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Apollo: How they did it!

Generally the moon hoaxers think that the Apollo astronauts openly lie when they say they walked on the moon.

They think that, during the missions, they were orbiting the earth in the command module.

And, at the end of the mission, they came back from the orbit to make believe they were coming back from the moon.
But, even to come back from earth's orbit, it is not that easy.
They say they made a direct entry while a NASA specialist said they couldn't make a direct entry, and the pilot of the command module of Apollo 15 was so angry against the NASA specialist, who said they could not make a direct entry, that he said very hard words against the latter, even wishing his death.

The moon hoaxers are often thinking that, if the Apollo astronauts say they walked on the moon, it is because they are good liars due to the fact that they would be freemasons: they think that freemasons are able to take oaths to support a lie.

Bart Sibrel has tried to obtain a confession from the Apollo astronauts; if some have taken it lightly (like Alan Bean), some other ones have become wild to the point of even physically aggressing Sibrel (like Buzz Aldrin, and Edgar Mitchell, who even threatened Sibrel to sue him before a court of law if he was persisting in his claims of moon hoax).

Sibrel has tried to obtain confessions from astronauts by making them swear on the bible they walked on the moon.
If Armstrong (who, unlike the other astronauts, shows doubts on the moon landings) has refused to swear, two other astronauts have accepted to do it; could they be liars if they accepted to swear on the bible?

In fact my personal opinion is that the attempts of Sibrel to obtain confessions from the astronauts they didn't walk on the moon were completely vain.

Generally, those who think that the astronauts say the truth when they claim they walked on the moon are the Apollo believers.
The moon hoaxers think they lie.
So, how can I believe they did not walk on the moon, like the other moon hoaxers, and in the same time believe the astronauts say the truth like the Apollo believers?
Isn't it contradictory?

Not at all, the answer to this riddle is: MKULTRA!

MKULTRA is a mind control program which has been developped by the CIA in the sixties, which involves the use of LSD, and that it has tested on soldiers and prisoners.

This mind control program allows the CIA to condition the minds of people, and make them believe things which are not true.
It can also use it to make them do things they would not do in their normal state (it is probably using it to make kamikazes).

I have always thought that the CIA had used MKULTRA to convince the astronauts they had walked on the moon, but I was lacking the proof of it.
I found the proof in the last magazine of the mission Apollo 17.

See the strange look of Cernan in this close-up of the photo AS17-163-24111.
You might think he is smiling in his dream?
But he is not naturally lying on his couch, see, there is a pillar just behind him, it would be a very uncomfortable position to take a nap.

Now see this other close-up of Cernan on the photo AS17-163-24112.
He now has his eyes half-open, and his mouth is making a strange grin.

See this close-up of the command's module pilot, Evans on the photo AS17-163-24114.
He is taken in photo, and he does not even look at the camera.
See the swollen vein on his forehead, he is under a strong stress.

See this close up of Schmitt on the photo AS17-163-24126.
The camera is close to him, and he does not even turn his head to look at the camera.
Look at his fixed eyes: He looks like a stoner under the hold of a drug.

Look at this close-up of Evans in the photo AS17-163-24127:
He is so outside of reality that he does not even realize he is taken in photo.

Finally look at this close-up of Schmitt on the photo AS17-163-24142:
Notice the swollen vein on his forehead indicating a strong stress.

So, for me, these photos extracted from the last magazine of Apollo 17 definitively prove that the astronauts were submitted to a mind control program, which might have allowed to make them believe they walked on the moon, even though it was not true.

Now, shortly before his death, which happened shortly before the trentenary of Apollo12, the commander of the mission Apollo 12, Pete Conrad made a clear confession, although the Apollo believers deny it was a confession.
He said: "We have been shot down prior every setting foot on the moon, and frankly we haven't gone anywhere's near".
Of course, this confession strongly displeases the Apollo believers, and they try to make him say something different than what he actually said.
They transform "shot down" into "shut down", which sounds very close, and claim it means that Pete Conrad would have complained that the funds for the future missions would have been "shut down", preventing from making new missions.
And to "we haven't gone anywhere's near", they add "since the last mission", which he didn't say, to try to make him say that NASA never returned to the moon after the last mission, Apollo 17.
Now, if Conrad had really meant that the funds had been shut down after the last mission, he would not have added "prior every setting foot on the moon", but "after the last mission" instead.
Because, with the addition "prior every setting foot on the moon", it is totally illogical, and I think Conrad had some logic.

The Apollo believers who complain that the hoax believers lack education, seem themselves to miss a very important branch of mathematics: LOGIC!

This confession was really a damning one.
Never an astronaut had made a so clear confession.
Of course, he did not say that a hoax had been organized, because he does not clearly know what happened, as he has been himself submitted to the mind manipulation program, but he feels something was not right, and he makes it understand to us.
Imagine if he had made this confession in full celebration of the trentenary?
This was a chance the CIA could not take.
Conrad died in more than dubious circumstances.
He had a motorcycle accident in which he had injuries which were not fatal, but he would have had an internal bleeding, and the doctors would have been incapable of finding the source of the internal blinding; oh really? How often does this circumstance happen?
Of course, he was granted great funerals.

What I believe is that the astronauts were not in the Saturn roclet when it lifted off.
Of course, they were seen getting in...

