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About Me


     3D Art/Animation

     3D Art/Animation

    Work In Progress
     The Interview
     Ex-Smokers logos

    About Me

     Free Domain Name -

Copyright 2003 Sally Harris (used with permission)OK, so it's finally time I told you a little about myself. I don't know if you'll find this interesting, but I tend to check up on people's biographies, just to see what they're like. So, here goes...

Yes, that is me to the left. That picture was taken and edited by my fiancee, who is the photographer in the house.

I was born in 1971 which makes me...well, you work it out. I currently live in Kent with my fiancee and our six children. (I really did say six!!!!!)I have been programming computers since I first got a Sinclair ZX Spectrum in 1983 and have taught myself numerous languages, include Pascal (including Delphi), C/C++, Basic (including Visual Basic) and various web development languages. I used to work at JBA Software as an RPG/400 programmer, but that came to an end in 2001.

Since 2001, I have continued to develop software and my own programming skills, and have begun work on several projects I hope to market soon. At present, I am almost exclusively using Delphi Professional, however I am just as happy with most other languages.

Over the last couple of years, I have also been learning 3D art and animation. I began with free software from cover magazines, mainly Truespace 2 and Cinema 4D SE, and the GIMP for texturing. I still use the GIMP, however, I have now purchased Animation:Master from Hash Inc, which I now use almost exclusively for 3D work.

If you wish to contact me regarding anything you see here on the site, please feel free to send me a mail. My address is