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Through A Child's Eyes
Thursday, 30 October 2003
Today wasn't the best until I got home and when I got home I talked to Kayla and that's not the best part! I talked to Eli today for about 2 to 3 hours and we talked about everything! From him throwing his brother into a door and breaking it to Chris, Jamal, Kayla & Krista. It was wonderful!! I thought I might be falling in love, but I knew I couldn't be because I know I just Love Eli because I can confide in him! He is such a good listener and always knows the answers to all of my questions! Then I talked to Chris and we had to sort so much out! We laughed and yelled and everything in between. I asked him if he ever loved me in the first place and he answered yes, but I don't know if it was true or if it was just to please me and make me feel better. I'd like to once catch him on a day when we could talk forever and really catch up on things. I want to learn of him again and I want him to learn about me, so we can start our friendship over again and try not to let "Love" interfere with it. I know I melt whenever I talk to him, but I know I Love him and I seek his Love for me whenever possible. I don't find much, but I try to piece together what I can uncover. It just seems he's become a very hidden person and I hate not knowing every little thing about him and what goes on in his life. Tommorow is Halloween so, I doubt I'll talk to him long, but If I do talk to him, it'll be before witching hour begins. I am not going as anything this year and I may not go for the candy. I may just go to walk and let out everything I'm feeling. I don't want to bottle it up anymore. I guess tomorrow night will sort of be a night for myself when I can really think about what's going on and sort out what's happening in life in the present time. Chris, Jamal, Mom, School, Kayla, everything! I want to be with Chris more than I want anything right now, but if I can't have him in such a way, then all I want is to be his best friend! I want to go places with him and talk to him and write notes to him and get a reply and skateboard with him, even though I cannot. I want those things and it seems to be so vital to my social life and what not. He makes me so happy at times, but so sad at others. Especially when he lies to me or tries to apease me by saying what he knows I want to hear. I would really like to stay home for Halloween, but if I did, which I can't anyway, then I wouldnt have even the slightest chance to see any of my friends. I wish Chris would come over so we could spend Halloween together and sort out all our problems and get our friendship back on track, but I know he won't, because, personally, I think he's scared of what might happen. I really would like to spend a day with him though. To clear all this up because maybe if I did that then I could get over being his girlfriend and worry more about being his bestfriend. I would enjoy that! I don't want to be stuck on him for the rest of forever because I know it's probably not good for my health or something of the sort. Also, Chris doesnt go out with Laura anymore. He goes out with Brit. H! That is gay cuz I'm WYA better than her! LoL!

Posted by moon/rikachica at 10:59 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 30 October 2003 11:18 PM EST
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Thursday, 18 September 2003
9.18.03-YAY! YAY! YAY!
YAY! I am happy cuz Kayla gotz herself a bf..well 2 n a sense but not rly. First Tony asked her out n they go out n then Adam asked her out n they go out n she rly loves Adam so shes prolly gonna break up with Tony n go out w/ Adam n if they go out long enuff then she wont move!! That makes me happy! It weird cuz shell stay for Adam, but she wont stay for me...n that makes me feel unspecial :-\ but o well! At least I have a chance of her stayin! Also, it was funny cuz on Wednesday, Chris came up to me n wuz like "Hey Erika! I go out with 6 guys!" n I wuz like "Well, Im a girl, but will u go out with me?" n he looked @ me n wuz like "But ur not a guy..." n I wuz like "Well, will ya go out with me newayz?" n jus looked @ me n wuz like "Yea, but ur not a guy..."n I wuz like "Well if I went out n got a sex change, would you go out with me?" n he wuz like "Yea, sure!!" LoL! Then at lunch he told me that Laura called him a fag n I wuz like "Well SCREW wut Laura says! Shes gay newayz!" LoL so I dunno if they broke up or w/e but I hope hed break up w/ her 4 sayin suttin like that cuz I would if I wuz him! I think thats all 4 now...

