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'I'll make him an offer he can't refuse'

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Sound Clips For Part II

Banana [944Kb]

Fredo: "You wanna drink right?... Ahhh Por vavour... How do you say Banana Daquiri?"
Michael: "Banana Daquiri"
Fredo: "That's it?"
Michael: "That's it"
Fredo: "Ah uno banana daquiri... and a Club Soda"

Control [366Kb]

Fredo: "I can't control her Mikey"
Michael: "You're my brother Fredo you don't have to apolagise to me"

Draps [848Kb]

Kay: "Michael why are the draps open?"
[Gunfire though the window]

Fredo [1.78Mb]

Michael: "I've always taken care of you Fredo"
Fredo: "Taken care of me!... You're my kid brother and you take care of me... did you ever think about that... did you ever once thing about that. Send Fredo off to do this, send Fredo off to do that. Let Fredo take care of some Mickey Mouse night club somewhere, send Fredo to pick somebody up from the airport. I'm your older brother Mike and I was stepped over"
Michael: "It's the way Pop wanted it"
Fredo: "It ain't the way I wanted it. I can handle things I'm smart, not like everybody says, like dumb. I'm smart and I want respect"

Friends [27.8Kb]

Michael: "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer"

Gipsy [748Kb]

Michael: "It's not easy being a son Fredo... not easy"
Fredo: "Mamma used to tease me; she'd say "you don't belong to me, you were left on the doorstep by gipsies"... sometimes I think it's true"
Michael: "You aren't a gipsy Fredo"

Offer [40Kb]

Young Vito: "I make an offer he don't refuse"

I Know [82.4Kb]

Michael: "I know it was you Fredo, you broke my heart... you broke my heart"

5 Years [1.54Mb]

Kay: "It made me think of what you once told me: "In 5 years the Corleone Family will be completly legetimite"... that was 7 years ago"
Michael: "I know I'm trying darling"

Never Think [1.74Mb]

Michael: "We are both part of the same hypocracy... but never think that it applies to my family"

In the House [543Kb]

Connie: "Michael, Fredo's in the house with Mamma, he asked to see you and Tom said that you wouldn't see him"
Michael: "That's right"

Helpless [322Kb]

Connie: "Can't you forgive Fredo, he's so sweet and helpless without you"

Nothing [161Kb]

Michael: "Fredo, you're nothing to me now, you're not a brother, you're not a friend. I don't want to know you or what you do"

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The Godfather Part I
The Godfather Part II
The Godfather Part III
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