Book Reviews


Reviewed by MaryKay Moore
5 Moons!

Title: Dark Prince
Author: Christine Feehan

Ever wonder what species falls between humans and vampires?   Carpathians.   Mikhail is the prince and leader of his race, the Carpathians.   Darknes surrounds Mikhail as waiting centuries for his true soul mate to come has been fruitless.   Along with the burden of his people dwindling in numbers, he finds himself in his darkest hour.

Raven is blessed, or cursed, with strong psychic abilities.   Now, close to burnout from aiding the police in capturing serial killers, she seeks rest and solitude in a small village.   As worn out as she is, Raven cannot ignore the agony she senses coming from a tortured soul.   Raven reaches out and touches the mind of another in an attempt to save him from himself.

Without question Mikhail knows he’s found his soul mate and nothing will keep him from her.   But can Raven accept what Mikhail and his people are?   How can a human and Carpathian bond?   Mix that with vampire hunters who do not grasp the difference between those who kill for pleasure and Carpathians who cherish life.   Raven’s own life is in danger from those who think she’s one who sucks the blood from living humans.   Mikhail saves her from certain death, as she saved him, and now he needs to convince her they can have a life together.   Carpathians need to be careful they do not cross over to the life of a vampire, which is something they have to be aware of and fight against.

I found the concept of a species such as the Carpathians a wonderful way to portray something so like vampires yet different.   Christine Feehan has taken them a step above the usual.   Or would that be unusual?   I haven’t read many vampire, or vampire-like, stories and found Dark Prince to be immensely captivating.   If you enjoy hot love scenes in your books, Dark Prince will not disappoint.

Christine Feehan is writing a series about Carpathians, using characters you will meet in Dark Prince.   She is working on her ninth Carpathian book at this moment. Watch for them!

Christine's coming books:
Dark Desire--December 1999
Dark Gold----April 2000
Dark Magic---July 2000
Dark Challenge---three to four months later

Visit Christine's site here

If you have any comments or would like your book reviewed, please contact the Mystic~Visions book reviewers
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MaryKay Moore

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