Posted by moon/rikachica at 11:06 PM EDT
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Saturday, 13 September 2003
9.13.03-A few extras I must add to yesterdays entry
Some other things I forgot to mention yesterday.
A)Ned broke up with Sara cuz he didnt think it was right for her to go out w/ 2 people. Him & Kelsey.

B)Ok, Kayla has books that she rights notes in. That she passes back n forth to her friends. One for her n me, one for her n Kayla H n one for her n Paris n she was sittin n Mr. Coats room the other day n the books were jus sittin there. She wasnt writin n um or nuthin n Mr. Coats looked at one of the books n said "Why do u have Kayla H's book?" n she said "Its not hers it jus has her name on it cuz shes my best friend." n he picked up all the books n started lookin through um n said "Well obviously these names arent on ther just cuz shes ur friend. Theyre on here cuz yall been passin notes in um!" so he took all of um n was showin all the teachers n stuff. Im mad cuz he has no right takin those up! They have very personal stuff n there that he has no business readin! Ther is stuff n there about Kayla H that could get her sent 2 home n theres stuff n ther about Kayla doin sum stuff that no adult should ever noe about! N thats not fair that he took those!

C)Kayla is rly movin. Shes movin on Christmas Day. The only way she wont move is if Jovanni goes back out w/ her n who noes if thatll ever hapn!

D)Tristan is mad at me. I dont like him like WANT HIM like him. He is mad at me cuz supposedly Kayla is ruinin his life n cuz Im friends w/ her hes mad @ me. Thats not fair to me! He says Kaylas got sum friends n it w/ her n Im like ya noe wut? Maybe she duz, but Im not 1 of those ppl! I would never do nething like that 2 him! He is 1 of my bestfriends n Ive known him my whole life!
Well, I think thats it!

