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First, Middle, Last


Divide everyone into groups (the number of groups is up to you) and give each group a first, middle and last line of a scene. The lines are made up ahead of time and the first, middle and last line each group recieves should not be related in any way. The groups are then given a certain amount of time (the amount of time is up to you but 3 or 4 minutes should be lots) to make up a skit which must include the 3 lines you gave them. They may use other lines but the must use the first line you gave them as the first line of their skit and then they must include the middle line at some point during the skit and the last line you gave them must be used as the last line of their skit.

Here are some examples of lines to use:

first line: What are you talking about?
middle line: There are no pigs left on the farm.
last line: Time to get dried off!

first line: The other day I saw an elephant at the zoo.
middle line: There is simply no time left!
last line: Be sure to read the book for tommorrow.

The trick is to make sure that the three lines a group gets are in no way related to each other. this game can often produce some very funny skits!