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Inventory, What Stuff Does, Tips and Problems.

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Commonly Asked Questions


(for dummies)

How To's and What is?


Quick Search.
food and drink
invisibility vs chameleon
dirty disc message


Most of this is explained in the booklet that comes with the game.
But, as with most new things, reading it is a lot to take in at once, so this is
the minimalist's guide, just what you need to keep you alive, the rest you learn as you go.

First chance you get, take a good look around inside your inventory
There's a screen with a picture of you. 
Above it are some numbers.  They show the weight of what 
you're carrying on you, versus how much you can carry. 
If you pick up too much, you get an 'over-encumbered' message. 
How much you can carry goes up with your levels and is reliant 
on your 'strength'.
On the right are icons of all the things you have with you.
Magical items are highlighted, mundane articles are not.
If you click ('a') on an item, you will 'equip' it, making it ready for use.
When you leave your inventory ('b' button) you can use the selected
item by pressing 'x' and, if it's a weapon, the right trigger.
(PC uses keyboard commands)
If you press 'a' while still in inventory, you can eat or drink 
something you're carrying, press 'x' to drop it.

The next screen you may see is the one you filled in when you arrived.
It shows your stats.
Your race, factions and Guilds you might have joined and your rank 
within them.  It shows your health, your magicka, your fatigue.
Pressing 'y' gives details, such as requirements for advancement 
in your Guild, or how long to your next level-up. 
At the very top are those tiny icons you also see on your playing screen. 
You can press 'y' for those too and see what they are. 
Play with it all.

Your map is fairly self-explanatory.  It shows only the places 
you've been as you explore.
If you find and chat with a scout, they will fill in 
other places on your map. 
If you read the book 'Pilgrim's Path' it will fill in even more.

The magic screen shows the gifts you were born with, the spells 
you have purchased from those who sell spells and lists the magical 
items in your inventory. 
To find out more about them, highlight them and press 
that 'y' button again. 
To cast a spell or use a magical item, highlight it, leave inventory 
and cast the spell by pressing 'y' to raise your hands 
and the right trigger to cast. 
To the right of each spell are two numbers, cost and charge. 
They show you the chances you have of successfully casting that spell. 
18/100 is good. 156/0 is not.
If your magic skills are poor, you will not be able to cast spells 
with any degree of success.  Use them instead to enchant 
an item or article of clothing 
or find a trainer and 'improve' your chances.



You can look inside a crate by pressing 'a'.  You can take what 
you're looking at by pressing it again. 
In Balmora, no one says anything if you do this. 
Elsewhere it is a different story. 
If you want to steal it, be sneaky.
Don't do it in stores. 
If you see something on a shelf in a store and you 
want to buy it, don't pick it up.  That's stealing. 

Talk to the shopkeeper and 'barter' to get it. 
Dicker over the price a little; 
it's good for your mercantile skill and for your speechcraft.
You can pick up a book however, if it's not on some shopkeeper's shelf.
Open it, you might learn something interesting but make 
sure you press 'b' and put it back! 
(Unless no-one is watching of course, and it's worth a bit.)

If you get caught stealing you have options.
You can go to jail, watch your skills go downhill and lose all 
your stolen loot or you can find the local Thieves Guild and join. 
(even if you don't do any of their quests)
Thieves Guild has 'fixers'. 
Get in trouble with the law and you can run over there 
and get the price taken off your head for half-cost. 
And you get to keep your stuff! 
An alternative is to be 'quick'. 
If you know you're gonna get nicked 
for thieving by the local constabulary, drop everything 
you've got except 
for your gold (they don't take that) pay the fine and then 
pick it all up again. 
Your choice.  How fast is your finger?

are easy. 
Simply choose the one you want to use, equip it using 'a' from your 
inventory then 'x' to bring it out and swing away with the right trigger.

Mind you, it gets a bit tedious, having to go into inventory when you're 
being attacked by a pack of nix-hounds or a maddened kagouti.

Hold down the 'x' button and scroll through your 
available weapons using the triggers. 
Works for magic too, using the 'y'.
Be aware that, if you scroll this way through magical items, 
clothing, amulets and rings will be put on as you scroll, so watch it.

You can wear two rings and one amulet at a time as well as 
a robe over the top of your other clothes and pants under a skirt. 
These things should be equipped and unequipped through 
the inventory screen. 
(Unless you like the layered look.)

The icons at the bottom left of the playing screen show 
the weapon and the magic item you have equipped.
There's a tiny red line beneath each one which indicates how 
much charge they have left. 
Keep an eye on it. 

Sleeping will re-charge most magical items overnight. 

Keep your weapons, boots etc in good repair by visiting 
an armourer or smith regularly. 
If you don't, something will fall off you in the middle of a battle. 

When it comes to bows and arrows, they must be equipped separately; 
the arrows will stay equipped even if you switch to a sword.



IF I EAT THIS . . . ?

You don't have to eat at all. 
You do have to sleep in order to level-up and you do have 
to repair, but eating or consuming beverages is optional.

Most food will do nothing to you. 
It might poison you but it won't kill you.

Beverages are different.
Just as in real life, indulging in alcoholic, magical drinkies will 
do things to you.
Sujamma, for example, will give you a temporary boost 
of extra strength; but it also makes you stupid for a while. 
Same with matze etc. 

