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The New Farmhouse

In the Spring of 2001 we purchased an old farmhouse and approximately 27 acres in Northeast Missouri. We are currently remodeling the farmhouse.

The Horse Barn

There was an existing horse barn on the property that had been sadly neglected and was in need of a roof and restoration.

Remodeled Barn

Now repaired, the horse barn currently has eight stalls.

Compost Pile

All the manure and bedding from the barn is composed before it is spread on the pasture. This reduces the nutrients but also kills the eggs from internal parasites.

Future Garden Site

This is the prospective garden site for the family garden. We have a lot of work to do here!

Existing Pond

This pond is silted in and overgrown with willow, cattail and thorny locust. As soon as the perimeter fence is repaired to contain goats this will be intensively grazed to remove unwanted growth.

Unwanted Trees

This paddock around the existing pond has been overgrazed and the soil is poor. Cedar trees, willows and thorny locust have been allowed to grow. The goats will be used to clear this lot.

Winter Snow

The livestock is removed from the pasture during the winter and brought into the barn or lots where they can be sheltered and cared for during harsh weather.

Weedy Paddocks

Due to overgrazing the paddocks are very weedy. The goats will be confined to the worst areas to eat down the weeds before we go in to clean up old fence lines and brush piles.

Manure Returned to Pasture

After composting, the manure is spread thinly on to the hillsides. We have an additional help spreading the manure from the wild turkeys. There is a large flock of nearly 100 wild turkeys that periodically scratch their way through the compost looking for a kernel of corn.


In 2001 we purchased an old farmhouse and 27 acres in Northeast Missouri. We are currently remodeling the farmhouse, restoring the barn, and renovating the pastures. We have plans for a garden plot and small orchard. We raise performance horses, meat goats and pastured poultry.

The farm is not certified organic, however, we raise our livestock chemical and hormone free. We do not use genetically modified grains to feed our animals which are destined for slaughter. We do not use antibiotics in a continuous, feed additive program and we do not feed animal by products or animal protein to our livestock destined for human consumption. We prefer not to eat meat products containing these potentially harmful by-products and we will not provide a product to you, the consumer,  which does not meet these same standards.   

The manure generated on our farm is composted to break down the vegetable matter. The heat generated by the compost pile kills parasites and their eggs. This reduces the internal parasite problem for our livestock and reduces the local fly population. After the manure is aged it is spread back on the pasture to enhance the soil and fertilize the pasture grasses. Our garden will be managed using perma-culture techniques which does not utilize tilling to condition the soil.




PO Box 189, Lancaster, MO 63548

Home: 660-457-2125            Barn: 660-216-0232          Fax: 253-830-9044