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__L A Y O U T__

Simple w/ a splash of Christina Aguilera different shades of white and grey music brought to you by Play-I Must Not Chase The Boys hope you enjoy my page! thanks for stoping by

__I N F O M A T I O N__

I'm pretty much your typical asian girls my Name is Jenny aka Baby vixen bka JaE i'm 14 still alil youngin about to be 15 on November the 11 i live in Long beach E.s Lbc and i attend the ONLY high school is that is unified which is Wilson Classical HIgh i'm officially a sophmore well in a few more months to be alil more detailed i'm chinese even though i may not look like it but YES i am FULL chinese i'm not loving n e one unless you count Dustin my adorable lil nephew whom i love w/ all my heart! i'm a lil shorty only shooting up to 5'3 i HAD hazel color eyes.. well contacts now i'm going GREEN

__S P E C I A L Hollaz__

J E S S I C A girl you know u number one!! mah sister mah blood!! lol mah number one enemy!! fah sho gosh i see u still going strong w/ wut his face RYAN lol yeah hope yall the best well since i'm the one who "sneaks" you out to see him lol i guess no paris for us this year but next year fah sho! girl you know i love you! always down for the ride! haha always there fo me maybe not physically but mentally and u know i'm gratfull for all dem shit bad girls for life! we ride together we die together till the end!J E N N I F E R girl you know i love you w/ out a doubt fah sho is a fact! always there for me to listen to me complain and whien wut i got on my mind never judging me always loving me for me! which i know is hard! haha but you do it n e way THANKS for always having time fo my ass. DONT EVER HESITATE TO TELL ME N E THING like if fergee mistreat you! you know i'll kick his ass for you! but i knwo he wont because tat nikkuh got it for you he loves you! all dem shit we been through girl you're my best friend and always will be and i love you w/ all mah heart!C H R I S T I N A hey tin can when u gonna gave dem fella a chance huh!! so i can clown on them! n e way girl you know i love you ass even tho i wanna kill you and cut u into pieces and feed you to the fishes!! but yeah how can i do tat to one of my oldest homie huh 7 years babe and we're still together..gosh i need to kill you haha but yeah always there fo you! and always gonna love ur faggot ass even if you grow old into dem bitter woman haha jp!