Posted by moon/rikachica at 8:17 PM EDT
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Friday, 12 September 2003
9.12.03- From the Worst game ever to the Best day in a very very very long time!
Uhhh....yea! Well, about the game, its not that it sucked cuz we lost, cuz we didnt lose. We won 20 to 8 against Ashville Braves! We were rockin! The game sucked cuz well, A)The cokes there we bottled n they were rly little n they costed $1.25 each & they were not even cold! So that sucked! B) Shane Bruce is an idiot and a cheap loser! But that whole story was worked out, so it doesnt matter. C) I invited Chris to go to the game with me so we could hang out n talk about things, but instead he hung out with his friends n everytime Id walk up to him, hes say "HI GUYS!" n then walk off. Then I found out that Im not havin my sleepover after all and my dad is divorcing my stepmom n moving into our house and we're moving to a new house. I think moving we'll be alot easier on us cuz Im hopin it'll be easier to maintain, so all that happened yesterday n that all was the worst thing ever! But today was a complete different story. A 180° turn around from yesterday! We had picture day today and I got 2 hang out w/ Chris D, Chris B, Eli, Christal, Jessica K, Miguel, Henry, Matt and Kristain. Chris B finally broke up w/ his gay gf, Jessica W n she was all pissed off cuz now she thinks me n Chris B go out n we dont n she was startin rumors about us n stuff. Today she called me a FUCKIN PREP today behind my back, so tomorrow Im go up 2 her n rite 2 her face Ima say "Ya noe wut? I am a fuckin prep and ur a fuckin BITCH!" n walk off. Chris D has a new gf now. Its Laura Lopez. I was so happy cuz me n him we hangin out n he was sayin I Looked Very Pretty and that I Was Very Sexxie and that I Am His Best Friend and all kindza sweet stuff! Then Christal gave him a hug before he left and then he looked at me n said "Well Im not leavin until I give Erika a hug too!" n then he sat down beside me n gave me a hug and then I hugged him when I was leavin after school! It was funny! Christal was sittin n my lap n Eli was sittin next 2 me n Chris B asked if we were lezbians n Christal goes "HELL YEA!!: n she kissed my cheek n then Eli said "Well DAMN!" n he kissed my cheek n Chris D was like "DAMN! That took alotta balls Eli!" I was like "WHOA! Holy Hell!" LoL! Then me n Miguel were talkin about Jessica W and he was like "Yea, shes a stupid bitch! She was talkin about u n shit n she knows where Chris B lives so she gonna get a buncha her friends together so they can go n kick his ass and egg & T.P and fork his house n stuff!" n Im like "Yea fuckin rite!" It was funny cuz after Chris broke ^ w/ her she was sittin w/ her friends n she was yellin "Yea! U can go out with whover u want! I dont care! I never rly liked u newayz" n sayin a buncha shit like that n I told Chris B, I said "Tell her 2 shut thr fuk up b4 I do!" n he didnt say nuthin n finally she shut up. Then sum1 pulled the fire alarm again this year and we were all outside n our class was by the cars and Mrs. Green, the librarian came over 3 different times n was lookin at us n then she came over a 4th time n said "Yall need to back away 4rm the vehicles" n she was shovin every1 n the back away from em n then Ms. Strickland said "Well, yall have to make a strait line so u can move back a little." n Mrs Green scowled at her. Then wen she left we were all talkin about her. Even Ms. Strickland! Then she kept comin over n lookin @ us cuz the car we were closest to was hers, so..then finally wen we were headin back inside she went back over 2 her car n was inspectin it n I told Ms. Strickland I'll b rite bak n I went n yelled at that teacher. I said "WE DONT LIKE UR UGLY FRIKKIN CAR! IT IS UGLY N NEXT TIME I SEE IT IMA KEY IT & JUMP ON IT & TEAR UP THE SEATS & TAKE OUT ALL THE PARTS N THE HOOD!" n she jus looked at me n said "U needa go 2 he office RITE now!" n I said "NO!" n Ms. Strickland was laughin her ass off! n Mrs. Green jus looked @ her n Ms. Strickland said "Cmon Erika!" n we were laughin about it the whole way nside n 4 the rest of class. It was HILARIOUS! Then Jessica R brought suttin 2 skewl that I cant share but it was real n it even smelled real! It was awsum! Me n Marie were like "Yea, I wanna die a rly old lady w/ a joint n my mouth n a smile on my face!" LoL! Jerry came up 2 me n the hall n said "Can I touch ur boob?" n I was like "Not while that teacher is standing there." n then we both walked down the hall away 4rm ne teachers n was like "Can I now?!" n I was like "NO! FOOL! DAYUM!" LoL! So as you can tell today was just so very awsum! I think thats just about everything that hapnd so....I lookeded so very pretty today. I wore my skin tite Purple n Blue stripped shirt n my Bubblegum pants n my makeup n I was jus so pretty! :-D Well, Im out like a fat kid n dodgeball! PCZ n CHKN GRZ! Y-B-NRML? Yea, I got attitude! U got suttin 2day! LATA!

