.  she leans over the table and sets the triangle on its spot.  As she was bent over she felt something brush up against her ass, instantly turning her head.  Smiling her sexiest smile, “hello Jake Sir” wiggling her ass against his hand “ummmm cera thought she would come up and enjoy a few games while she waited for Master.”  Jake’s hand cupped her ass, sneaking beneath her skirt to grasp the naked cheeks.. giving her a hard squeeze, “cera, if you know what is good for you, you will leave now before Tony finds out you are here.”  cera feels that niggling feeling once again, biting her lip and thinking twice about coming here.  Maybe it wasn’t a good idea for her to come tonight after all.  her heart starting to race, cera lowers her eyes thinking maybe he is right and she should go.  she stands up, Jake Sir’s hand still squeezing her ass before swatting her hard.  “Now get before Jer…” Jake Sir never finishing his sentence as cera hears her Master’s voice from behind her, quiet, yet hard “cera” all he says.   Jake smiles softly down at her, a knowing look in his eyes as he watches the emotions wash over her face as she realizes her mistake in coming tonight.  Looking like a deer caught in headlights ready to bolt, he places his hands on her shoulders and turns her slowly toward her Master, giving her a gentle push toward him.  The other men in the room watching and smiling, all knowing that Tony would not be happy with his little slave and curious as to what he will do with her.   His silence made her tremble as she stands before him.. her eyes downcast.. her hands nervously grasping at each other.  “Master, I…” his stare instantly shutting her up, making her realize immediately that nothing she could say would get her out of the trouble she now realizes to late she is in.  her body trembling, cera silently, slowly slips to her knees before him, her head bowed and green eyes lowered, her back straight and shoulders held back to lift her breasts, her thighs parted wide making her skirt slip indecently up her thighs to display her nakedness beneath it.  Placing her hands palm up on her thighs, she awaits her Master’s decision, so ashamed now as she realizes how her disobedience will look to her Master in front of his friends.  

 Tony looks down at her...cera I told you when I called to get to bed and that I would be home later...I know we haven't had much time lately but that doesn't mean you can get away with disobeying me...looking around the room at his friends.. now if cera was your slave guys what would you do ...everyone stays silent ..they don’t know if he's mad or just playing the part.. looking down her naked pussy showing from the short skirt she's wearing.. and I see you found the naughtiest thing you could to wear tonight....leans down kissing her softly...I know you need some attention littleone...and I know that’s why your here....looking back around the room...disobedient slaves are punished and used by their Master and his friends...lock the door Jake.. Jake locks the door and closes the littleone stand wanted to show off that sexy body of yours...well your going to...standing up her takes her by the hand and leads her to the table ...rack em up and play slave...her Master pulling his chair closer to the table...Jake pulls a chair close.. then his two other friends that are still there...Marty his old partner at the Muffler shop he owned years ago and his friend Billy who he rode motor cycles with and comes in to help out...pull chairs over for them...the men sit down watching her.. well rack 'em up slave...cera nervously racking up the balls as she leans over to push them up to the spot on the table her short skirt hides nothing from them all....everyone but Jake looks a little nervous looking at her.. her Master smiles.. tonight this slave is our slave..she is the rooms slave.. and anyone in the room can do anything they want with her or to her.. but I will give her one chance...standing up and walking to the cue rack picking up his cue.. cera if you win.. you get to be the boss tonight.. if you loose you are the slut of the room and will be used as such.. walking to the end of the table ..bending down he shoots and crashes the cue ball into the rack.. playing nine ball the game he likes the game he's best at he makes the two.. she walks to the rack and reaches up getting a cue.. he laughs and pretends to try and make the next ball missing it then sitting back down.. smiling.. I will give you two misses on each shot slave.. that will make it fair.. but