So what's this band The Blurters? Well fuck knob it's a band. A rocknroll band . A punk band . A streetpunk band . It's whatever the fuck you wanna call it actually we don't give a flyin fuck. They reckon we say bad things when really we're just sayin the things that happen in the real world ... just maybe they don't happen in your safe little haven away from the real world so half yer luck now fuck off and stop complaining .

It's been a bit over 3 years now and currently we have Con  from (Bar Code The World zine/distro) on bass , Glorious George on drums , Jay Von Blurt still singing and Craig Von Edge still on guitars . We had Doug on bass there for a while till he got fed up with it and then Cozzy left to further he's life in Canberra . Those 2 are currently playing in BullDog Spirit now . We had some cunt called Hooch on bass there from the start till Doug took over but that's enough about that.

Well nowdays it seems like the Green Square is the place to go if you want a decent feed cooked by a top chef , beer in those fucking plastic glasses  and see the best fucking rocknroll band in all of Sydney play. That's US . We rule you dont we don't suck you do .

Thanks to all the helpers and show goers and bartenders everywhere and all the cool bands we've played with not all the fucking dogshit ones that aren't worth a cunt full of cold piss , all our mate's who saw our first shows when we weren't quite so bad as we are now and anyone who's ever bought our records or stolen em off Napster good onya !!

What the fuck that'll do for a page update or story bio about the band for now. here's a pinup picture below for you all to frame on your wall (like I did) . Oh yeah  there's no politics in Blurter world so dont bring any into it. Just remember ir's only rock and roll.