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New Stuff at Disney Stuff!

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2.22.1 - I'm a bad, bad person! I haven't done anything for ages, but now (a week before the holidays end) I'm getting back into it! Fan section coming soon. Working on the Atlantis page!

11.29.1 - finally added the first part of the Walt Tribute section ... The Meaning of Disney. Feel free to your own answers. Also today I took down the changing quotes, because they weren't working, and I'm doing some scanning.

11.18.1 - Like I said, yea for holidays! Today I added the Characters Guide and Photos Page, and am scanning madly to add to the Pinocchio and Pocahontas pages, and to create a new Peter Pan Page!

11.1.1 - added a guest book (finally!) and added "changing quotes" at top of home page. Also made a Pinocchio page and fixed up a bit of the Parades page. Added a collage to the home page ... not sure yet if I like it ...
COMING SOON - Walt's 100 Years Tribute Series, Mulan pages, an Atlantis-devoted page, and more in the WDW guide. (Yea for holidays! Time to work on my site!!)

10.25.1 - added this page! Fixed a couple of images on Jasmine's page and finally updated the Upcoming Movies page (yea me!) Have finished little details on Heroine Central, The Character Dining Guide and other pages in the Walt Disney World Guide section.