also for each shot you don’t make you will take something off.. she turns and looks at him...and if I win.. he laughs.. anything you want.. she bends over showing off her naked ass.. the men all looking at each other...looking back at him....all of them saying better win.. then they all laugh and their eyes move back to cera's naked ass.. Billy saying...she sure has a nice ass Tony just as she shoots and she misses the one completely.. she starts to unbutton her blouse her head down her hands not yet littleone you still have one shot...she steps back to the table aiming at the one.. shooting and pockets the ball...smiling as she looks back at him.. everyone clapping.. nice shot.. she walks around the table.. aims at the three hits it but misses the pocket...then aims again and misses ..ok slave.. now the blouse.. he stands up walking to the table and shoots pretending again to try and make the ball missing it again.. then sits back down as she unbuttons her blouse pulling it off she lays it on the tables behind her...her tits full and firm her nipples hard.. he laughs.. is it cold in here slave.. the men all laughing at how hard her nipples are.. well she's either cold or excited  his friend Marty says.. I've never seen nipples that hard.. your shot slave.. she bends over again.. the cue rubbing between her tits as she shoots and misses again.. she looks back at him.. this isn't fair.. I don’t have a chance...he laughs.. well winning is the only chance you have you better try harder.. she shoots again missing the ball.. she looks at her Master.. please.. your skirt slave ..NOW.. she lowers her eyes and unzips it and wiggles it off and down her long legs.. standing now is just her heels and collar...well that’s enough of this.. he gets up and shoots making each ball then the nine and looks at her.. well tonight it looks like you are the rooms slut...but first for disobeying me you will be punished.. he walk over getting one of the stools without a back and brings it over...bend over here slave.. she looks around at the men in the room their hunger for her showing in their eyes.. Master.. NOW slave.. quietly obeying him she knows her place.. she bends over her ass held high and grabs the legs of the stool.. pulling his belt from his jeans.. how many of you have ever whipped such a sexy ass.. laughing as he folds his belt ...Jake raises his hand laughing.. well I know you have ..I think ten strokes of the belt from each of us will teach you your lesson slave.. Master please.. before she can get it out.. crackkkkkk.. the men jumping as the first swat lands on her round ass.. you will count slave ..and you will thank each of us when were done.. he whips her hard.. crackkkkk crackkkkkk crackkkkk.. she counts and when she reaches ten she thanks him and he hands the belt to Billy and sits down.. Billy gets up nervously walking to her.. I've never whipped a girl before he laughs.. well there is a first time for everything.. he swats her with the belt.. crack.. well you're gonna have to work on that swing Tony tells him and laughs.. cera will help you.. she will tell you if it’s hard enough.. tell him slave.. she moans.. harder please Billy Sir.. he swats her harder.. wincing as he does.. crackkkkk.. harder please Sir.. he looks around.. crackkkk.. harder please Sir.. I need to be taught a lesson.. crackkkkkk crackkkkk.. now you've got it.. when he's done she thanks him.. her ass now bright red from her whipping.. he hands the belt to Marty.. he walks up rubbing his hand over her ass.. do you think she needs more.. he looks at Tony.. don’t ask me ask her....he looks down at cera.. she turns her head just enough to look up at him.. yes Sir.. I need more.. I'm naughty and need to be taught stepping back he raises the belt ..crackkkkk.. harder please Sir.. he looks around.. well if she wants it.. crackkkkkk crackkkkkkkk crackkkkkk.. whipping her hard and fast.. now welts covering welts ..when he's doe she's gasping for air and thanks him.. then Jake stands up.. taking the belt he walks to her tapping it on her ass.. I told you when you got here to leave cera.. but you wouldn't listen.. he laughs.. unfolding the belt he steps back the belt hanging down touching the floor.. I'll show you what a whipping is.. the excitement now filling the room.. you can almost hear their hearts beating.. pulls the belt back behind him.. and crackkkkkkk crackkkkkkk.. the belt catching the top of her thighs.. gasping for air she manages to get out harder Sir please.. he looks at Tony and he shakes his