Posted by moon/rikachica at 6:25 PM EDT
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Friday, 5 September 2003
Its Been Awhile
9/5/03- YAY! Im so happy! My birthday is tomorrow! YAY! YEEEHAW!! *Well, school, school at the beginning SUKED ass! But now its pretty cool. I didnt like Mr. Coats, but now I do. Mr. Bowen turned out 2 be pretty cool. Ms. Strickland is so very awsum and her bf is so very hott! LoL! Mrs. Cronon is still the same ole' cool teacher. I finally have Mr. Bierce 2nd period Lit, but its not rly a reading Lit class. Its more like a filming class. We film all the morning annoucement when they do them on the TV. So far, we havent dun any, but we're planning 2 do some soon. Me n Erika Ford r the only 7th graders in our class. Everyone else is all 8th grade and we got a new 8th grader yesterday. So its me, Erika F, Cassie, Chase(who I gotta tell ya suttin about n a min)Brittany(the new person)Molly, Sarah, Jessica, Amber, Danielle and Janna. *Ok, heres the scoop on Chase. He is SO VERY SEXXIE!! *I actually found sum pplz I like this year. I like Chase, Jamal, Dionta and Tristan! I am so happy Im slowly but surely getting over Chris! I dont wanna lose him as a friend, but I cant have him as a boyfriend so I gotta deal w/ wutever I can get. We r really good friends and Im happy 4 that! As of this year I think we're gonna start hangin out at like FBall games, movies, sk8n, sk8boardin parks, school games n stuff like that. Maybe w/ my mind on being his friend itll take away the thought of missing him as a bf! Im hoping so. As much as I Love him and need him, i realize that its silly to waste my whole life on something thats just out of my reach. I was a lil upset 2day cuz Sara told me that he told her he loved her rite in the middle of a sentence she was sayin. It worries me that he still loves her after what she did 2 him. I think maybe he's deperate cuz his choice of girls has gone completely down since me. I noe I shouldnt worry about wut he duz n that if hes gonna b stupid then he'll have 2 face the consequences on his own, but I consider him a friend now and I wouldnt let any of my other friends make stupid choices like this, but I do noe that if I talk 2 him about it he'll ignore it and b mad @ me, even just for lookin out 4 him. *I saw NED, Saras bf shes supposedly marrying in 5yrs, @ the sk8n rink n he is dogg ass ugly!! *Im not mad @ Kelsey H nemore for cussin me out on the fone cuz she was rly cool @ the sk8n rink. *Kayla spent the nite @ my house last wknd n we had alotta fun! I got sick over that wknd tho. Every1 was, but me n daddy were like throwin up sik. It was BAD! *My brother turned a yr old on August 8th n he is gettin SO big! He is now callin me KAH. Hes talkin a lil now and walkin like a pro! He is getting 2 b the handsome baby I always knew he would b. *Kayla may be movin 2 NY at the end of this year and I dunno wut Im gonna do w/o her! I will miss her SO much! I rly dont want her 2 leave, but she says nothing good outta life can come from staying here, so shes gonna move n w/ her uncle n them. *Theres this guy named Michael thats is almost all my classes and he rly wants 2 go out w/ me n I dun mean 2 b mean, but I mean EWWWWW! Hes so annoying! Like he follows me everywhere, hes always askin 4 a hug n I dont give out hugs 2 just any ole person! Everytime we partner up 4 like an activity he thinks its me n him all the way, like I dont have other friends Id like 2 partner with! Hes always wantin me 2 walk down the hall w/ him 2 the band room 2 get his stinkin trombone n he will like stand rite beside me n stuff until I go, so I try 2 avoid him. He acts as if Im his. Like he owns me! Like if he says "Lets partner up" n I ignore him n start talkin 2 sum1 else then he'll b like "HELLO!" like hes my owner! *For my bday I was gonna have a sleepover this wknd, but I changed it 2 next wknd so more pplz could come. Me, Ashley, Kayla, Paris, Mariah, Brandy, Cari and our Guest of Honor, Melanie! HaHaHa...if u guys only knew!

Posted by moon/rikachica at 5:41 PM EDT
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Sunday, 10 August 2003
8.10.03-Schools Tomorrow
I cant believe summer is over and its back to bedtimes and showers! HaHa!! I dont like Mr. Bowen cuz hes a dork & I dont like Mr. Coats cuz hes a jerk! I LOVE Mrs. Strickland and Mrs. Cronon, but Im more than likely not gonna like all my connection teachers. I will have Mr. Bierce for Lit, hopefully, cuz he said he'd pull sum strings & get me into his class so I could go to Athens with them. Im really excited to see how & if everyone has changed over the summer. Well, I have to go get in the shower, eat & go to bed and get rested for the big day of tomorrow!

