What we want to do here is get you familiar with the services offered on Action-IRC Net.

The Basics


This is the most important service as you need to be registered with nickserv in order for the other services to work for you. First thing to do is pick a nick and register it.
Register To register your nick, log on to the server and type: /msg NickServ REGISTER password ( i.e. /msg NickServ REGISTER xxx )
Identify When you log onto the server you will be asked to identify yourself, this protects your nick from being "taken" by another user. To identify to your nick, type (using the nick you wish to identify to): /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password ( i.e. /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password )


Once you get your nick registered and become familiar with the server, you may want to set up your own channel, to do that you want to register it. ChanServ can often prevent malicious users from "taking over" channels by limiting who is allowed channel operator priviliges
Register To register a channel, type: /msg ChanServ REGISTER #channelname password description ( i.e. /msg ChanServ REGISTER #mychannel xxx General Chat Channel ) Note: you must be in the channel you want to register and have Ops status.
Access Maintains the access list for a channel. The access list specifies which users are allowed chanop status or access to ChanServ commands on the channel. Access has 3 main commands...
ADD Use this command to add a user to the auto ops list and to give them access to chanserv commands. To do this type /msg chanserv ACCESS channel ADD nick level( i.e. /msg chanserv ACCESS #mychannel ADD Mary 5 )
DEL The ACCESS DEL command removes the given nick from the access list. If a list of entry numbers is given, those entries are deleted. (See the example for LIST below.)
LIST The ACCESS LIST command displays the access list. If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the mask are displayed. If a list of entry numbers is given, only those entries are shown; for example: ACCESS #mychannel LIST 2-5,7-9 Lists access entries numbered 2 through 5 and 7 through 9.


A convienence service. Memoserv allows you to send a memo to person who is no online when you are, and to recieve messages from others who were online when you were not! Both the sender's nickname and the target nickname or channel must be registered in order to send a memo.
SEND To send a memo to a person type /msg memoserv SEND {nick} memo-text.( i.e. /msg memoserv SEND Mary I was here and missed you, I've got the file you wanted. )
READ Sends you the text of the memos specified. If LAST is given, sends you the memo you most recently received. If NEW is given, sends you all of your new memos. Otherwise, sends you memo number X. To use this type /msg memoserv READ last (or) /msg memoserv READ new.

This list is just a starter to let you know what we offer. All the services have help menus.

To access nickserv help type /msg nickserv HELP.
To access chanserv help type /msg chanserv HELP.
To access memoserv help type /msg memoserv help.

And if you need help while on the net, just ask an IRC op, that's why we're here, we'll help ya out : )

More Advanced Services

GhostTerminates a "ghost" IRC session using your nick. A NickServ "ghost" session is one which is not actually connected, but which the IRC server believes is still online for one reason or another. Typically, this happens if your computer crashes or your Internet or modem connection goes down while you're on IRC. To use this command type: /msg NickServ GHOST nick password ( i.e. /msg NickServ GHOST mynick password )