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Royal Council Meet the Wizards!

On every Mu* there is a set of staff to help keep things in order and running. A Bug's Muck is no different, being equiped with capable and friendly wizards that are there to assist you, the player. Wizards are there to help with building problems, answer questions, resolve disputes, cast the feature characters, and many other things. The staff always tries to be fair and just, and is under the same rules as every player. Don't hesitate to ask questions, because that's what they're there for! Below is a listing of each wizard that currently holds a position on, A Bug's Muck, also explaing what their specialty is.

Luna Luna - Head Wiz
A Bug's Muck head wizard is Luna, Anne Daily. She is the wiz that came up with the idea for the MUCK and made it a reality. Having the responcibility of head wizard, she has final say in desicions, and also is responcible for everything that happens on and to the MUCK. Needless to say, that's not an easy job! Email:

Static - Programming Wiz
A Bug's Muck handy man is none other than Static, John Buisson. Being one of the original staff members, Static handles all the programming and MUF. He was recruited by Luna, and has kept the MUCK going technically, also adding programs that make things easier and fun for the staff and players. This MUCK would not be here if it weren't for Static's dedication, creativity, and helpfulness! Email:

Magus - General Purpose Wiz
When the need arose that the MUCK had to switch servers the first time, Magus, Terry Pierson, offered to host it on his server. That's when he became part of the staff. He is pretty much a general purpose wiz, he is good in the fields of resolving disputes and helping make decisions on the MUCK.                 Email:

Ampillion - Building Wiz
Ampillion, Brian McGeorge, is a new addition to the staff, taking on the position of Building Wiz. His role is to moderate and inspect what's built by players, help players with building skills, and help manage problems that involve building. Also, he's volunteered to make a newsletter for the MUCK, informing everyone of what's new, or what's to come.                            Email:

Shine - Role Play Wiz
Shine, Mallory S-L, is also a new addition to the staff. She's been a player for quite sometime, and recently was given the task of Role Play Wizard. Her job is to help encourage RP and come up with ideas for TP's and MP's. Also she helps resolve twinking disputes and whatever might be involved with the MUCK's Role Play.                                                                        Email: