Fantasy Links

Dragon Muse Writer's Resource

Fantasy Writers

Introduction to Fantasy

Fantasy Writer's Links

Writer Beware

Water Spirit Legends

Medieval Domestic Life

Byzantine & Medieval Studies Sites

Internet Medieval Sourcebook
Very extensive site

Knighthood, Chivalry & Tournaments
Has the Code of Chivelry, which many ask about.

Later Medieval Britain Discussion List

Medieval Resources

Medieval Warfare

Lots of links here

Will take you to lots of links

The Labyrinth
A well known site and one to frequent often

Online Medieval and Classical Library
Texts for you to download

The Richard III and Yorkist History Server

WWW Medieval Resources

Armenian City of Ani
No links but interesting map of Ani

Castle on the Web


Magical World Builder's Guide
Very informative site to help you build your fantasy world

Links for Writers

Water Spirit Legends

Bulfinch's Mythology

The Encyclopedia Mythica

The Dictionary of Phrase and Fable

Encyclopaedia of Mythology

Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts

Valley of the Ancients

Legends and Myth in Cornwall

Lucky W
lists of amulets, charms, and talismans

Luminara's Web of Myth-tery

Myth and Legend
from Ancient Times to the Space Age

Mythical Plants of the Middle Ages


Teutonic Mythological Characters
(Germanic, Norway, Iceland, Scandinavia, Finland, Lapland)

Of Gods And Men

Realms of Wisdom

Folklore Index

Morgana's Observatory

World of Idolatry

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