Jeff Leslie

Lyrics and Poetry

pg. 4


“CALL ME UP”  by Jeff Leslie  1/18/85

Pen in hand but words never come
My broken heart is sinking
Maybe later when everything’s done
I wonder what you're thinking
A still small voice then quickens my heart
I thought I heard You say, “We don't have to feel apart”

Just call Me up. My Name's in the Book
You could know Me better if you’d take time to look
I've paid the dues. The service is free
I'll give you much if you reach out and touch

Touch tone plays a melody sweet
Tell me how it’s going
I've read Your Letter. It makes me complete
I’m filled to overflowing
A still small voice has quicken my heart
I thought I heard You say, “We don't have to feel apart”

The line is never busy I can always get through
Everything considered, It’s what I like most to do

Just call Me up. My Name's in the Book
You could know Me better if you’d take time to look
I've paid the dues. The service is free
I'll give you much if you reach out and touch 

“COLORS OF TRUTH”   by Jeff Leslie  8/30/96

Lord, I saw my life as I looked into the glass
At a man of age with hair in shades of gray
I wondered as I stared into his curious eyes
Does wisdom truly come with countless days?

I look back with regret to a time not long ago
When the lines were drawn and easier to see
But now all that there is left of laws You gave to Man
Is just a remnant of the way it used to be

How do I choose between the right and the wrong
When shades of gray are clouding my view
Show me, dear Lord, the precious colors of truth
And lead me down the path that follows You

Lord, I sat and wondered as I gazed into the eyes
Of my baby with his countless days to come
Can his father leave a path he can follow in life
To the Saviour sitting high upon His Throne?

How do I choose between the right and the wrong
When shades of gray are clouding my view
Show me, dear Lord, the precious colors of truth
And lead me down the path that follows You

When all I have to say and do has all been said and done
Let the path I leave behind lead Taylor to your Throne

How do I choose between the right and the wrong
When shades of gray are clouding my view
Show me, dear Lord, the precious colors of truth
And lead me down the path that follows You

"ELI, ELI WHY DID YOU FORSAKE ME?"     by  Jeff Leslie   1975

Picture, if you can, Jesus Christ upon the cross
What would you have done if you were there?
Would you have been among the ones who put this Man to shame
Or praying with the very few who cared?

What if you had witnessed the pain and the disgrace
Nails in hands and thorns upon His head?
Everyone was staring if not laughing in His face
Then He spoke and this is what He said

“Eli, Eli, Why did you forsake me?
Please come and take me from this world
It is done,  My life on earth is through here
There's nothihg I can do here any more”

Did you ever take a nail and press it in your hand?
Imagine all the pain if it went through
There He was, the key to get into the promised land
No one listened,  what else could He do?

“Eli, Eli, Why did you forsake me?
Please come and take me from this world
It is done,  My life on earth is through here
There's nothihg I can do here any more”

I believe Jesus showed His true humanity when He spoke the words “Eli, Eli, Why did you forsake me?”  It was the one time He questioned the Father about His purpose.  It also indicates what horrendous pain He endured on the cross.  The line “There's nothihg I can do here any more” is not to say He was helpless but, rather, as a man, His mission was completed.  His work now would be in another form in the spirit world.

Written as a senior in high school, this is probably the first significant song I wrote of any quality.  I’d been writing 3 years. This was my Dad’s favorite.

“EVERY DAY I LOVE YOU MORE”      by Jeff Leslie  1988-3/2/99

I see the scales are hanging, leaning gently to one side
I see the sand move swiftly as it’s poured
Lord, every day the weight’s applied to test this love of mine
And every day I love You even more

Every day I love You more
Every day I love You more
If my love were given wings
Like an eagle I would soar
If you only gave me time
Then forever I would shine
With the way that I adore You
As each day I love You more

If I measured all my love it would weigh heavy in my hands
But it would feel so wonderful to hold
When troubles fall and tip the scales like countless grains of sand
The counterweight is love like precious gold

Every day I love You more
Every day I love You more
If my love were given wings
Like an eagle I would soar
If you only gave me time
Then forever I would shine
With the way that I adore You
As each day I love You more

If it had not been for the trials I’ve had
I’d have never seen underneath the sand
Because buried there is my love’s reward
It’s the cross of Christ and my eternal soul

Dan. 12:3   Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

All Lyrics Renewed © 2005 Jeffrey K. Leslie
All Rights Reserved.  Non Profit Use Permitted