Telvanni Bug Musk makes you irresistible. 
(pumps up your personality) 
Handy if you're trying to woo someone.  ;-)

People sell potions. 
Potions of Light and Night-Eye enable you to see in the dark for a while. 
How long, depends on whether you bought cheap, bargain or exclusive.

Potion of Jump sends you miles into the air when you leap.
Sounds good, but ...what goes up, must come down.
Without Slowfall, you'll hit the earth hard.  Dead.

Need to get up into the top of a Telvanni Wizard's Tower?
You need a potion of Rising Force, or two.

dissolves any magic being thrown at you by an enemy; 
bounces it back at them and 
makes hitting you with a weapon almost impossible.

Cure, Fortify and Resist
Potions are self-explanatory. 
Morrowind has diseases that you can catch from animals. 
Carry potions or spells/scrolls of healing with you.
Scribs and Alits can paralyse and poison, so can Kwama Foragers.

As the box says, "Vvardenfell is a dangerous place.  Save often."



Nasty Critters

The animals and other creatures that you'll meet outside the cities 
are level-specific, in most cases. 
If you're a Level 1, on your first trip along a country lane, you're not 
going to meet any of those nasty looking things you see 
on the splash screens

But, if you wander into the cave of a rogue wizard, there might be 
a Storm Atronach waiting for you.
Either run or prepare to face your doom!  You soon learn.


Invisibility versus Chameleon.
A scroll/spell or potion of invisibility is handy, especially if you 
need to run through an area awash with unfriendlies. 
However, if you touch or open something, you're instantly visible.
For that reason, I'd go with chameleon any time; the best you can afford.


The Benefits of Luck.
Very under-rated as a level-up option, is poor ole luck.
Folk ignore it in favour of increasing their strength or willpower 
and luck is the only listing on the level-up menu that never, ever 
has a multiple increase as an option.
But luck influences everything.  From your chances of survival to 
your chances of getting good loot in a tomb. 
YOur success at life (and game) are greatly influenced by luck.
Don't ignore it.




If the question were;
"Should I or shouldn't I try to enchant things myself?" 
my answer would have to be a resounding, "No!"
It's not worth it for most people.  To successfully enchant an item, 
you need an astounding intelligence, a massive enchant skill and lots 
and lots of spare, filled soul gems because, nine times out of ten 
you're going to fail and your gem will be destroyed.
Much better then to rake in loads of cash, trap a soul in a gem, 
buy a spell and take all that to an enchanter along with the item 
you wish to enchant and let them do it. 
100% guarantee.




Petty soul gems are for . . . petty souls.  Rats, kwama, etc.
Grand Soul gems are for Golden Saints and Ascended Sleeper.
And all things in-between. . .
There are a limited number of already full gems in the game so learning 
to fill your own is almost essential.
There are swords in this game that will do most of the hard work 
for you, but I'm describing the plebs way of doing it, okay? 

Buy a spell of soultrap and make sure you can cast it.
Have gem.  Have sharp, pointy weapon.  Have target in mind.
Remembering to have correct size gem in your inventory.
Aim your fingers at the beastie and cast soultrap. 
A mist forms around the target if you did it right. 
Now . . . easy bit . . . kill it!
Before the mist goes away!
The dead soul will automatically go into the lowest size gem it can fit 
into in your inventory.  Done.

Note: Golden Saints can cast 'Dispel'.  If you see one put away her 
weapon and raise her hands, that's what she's trying to do. 
Stop her. 
Pound at her with your weapon until she thinks twice 
and resumes the battle. 
If she succeeds in dispelling, you have to cast again.



Dirty Disc Error Message.

It's not really dirty, okay.  Get over it. 
It's a known bug that plagues Morrowind on XBox.
There is no way to stop it, but it can be reduced.
This tip also includes reducing the incidence of 'freeze' that will 
happen as your game gets longer and longer.

Firstly, go to your Options menu on the Start Screen and turn 
OFF autosave and shadows. 
That's the dirty disc problem half-solved.
Not to mention the fact that you won't have to wait forever for 
an autosave to finish every time you sleep.
But . . . save, save, save!  It's now up to you to keep your own
back-ups with the autosave turned off!

Secondly, don't try and do too much at once when 
your game gets lengthy.  By this I mean;
1] Don't levitate at high speed while wearing the Boots of Blinding Speed, 
battling a cliff racer and checking directions from your 
inventory map at the same time!
I'd freeze too, if someone did that to me!

2] Don't drop stuff all over the place.  The hard-drive is forced to 
remember where it is forever; if you don't want it, drop it in a crate 
or sell it to a trader.

3] Don't move people around un-necessarily.  Sure, it can be fun 
to 'command' people onto rooftops or such, but again, the game has 
to remember what you've done.

4] Bury your dead!  Not literally, use the 'dispose of corpse' option 
as much as you can.  Yes, I know the game cleans up after you, but in the 
three game days it takes for that to happen, a lot of folk can wind up 
dead, their goods and their bodies cluttering up your save 
like seagulls at a picnic basket.

Be tidy with the dearly departed.

At least once every game day, save your game as a 'new save'.
This helps reset characters that have moved and tidy up your leftovers.
Exit via Start Screen and start again, deleting old game before you load.
For more advice check



      Christian Lightfinger.

       Where to Live.  How To Live. What To Join.

      Commonly Asked Questions.
