Jeff Leslie
Lyrics and Poetry

pg. 5


“FILL ME WITH YOUR LOVE”    by   Jeff Leslie   6/8/89

Take me away where I can be alone with you
And know the very essence of Your love
Let me feel its warmth like summer's sun
Knowing it's a taste of things to come

I hear you gave your life for me, a sacrifice of love
And rose again to prove you’re Lord indeed
May the love that hung upon the tree
Fill the empty vessel within me

Because You gave Your life for me
I’ll live my life for You
Deep within my heart You’ll be a part
Of everything I do
As everyday I count the cost
With courage I’ll take up my cross
Till one fine day you carry me away.

The destiny that waits for me is eternal life with You
Living in a legacy of love
The precious love that hung upon the tree
The love I wish were living within me

Fill me with Your love
Fill me with Your love...

Everything You are I want to be
The Spirit within You I want in me
Until the day I live with You above
In every way, Lord, fill me with Your love

“FINDING MOM”   by Jeff Leslie  9/13/02

Once upon a time a young spirit
Flew through the heavens for fun
One day the Maker of all that there is
Called to the child and said, “Come.”

“Look through the eye of this spy glass
To the right of that bright yellow sun
There I’ve created a planet called earth
Earlier I sent there My Son

“I’ve set before you a great mission
To go to this earth for a time
And tell everybody you happen to meet
About this great heaven of Mine

“The road that you take won’t be easy
But I won’t make you go it alone
Find someone to raise you who'll make you prepared
And make your heart willing and strong.”

So I looked through the eye of His spy glass
Across the four corners of earth
Examined each woman down there I could find
Waiting for time to give birth

Her heart must be full of compassion
Her life must give honor to God
She must know the way to make cookies and cakes
But not know the way to the rod

She’s got to have love for her husband
And be eager to help all her friends
And it never hurts to have had kids before
But I want to be at the end

The last child gets all the attention
And learns from mistakes others made
By the time she’s had me then her patience will be
Long enough to let me have my way

She has to enjoy reading stories
And know all the nursery rhymes
She must sing like a bird and know hundreds of songs
And sing through the house at all times

And finally, now this is important
At the end of a long and hard day
She must take the time as she tucks me in bed
To teach me, while young, how to pray

Because later I’ll once again need her
To do for me what she does best
Tell me, when I ask the meaning of life
“Just to love and let God do the rest.”

Somewhere in South Oklahoma
For someone named Lois, it’s time
For I’ve studied the life of each mother on earth
And for me she’s the best I could find

Now I’ve just turned around and she’s 80
And I see that my choice wasn’t wrong
After all that she’s been through, when I visit home
I still hear her singing a song

“FRIEND OF A SINNER”   by   Jeff Leslie  1981-1/8/02

I feel your love each time I think of You up on that tree
I feel Your grace down on my knees
Your joy always comes at the break of day
As You carry the weight of the cares I cast away
Within me You’re working the finest art
You’re building a home in the hollow of my heart

You’re the Light in my darkness
You’re the Love in my heart
You’re the Giver of every good thing
You’re the Word, the Creator
The miracle Maker
But the best thing that You’ll ever be
Is the Friend of a sinner like me

And now my heart is full, Your Spirit is living in me
And You receive my endless praise
Some wonderful day You will come again
For there’s a reward for the ones who call You Friend
The greatest of love will be fin’ly shown
In the blink of an eye when You call Your children home

You’re the Light in my darkness
You’re the Love in my heart
You’re the Giver of every good thing
You’re the Word, the Creator
The miracle Maker
The blessed Redeemer and King

You’re the Light in my darkness
You’re the Love in my heart
You’re the Giver of every good thing
You’re the Word, the Creator
The miracle Maker
But the best thing that You’ll ever be
Is the Friend of a sinner like me

Now my blinded eyes can see
You are everything to me


"GLORY AND HONOR AND PRAISE"   by  Jeff Leslie   12/87

Glory to the Beacon from above
Whose light is our endeavor
To follow Him forever
Honor to a sacrificing love
Who calls on us to raise
Our own sacrifice of praise

Glory and honor and praise to the Heavenly Father
Glory and honor and praise to His Son Jesus our Lord
His Spirit He'll bring when we come to Him singing
Glory and honor and praise forevermore

Worthy is the everlasting One
The Father of creation
The Author of salvation
Worthy is the Father's only Son
The Man from heaven came
As a Lamb for sinners slain

He is worthy to receive our endless praise

Glory and honor and praise to the Heavenly Father
Glory and honor and praise to His Son Jesus our Lord
His Spirit He'll bring when we come to Him singing
Glory and honor and praise forevermore

"THE GOOD NEWS IS THE BAD NEWS IS WRONG"    by  Jeff Leslie  3/21/84

Dateline: Earth-- B.C. few thousand and five
It hasn't been long since Man's been alive
But Man has been bad and so, for days of two score
It's not gonna rain but, man, is it gonna pour
Righteous was one man but he couldn't swim
And what of his family?  What would happen to them?
When they thought they would drown with all the rest who’d done wrong
That’s when the good news was the bad news was wrong

Dateline: later-- leaving Egyptian land
A bunch of Hebrew children crossing hot desert sand
Fleeing From Pharaoh and his frightful army
Caught between them nearing and the dreaded Red Sea
"We haven't a chance!", "I think I'm gonna be sick!"
They cried until Moses raised his miracle stick
When they thought that the sea was just too wide and too long
That’s when the good news was the bad news was wrong

When the newspaper’s read and it makes you feel blue
Don't be mislead.  It shouldn’t matter to you
The darkest of night will disappear with the dawn
That’s when you'll find all the bad news is wrong

Headline: Jesus came and died for our sin
Now He's dead and gone and won't be coming again
Except for those who believe with just a seedful of faith
He’s coming for us and it could be today
So don’t take the time to read the black on the white
When disaster’s the word and it’s so full of fright
There’s no need to cry, you can rely on my song
The best news of all is that the bad news is wrong

“GRAVITY”  by Jeff Leslie 8/29/04

Newton thought he had it right when he saw the apple fall
Saying what goes up surely must come down
Imagine what he’d think if he was there when Jesus called
To defy the laws of science, sight and sound

When gravity goes
When gravity goes
When gravity goes

Adam took the tempting bite and began the human fall
And in my time, I have done my share
But Jesus bore the weight upon His back once and for all
And I can’t wait to meet Him in the air

When gravity goes
When gravity goes
When gravity goes

But there’ll be those whose feet are firmly planted
Who never took a single step of faith
They believe that they’re aware of all the answers
But they’ll question how the faithful fly away

When gravity goes
When gravity goes
When gravity goes

All Lyrics Renewed © 2005 Jeffrey K. Leslie
All Rights Reserved.  Non Profit Use Permitted