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The storms of life may rage, the winds beat against us, but with Him we shall never be shaken or overcome! Under the shade of We need only trust in HIM and have faith in HIM.

No matter how high the seas may rage, or how powerfully the winds will blow, no matter what hurricanes in life assail us we can stand firm like soldiers on the front lines of battle. Even if we loose our earthly life as human beings, no one can take the Lord from us. No one can take our life away from us, which is our eternal life with Christ our God.
All things in this life are simply a training ground for learning the things we need to know in order to live with Him eternally, without any end.

So if in your life, my beloved friend, like in the lives of billions of our brothers and sisters in the world, you have problems that are attacking you, issues that seemingly overwhelm you, sad events that have taken your heart to live away from you, turn to the Lord! Do not loose courage; ask Him to come into your life over and over every day and He will! In every event, in every issue, no matter how ordinary or mundane call upon Him to be with you. With Him thought the going may be very tough you will still be able to keep going! Though your knees and hands may be bloodied by the climb over the mountain that stands in your way, still you will overcome and stand triumphant on the summit with the Cross in your hand and in your heart.

With our Lord Jesus in your heart, with Him present in your life, called upon in your night time prayers especially, you will be strong and find the courage to look forward to the fight and struggle. In time with Christ you will learn to love a challenge to your faith and life. Slowly you will be a warrior that will relish and savor all fights, as the old adage says, “I just love a fight.” Every hurdle that you must overcome will be an opportunity for you to show your love for God and to witness to His presence in your life through action, giving, loving, rather than through words alone. Every opportunity to sin that you walk away from will proclaim aloud your love for God. Every good act that you do especially when others do not see what you are doing, will be a moment that you will feel God’s light and His smile upon your work. Every act that is done to you by your enemy, that you forgive from your heart, that you put behind you, will be a chance for you to give glory to God. Every word of comfort that you convey to one that hurts inside because of some tragedy or unhappy occurrence will be a chance for you to show your love to our Sweetest Lord Jesus that is with you and that other person who is hurting. All this takes courage. In Christ you can have this courage.

Though you may have mud on your face, and your clothes are dirty from falling, still you can get back up and be a warrior of Christ in your daily life with His strength in your arms. Even if people around you do not treat you with love, or may be callous toward you at times, you can find the strength and courage in Christ to show them kindness and be good toward them. Though around you may be fellow human beings, travelers on the same journey as you toward God, that need practical help, you can find strength to reach out and make a difference. The good that you do, the prayers that you say, may not seem as much, but as long as you try your best they will be strong and lasting in their effects. JUST BELIEVE AND HAVE FAITH.

Come see there are many more pages to this site. Many beautiful pics and words by those that have walked with the Lord and are HIS friends.

Come sit..... You have walked hard......
Where it all began and all ends...
The Art of Warfare, Training to Be a Warrior
The Closest Encounter.....
Hope for the Hopeless, Joy for all that Sorrow
Meet some of HIS friends....
See where HE came and encountered us........
See the links in the gold chain
See HIS home....
See HIS finger prints.... Beautiful Space Links, Pictures, and Data
You are of infinite worth to HIM...
Climb, you can do it!!!
HE promises always to be with you...
If you've lost your way turn back....
An example of courage....