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The Climb....

The beginning,

the first step is always the hardest part. The first footstep in a mountain climb is the hardest. Making the decision, setting THE GOAL, and then beginning the process of attaining it is always the hardest part of any work. Meeting the Lord is similar to earthly, athletic goals. The difference is that meeting Him, living with Him, walking with Him, being on the path before Him, is UNIMAGINABLY EXCITING!! Out of immeasurable love, The Lord God took the first step!!! He came down to us, He became one of us, He humbled Himself. He reached out to us first. His hand is held out to each of us everywhere and at all times all we have to do is grasp it. He is here by us this very moment, He is here now with you, and waits for us to reach out and be His friend, and live as one of His children. Do not hesitate just reach out to Him. He is with you always no matter what.

As the great Apostle Paul says: "…We are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
A Great servant of the Lord and a father of the Church, St. John Chrysostom, presents a powerful and wonderful image of the Lord, standing before us, speaking to you and to me right now and saying:

"I am your Father, I am your spouse, I am your home, I am your bread winner, I am your roots, I am your foundation, everything you could ever want I am. In nothing be found lacking, I work for you, I came to serve not to be served. I am friend and stranger, and the Head and brother and sister, and mother, I am all. Only come and be friends with me. I am poor for you, a criminal for you, upon the Cross for you, in the grave for you, above for you I intercede with the Father. Here below I am your advocate and supporter, sent by the Father. You are everything to me, brother/sister and coheir, and friend and member of my Body. What more do you desire?"

There is nothing anywhere that God loves more than you! He came and became a Man for you, and would gladly be crucified over and over for you if it would help. Eloquently the Gospel of John tells us God’s grand design: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Come see many more pages... Refresh yourself....

The begining...
The JOY of all joys....
Life with HIM is an endless adventure...
Call upon Our Lady She is quick to hear!!!
An example to give you strength...
