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Mornings of Gold and Valentine Evenings

I am absolutely head over heals, for Jim Henson's, the Labyrinth, starring David Bowie and Jennifer Connely. My eyes and mind are completely focused on all the images on the screen during the whole movie. And yet after the movie is over it still haunts my thoughts and invades my dreams. Obsessed maybe, pathetic at times (ask any of my friends!), but I can never get enough of this cinematic masterpiece! There is one scene in the movie, that after over fifty times watching, never ceases to give me chills! That would be the ballroom scene! The music, scenery, EVERYTHING about it is magical! So here is a little tribute (and my first attempt at a webpage so be kind!) to that scene and the movie!
After eating the magical peach given to her by Hoggle, Sarah stumbles to a tree and realizes that "Everything is dancing". As she lays down to rest, Jareth starts to send crystals which show Sarah her dreams. She only has enough strength to look at them.

As she peers into the bubble she sees her music box, slowly revolving and playing a haunting melody. Before her very eyes, the spinning figure transforms into herself. She is dressed in a beautiful gown,with ribbons and pearls tied into her full and lustrous hair.

There's Such a Sad Love, Deep in Your Eyes, a Kind of Pale Jewel, Opened and Closed Within Your Eyes. I'll Place the Sky Within Your Eyes

Sarah arrives at the ball. What or who is she looking for? As masked dancers twirl dizzily around her, Sarah takes in this scene with wide eyed wonder.

Dancers with twisted and distorted masks of goblins curiously watch Sarah as she weaves her way throught the glittering ballroom. "Who is this belle of the ball?" She is without a mask yet there is mystery eminating from her. Her beauty holds a secret that no one knows

Yet she does not see what she is searching for, until she looks up and sees HIM.

Captivated, she cannot take her eyes off of Jareth until he vanishes. Where has he gone?

As she catches sight of him, she stops in her tracks again. Between two masked women holding mirrors, he holds an intense gaze with her.

As the Pain Sweeps through makes no sense for you, every thrill has gone, wasn't too much fun at all. But I'll Be There For You. As the World Falls Down.

Their eyes are the first things to meet, and as if there were some sort of magnet, they are drawn to each other. Without speaking he envelops her in his arms and they dance,synchronized with the rest of the enchanted dancers. Jareth then, also unmasked, sings to Sarah, confessing his love and letting it be known, that no matter what, he will be there for her. With each turn, Sarah swoons in Jareth's arms and they seem to be the only two people in their own dream world.

Has Sarah finally found her dream? Has she finally acheived "Happily Ever After?"

Something isn't right... Sarah looks around and begins to question what is happening. Why doesn't this feel right?

Makes No Sense At All.. Makes No Sense To Fall

The clock begins to chime and the dancers begin to laugh and point. She looks around and then at Jareth, who only wears an expression of victory on his face. Panicking, Sarah discovers a way out. Pushing Jareth away she runs to the membrane of the bubble and shatters her dreams, her fantasy...only to leave behind a heartbroken Goblin King.


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***DISCLAIMER-- The movie and characters of the Labyrinth are not mine and I don't claim any ownership of them either. I'm not taking credit for the film and if there's any copyright that I'm infringing on I'm not doing it on purpose! SO PLEASE DON'T SUE ME!! Thanks!**