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Tripe Soup, by Jennifer Brizzi
Monday, November 12, 2007
Home with the kids
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: "sqwitz swackers" (Marco) and "I wish I was that soup so I could be warm" (Sofia)

A very odd thing is happening to me: a chronic digestive system illness (for which details have no place in a food blog) has come back to me after nine years with a vengeance. For the past few weeks I have no appetite, which means that I eat like a normal person instead of a pig who long ago burned out the wires on her full-ness meter. It's a very strange feeling to not be obsessed with food for a change, though, and I can't even bear to read about it or write about it, combing my giant collection of unread books for the rare volume unrelated to food. After losing lots of blood I don't have the energy or interest to even cook a meal, and so we've been living on take out for a while. Gorgeous fall vegetables are tragically rotting in the crisper drawer. Summoning up the energy and enthusiasm to write mouth-watering columns and articles on food seems beyond my capabilities as well.

I am glad to be eating way less but so ready for this to get better...sorry to bitch but you're the only one who will listen. 

Posted by Jennifer Brizzi at 11:53 AM EST
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