Posted by moon/rikachica at 8:20 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 23 July 2003
7.23.03- End Of Summer Draws Near
Well, its about 3 weeks til Summer Fun if over and School starts back. Im really lookin forward to seein all my friends again, but I dont want summer to end! I, jus like any other kid, dont want to go back to school! The only thing I think I'll like about 7th grade that I noe of currently is hangin w/ Mr. Long! He is the awsumest! He is a gr8 assistant principal!! My summer has been perdy good! I am glad I got to have Kayla & Ashleu over cuz my mom usually never lets kids come 2 my house! I told my dad I wanted a BIG slumber party b4 summer ends & Im hoping we can work it out! Then Im gonna have one 4 my bday in Sept. I am really lookin forward 2 havin Kayla, Ashley, Paris & Whitney over this summer & Kayla, Ashlye, PAris, Whitney & Melanie(;-D)over for my bday!! Itll b SO MUCH fun! I am KINDA xcited 2 go bak 2 skewl cuz Ive been talkin 2 ppl online 4rm skewl that I dont rly noe & Ive been DYING to meet them, but other than that the end of summer will SUCK! Mrs. Johns, my 6th grade Phys. Schi. teacher is moving to 7th grade Life Science & Im hoping 2 get her cuz she wuz THE BEST! I liked her alot!I wish Mrs. Brown would move up too with me & her son Derek so that way I could have her 2 cuz I LOVED her too! Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Brown & Mrs. Cronon were my fave academic teachers & Mr. Cordle & Mr. Beirce were my fave connections teachers! Mr. Bierce wants me to be in his Lit. class this year & Im hoping that he can pull all the right strings so I can go to Athens w/ him! This year I have alot of Goals I want to meet. Last year was really tough for me! I lost the man of my dreams, I was always sick, I didnt get the grades I knew I was capable of and it felt like my whole world was tumbling right on top of me! Im hoping 7th grade will be better & Im gonna try my hardest to make my hopes come true!

Posted by moon/rikachica at 9:09 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 July 2003 9:25 PM EDT
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Saturday, 19 July 2003
7.19.03-4:38am-Crazy Day
Well, my mom got home at about 11pm & we talked for 3hrs about many important matters that we had also talked about at 6am yesterday. I am glad I got it all off my chest. Chris called today, but when I called him back he was gone. Kayla supposedly goes out with Tristan. Kayla is comin over 2morrow! Thats basically my day...

Posted by moon/rikachica at 4:26 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 July 2003 9:26 PM EDT
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Saturday, 12 July 2003
7.12.03-Spend The Night & Movies
On Thursday I went to the movies w/ Whitney, Kayla & Ashley & went & saw "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl" w/ Johnny Depp & it was REALLY good. After the movie Kayla & Ashley came 2 my dads & spended the night. It was SO awsum! WE didnt even sleep! We got the cam-corder & recorded a 30 min tape of us doin w/e. It so the bestest! I wanna go 2 the movies agin next Friday & take them & Chris w/ me! He couldnt come this time cuz he had 2 go 2 Helen early in the morning so...But I had a awsum time newayz!

Posted by moon/rikachica at 5:02 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 July 2003 9:11 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 9 July 2003
7.9.03 11:00AM-One a those STRESSFUL days!
Today has been a VERY stressful day! Its very early in the mornin & I havent slept yet. Im friggn tired!! Me n my mom fought @ 5am, but we're over it now. We never stay mad @ eachother for long. LoL! I have currently placed my website on hiatus for a while until I get my new layout up & all. It shouldnt be long. I cant get my stupid site editor to come up. It keeps freezin! Stupid thang! Shit! It just froze again! Damit! Newayz...I plan on callin Chris at like 1pm er suttin...I dunno. I gotta call Kayla 2. *Ive been lookin for a good site host that doesnt have a lotta requirements, but has alotta time to help me learn FTP & stuff. I need FTP Tutorials, PSP Tutorials, Notepad HTML Tutorials, so I need alotta help, so Ill need a host with alotta time to spare & that is prepared 4 my stupidity! LoL...*I cant wait til school starts back again! Im gonna make a site completely dedicated to CMS! Cuz we rock all! ~If idiots could fly, CMS would b ain airport(Ben)~Thats the only prob w/ Cass, there r 2 many stupid pplz! Well, Im out...

Posted by moon/rikachica at 11:10 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 July 2003 9:12 PM EDT
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