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Unfortunatly Angelfire wont allow me to have a page where we could read and post messages. They wont allow any sort of page where endusers (yourselves) could enter any sort of information. Fortunatly there are many sites that will allow that sort of thing. If you click on "Go Post a Message" at the bottom of this page, you will go to a free message board where you can post messages on whatever topic you desire. For instance, you could post a message about what a huge crackhead James is, or you could reply to a message someone else has already posted. Just click on the phrase 'virtual floating zendo' at the top of the message board to get back to this site.

Go Post a Message

Zendohome | Begin | Joy | Beer | Fire | Angst | Death Defying | Driving | Angels | Dorks | Freaks | Devils | Contacts | Post | End

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