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Movie Trailers






Last Update:
march 1st, 2000

Don't Click This Button

General things about this page Old News

My plans for this page (currently) are to upload movie trailers. But not just some movie trailers. High quality trailers. All trailers on this page where converted from VOB-Files (this is DVD-quality) and to MPEG4 for the video and MP3 for the audio (combined into an AVI-file). There has been no change to the resolution, except for correcting Aspect Ratios or cropping Black Bars. In the quality as seen in these recompressed trailers you could encode a 120 minute DVD-Video to ONE 74min CD-ROM.
Playback and encoding codecs will be uploaded soon.

You can do something for me!!

    My email is:
  • Mail Me: Your opinion of this site.
  • Mail Me: Your suggestions for this site.
  • Mail Me: Sites/Places where I can download high quality VOB-Trailers.
  • Mail Me: Any free webspace I could use to upload things

march 1st, 2000


All current trailers will be deleted as soon as I have the new converted trailers online. Why? I will reconvert every trailer to High-Motion 6000kb/s, keyframes: 10sec, crisp 100%, to have maximum quality with the minimum filesize. Some of the new trailers will be: The Saint, The Matrix, Vampires, Payback, The Nutty Professor
As you can see above, I created a new page, it will serve Full Movies on freediskspace accounts, enjoy :-)
I haven't been able to check the text of the french translation, so if isn't ok, please don't blame me. Also, I know that the faq is a little bit outdated, maybe I'll try to change this next week. Maybe !

february 7th, 2000

I people who are still visiting this site. As some people have noticed, the lack of updates is exponential. I hope to reduce it to about 1 update a week. I don't have time for more, sorry...
I also noticed that I forgot to upload my last update (Stupid ;-). So, also read the previous update.
Someone did upload some reconverted trailers to me, Leon. Go to the section 'Other peoples trailers' in the trailer section (it are Payback & Rising Sun).
Also, some original VOB-files have been uploaded to another freediskspace-account. Go to the trailer-page in the VOB-section.
I am currently reorginizing the trailers-page and hope it will give some better overview of what is available on my page.
See ya next time...

january 26th, 2000

Added a link to DVDRick's Page, also changed the trailers page a little bit. Upload is currently not possible (nobody did it anyway, so who cares?). I'm currently heavly in progress of creating a divx codec-comparison. I made some promisses that it will be online yesterday, but as you noticed, it didn't. I hope to have it online soon (but I won't promisse).

january 19th, 2000

(second update)
If you have the time and the connection, please upload a good trailer to my freediskspace account, look in the trailers page (currently 200mb free). If the trailers can be converted, it will be online short after :-)
I know, I have to do some links/software/faq updates, and they will come, but I'm very busy these weeks.
And the files at XOOM are still online (I know it's only been a half a day, but it gives me hope ;-)

(first update)
I am using a new method on a XOOM account to upload large volumes of data (VOB-FILES). Look on the trailers page for detailes...

  • Added, trailers:
    • The Mummy (Original VOB-FILE)
january 17th, 2000
Added a few trailers to the SpacePort account. The request for more space (600mb) was approved, but I only got 50mb extra. I have a lot of work to do for school the coming days, so I don't know if I'll do some updating.
  • Added Trailers (SpacePort - account):
    • The Big Hit
    • Dark City
    • The Wedding Singer
    • Alien 4: Resurrection
january 14th, 2000
I have made a SpacePorts account, if they aggrea with my request for more webspace (600mb) i will upload all trailers there and probebly some VOB-files as well. I also created the possiblity to upload stuff to me (trailers, programs or whatever). See the Trailers page for more detailes.

january 11th, 2000

Just a few THX trailers added, only to the freediskspace account yet. These 2 trailers are with 128kb/s audio because these trailers are about the audio (and less about the video). And btw. I will try to update the FAQ soon.
  • Added trailers:
    • THX - Simpsons
    • THX - TEX2 Moo-Can
january 10th, 2000
As you may have noticed already, the jan 8th update has been uploaded today. I wasn't able to connect to angelfire before. I have also uploaded all my trailers to a freediskspace account, problem is you have to be a member to download the stuf (not difficult to become a member though), read the trailers page.
  • Trailers: added, The Big Hit, Dark City and The Wedding Singer.
january 8th, 2000
Sorry for the lack of updates, but school started again and I tend to be a little more busy then. I have reconverted 3 new trailers, but I still have to upload them (It are: The Bit Hit, Dark City and The Wedding Singer). Monday I will continue to download the original trailers from The Matrix, Face/Off and Simpsons THX, they will be reconverted shortly after I have got them.
Reactions are still welcome. BTW, I am currently writing a document that exactly describes how to convert movies (or trailers, whatever), I hope to finish it next week.

january 3rd, 2000

Again, 2 new trailers online. As soon as I find new VOB-files, I will begin reconverting new trailers.
  • Trailers, added:
    • Star Trek - Insurrection
    • Lost In Space

january 1st, 2000

(second update)
Damn geocities... I tried to make a nice update with all direct links, it went ok when I tested it. But then this morning, it didn't work anymore. I have removed all direct links, but ALL file can still be downloaded!!!

(first update)
Finally it all went ok, no millenium bugs, no russian nukes going off and no crashes over here. Bigger update today, some new trailers added links to software and updated the FAQ. Also removed some non working links.

  • Trailers, added:
    • Alien 4 - Resurrection
    • Austin Powers
    • James Bond: Tomorrow Never Dies
    • End of Days
  • Software, added:
    • Virtual Dub 1.2 (released 31dec1999)
    • Mpeg2AVI 0.16B35 (MMX)
    • GraphEdit
    • FhG Radium MP3 Codec
  • FAQ, added:
    • Q

december 28th, 1999

The last few days I have been busy reconverting all trailers with the DivX high motion codec, so that there will be less trouble with playback.
As you may have noticed, I also changed the layout of this page and put them into sub-sections. There is a F.A.Q. now, it explains basicly how to reconvert a VOB-trailer and ofcourse there is more in there...
Some links have been temporarely deleted because I have to reupload the trailers encoded with the DivX codec. The rest of the files will be online again soon.
Also, I had a little trouble uploading the files, I had to resume upload. So I hope the files are correct, sorry if they are not. And please let me know if they are not.
Well, I hope this serves you again for a few days...

By The Collector