..But, shortly before the lift-off, they were put to sleep, and secretly extracted from the rocket...

...And they were taken to a simulation cabin in which they might believe they actually were in the command module.
They constantly remained under the control of the CIA doctors.

OK, the simulation cabin might make them believe they were in the command module, but could it be made believe to them they also walked on the moon?
Very simple: the CIA doctors used the mind control program to hypnotize them and make them believe they were landing on the moon and walking on it.
Were the astronauts not seeing when the doctors were getting in the cabin? No, because the doctors were getting in when the astronauts were asleep; they had to take pills which were making them sleep.

There is no photo or video in the whole footage of the Apollo missions on which we can clearly identify any of the astronauts on the lunar surface.

And the voices we hear in the dialog of Apollo are clearly not the ones of the astronauts.
For instance the voice of Cernan has a strong Chicago accent we can't feel in the voice of the actor who impersonates him.

OK, you are going to say, but we have seen the astronauts return to earth, how is it compatible with what a said?
Yes, we have seen a command module land in the ocean, but we never really saw the astronauts before they got out of a cabin on the ship.

What happened is that a fake command module was dropped from a plane at very high altitude, so that it could not be seen from the level of the sea.

And then the command module came down, under the eyes of cameras and spectators like it was coming back from space.
You want some evidence?

Look at the command module after it touches the ocean.
Look attentively.

Initially, it is in this position; the buoys on the top prevent if from sinking.

And then, immediatly after, it turns over, and the spherical buoys are now up, don't touch the water.
So, what is the use of the buoys on the top since the command module can float without them touching the sea?
Notice that these buoys make the command module look like a mickey.

Now, more compromising, look at the astronaut in the basket which is hauled by an helicopter.
In the film, he passes quite fast, we don't have the time to well see him, but I have caught the sequence, slowed it down, and I play it in loop so you can well see the problems:
- Look at the astronaut's legs; they are abnormally thin, they are obviously not human legs.
- Look at his head: there is a camera over him filming him close, and he does no even raise his head to look at the camera; he makes no sign to the camera.
- And see: Suddenly he cocks his head on the side in an unnatural way; he is unable to hold his head upright like a human would do.
- We see no part of his body; he is keeping his helmet on whereas he now could take it off, for he could freely breathe in earth's atmosphere; he is keeping his golden visor down while he could at least lift it up; but, if his helmet was removed, of his visor lifted up, we could see he does not have a human face.
The fake command module was not filled with real astronauts, but with mannequins disguised as astronauts instead, and it is these mannequins which were extracted from the command module and taken to the ship.
Spectators, never seeing these fake astronauts close, and never seeing their faces, might believe it were the actual astronauts coming back from the "moon".

And when people saw the astronauts get out of a cabin of the ship, this time with their real faces, and big smiles of their faces, they were certain that they were the same "men" who had been brought back to the ship from the command module fallen into the ocean.

No wonder that those who were in charge of organizing the fake recovery were showing so sad and shameful faces (here in the conference of Apollo 17).
It was not particularly honourable to make the recovery in this way.

If Pete Conrad is the astronaut who has the most clearly expressed his doubts, Armstrong is an astronaut who also showed doubts about the landings (unlike his copilot, Buzz Aldrin).
He was fleeing honors and living secluded.
He had no souvenir of Apollo in his house.

Armstrong had piloted the training vehicle, and he could realize how unstable it was, for he nearly lost his life piloting it.

In the movie "In the shadow of the moon", filmed in 2007, all the astronauts gladly participated, save Armstrong who refused.
I think that his doubts grew along the years.
Was he about to make a confession, to express his doubts like Pete Conrad did before him.
Could the CIA take the chance that he would finally collapse, and express more openly his doubts?

In 2012 Armstrong died of what many people think to be a heart failure.
But Armstrong did not die at all from a heart failure, his heart had no problem.
What really happened is that doctors proposed him to make a heart operation on him, a bypass, for his "safety".
Amrstrong first said he was not needing it, he was healthy, he could run 20 miles a day (how many of you, even the young ones, are able to run 20 miles a day?), but the doctors insisted that he should have this operation for his safety in the future.
Then they so badly botched this operation that he died from the consequences of this operation, and not at all from heart failure, a common operation which is almost always successful.
Oh yes, you are going to say, I support this opinion because I am a moon hoaxer, and I like the idea that the CIA would have found this way of getting rid of Amrstrong because he was becoming embarrassing.
No Apollo believer would support this thought, all the Apollo believers believe that he died of an unfortunate natural death.
Oh really?

Go to Youtube, and type in the search bar: "Medical doctors killed Neil Armstrong", and you'll get a video with this title.
View this vidéo.
In this video, the author says what I just explained.
Oh a moon hoaxer, probably?
Not at all, this man is not a moon hoaxer, he is very clearly an Apollo believer as the beginning of his video shows it.
He thinks that Armstrong is a space hero, that he saved Apollo missions, and that as such, he was deserving respect and attention.
He is so revolted about the way that Armstrong has been treated, that he does not say, but outright shouts, with all the force of his lungs, "medical doctors killed Neil Amrstrong".
And it comes from an Apollo believer and not a moon hoaxer!
Coming from a moon hoaxer, it might not have much credibility, but coming from an Apollo believer?
Think about it!

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