head.. give her what she wants.. crackkkkkk crackkkkkkk crackkkkkkk.. the belt leaving bruised welts on her as he whips her hard.. at ten he walks back and sits down tears running down her face as she holds the legs of the stool.. her ass on display for them.. goodgirl.. now slave.. stand up.. she stands up wiping her tears then her hands moving down to rub her sore ass.. now on the stool and spread your legs we want to see that naughty pussy of yours.. as she sits down she cringes from the pain.. but obeys her Master.. spreading her legs.. now masturbate slut.. her eyes pleading.. I said now.. do you want tem more from each of us.. do as your told...her hands begin moving ..she cups her tits her eyes closed ..then pinches each nipple your eyes slave.. she obeys.. harder.. she pulls on her nipples.. moans escaping her lips.. the men staring at her.. then her hand slides down rubbing over her clit.. she can see them starting to rub their hard cocks.. she smiles as their eyes meet hers.. her fingers diving into her wet pussy.. she begins to rock against the stool and her hand.. mmmmmmm.. goodgirl.. the men talking as they watch her.. such a naughty girl.. her fingers moving in and out faster.. please Master.. no slave.. you may not cum yet.. please Sir.. No I said.. but at that same time her excitement is too much.. the men looking at her.. her ass whipped like it was sends her over the edge.. she screams and cums ..her cum soaking the wooden stool.. I told you no didn't I slave.. I'm sorry Sir I couldn't stop.. stand up slut.. she obeys clean the stool.. she looks around.. her eyes begging.. NOW.. she bends over licking her cum from the seat.. the men laughing.. now bend back over there slave.. he stands up walking to her.. without another word she obeys.. happy now just to look down and not at the men.. he takes his belt and wraps it around her waist and under the seat of the stool and buckles it to hold her down.. he laughs.. looking around.. ok guys ..heads or tails.. then walks back and sits down.. Billy gets up and walks around in front of her and takes her by the hair lifting her head and unzips his jeans then shoves his cock into her mouth...her need showing as she begins to suck it hungrily.. holding her hair and pumping his cock into her mouth.. then Marty gets up and steps up behind her unzipping his jeans...pulling his cock out and shoves it into her wet cum soaked pussy....the men grunting as they fuck her ...Jake and Tony both laughing.. fuck the little doesn't take them long before their shooting cum into her mouth and her hot cunt...grunting and moaning as they fill her....then walking back and sitting down...Jake and Tony looking at each other as they stand up...laughing he ask heads or tails my friend.. Jake grins.. well I've never fucked her in the ass tails for me Tony laughs....oh you'll like her tight little ass...her Master takes her hair lifting her head to watch her face ...Jake reaching between her legs coating his hand with cum and rubs it around her tight little asshole....holding his cock in one hand and the belt in the other he shoves his cock into her ass...she can’t help but scream as his cock stretches her tight ass.....please....nooooooo....shut up knew what you would get for coming here wanted this....Tony pulling his thick cock out and shoves it into her mouth to keep her quiet...fuck her hard Jake laughing as he pumps his cock in and out of her mouth...Jake grunting as he pushes his big cock deeper into her and begins to pound it into her red ass......I've always wanted to fuck your sexy ass cera he grunts...Billy and Marty now yelling.. fuck the little slut fuck her in the ass...the men laughing as they use her...pounding into her mouth and ass...then together grunting and shooting cum in both ends of her.. swallow it all slut or we'll whip you again...choking and swallowing his cum so not to loose any she smiles thinking its over...but Billy and Marty both ready again from watching stand back long she was there or how many times she was fucked she Can’t really tell you.. but it was starting to get light out when they left...her Master leading her out naked ....locking the door turning to his friends... laughing.. we'll have to do this again soon...he slaps her ass and she runs for the car....getting in he leans over and kisses her...her lips red from sucking cock all night...he smiles...goodgirl...I needed that as much as you littleone...she smiles...I know my Master....I know.


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