“We’ve been back from Sunnydale for two whole weeks and already trees are dying around here en masse.” Cordelia grumbled as she picked up around the office in the Hyperion.

She briefly scanned a pile of notes before dumping them in a trash can when the phone rang. “Angel Investigations, we help the helpless,” she recited without thinking. Years of answering the phone at the detective agency had ingrained those words into her brain. “Mmmhmm…oh yes! We’re taking new clients…for the meantime anyway,” she told the caller, mumbling the last part. Angel’s new human status left the future of the detective agency in limbo.

“A vampire, huh? Oh yeah, we’ve got experience with those. Your regular first-hand variety. Can I get your name? Kara? Ok…well, Kara…give me the details and I’ll tell you what we can do for you.” Cordy grabbed her ever-nearby pen and pad of paper and began scribbling notes.

A few minutes later she was off the phone and paging Gunn and Wesley over the intercom system that four years ago she had insisted Angel install if they were going to continue to run the business out of such a large hotel. Moments later they appeared.

“You rang?” Gunn asked, wrapping an arm around his wife’s waist and planting a kiss on top of her head.

“New client. Kara Dade…she’s got a vamp trailing her…sounds pretty routine. I told her we’d check it out. She’s close, so I thought we could go now and see what’s the sitch, then go home from there,” Cordy told them.

Wesley looked disappointed. “Just a vampire? No demons?”

Cordy and Gunn threw him a look. “Let’s be grateful. After that Silack demon from last week I still can’t pass a dog on the street without gettin’ all wigged out,” Gunn told him, walking to the weapons closet and removing several stakes and his favorite axe.

Wesley picked up a crossbow and began to load it. “Well…the Silack are shape-shifters. They just happened to choose the canine form to infiltrate the city pound.”

“And to then kill every poor person coming in, for weeks, to pick up their stray Fidos,” Cordelia reminded him, arming herself as well. “We all ready?” she asked looking around.

“Good to go,” Gunn nodded.

“Let’s do it…I want to get home before Sex and the City tonight. I missed last week,” Cordy complained as they made their way out of the hotel and into the dark LA night.

“You did?” Wesley asked. “Then you didn’t see who just found out she’s pregnant…” he sing-songed.

Cordelia’s mouth dropped open. “No! Who?!” she squeaked.

Gunn laughed and shook his head. “You two are losers.”

They continued down the street, not hearing the phone begin to ring from inside the hotel.


“Nothing, nothing, nothing and hey! More nothing!” Xander cried, frustrated after hours of research. He tossed book after book back onto the coffee table in Buffy’s house.

“Xander, do I need to remind you after years of working with ancient texts that these are ancient texts?” Giles asked without looking up.

Xander ignored him. “Any luck?” he asked as Angel hung up the cordless phone.

Angel shook his head. “Still no one at the hotel, and Cordy’s not answering her cell phone,” he said, his brow furrowed with worry.

“Did you at least leave a message to warn them?” Buffy asked, coming to his side.

He nodded. “I left a detailed message on the machine so Wesley could do research from LA.”

“Do you really think this Laren chick will go there? I mean, why would she? You’re all…well, here,” Willow asked, looking up from her laptop.

“No, I don’t think she will. She’ll probably come here first, but I want them to have the heads up just in case,” he answered her. “And I know Gunn won’t be happy just sitting in LA if there’s trouble here.”

“There’s always trouble here,” Anya muttered, closing another dusty book. “Zilch,” she concluded.

“So we’re not scoring with the ancient texts,” Oz reiterated. “Willy knew nothing, Merle was no help…and Spike can’t be found.”

“Spike didn’t want to be found,” came a voice from the front hall.

“Just let yourself in,” Buffy grumbled as the blond vampire walked into the living room.

“Don’t mind if I do, sweet pea,” he said, grinning. “What’s the big to-do now? Not another bleedin’ prophecy I hope…especially another one that doesn’t involve me…and Carmen Elecktra and some hot wax.”

Buffy wrinkled her nose. “Gross.”

He grinned back. “Kinky.”

“Whatever,” Buffy sighed, waving a hand. “New vamp-chick in town. Name’s Laren. Angel knew her a long time ago. Heard anything?”

Spike’s eyebrows flew up. “Laren? Really? Coming here?” He started to laugh. “Oh…Angelus…Peaches…the women in your life…my God how they just won’t go away, eh?”

Buffy looked from Angel to Spike. “You know this girl?”

“’Course I know ‘er. She’s got it out bad for Angel, and not in the hot wax way,” he said knowingly.

Angel rolled his eyes. “Have you heard anything then, Spike?”

“Well, judging from my surprise at hearing that she’s paying you a visit, I’d have to wager that no, I haven’t heard anything,” Spike sneered. “What’s she want with you now? Still aiming for your heart?” he asked, his tone implicating. “With a stake, of course,” he amended at Buffy’s glare.

“If you don’t have anything useful to—“ Angel growled, rising and taking a step in his grand-sire’s direction when Buffy stopped him.

“It’s fine, Angel, we could use his help,” she said quietly, placing a hand on his arm.

Spike snickered. “Be a good boy, Angelus,” he said, walking over to him. “Remember…I’m a part of the gang now,” he whispered. Angel glowered but said nothing. “So, children…tell papa this latest bedtime story,” he said to the rest of the room, and settled into the easy chair Angel had been sitting in.

They filled Spike in on Laren’s impending arrival and he agreed to patrol with them that night. “Speaking of which,” Oz said, indicating the darkness that had long ago fallen on Sunnydale. “It’s about that time.”

Buffy glanced out of the window and sighed. “Everyone goes armed and in groups. We’re taking no chances.”

They nodded and prepared themselves for patrol. Stake and crosses were passed out from Buffy’s ample supply chest.

“Morificum, sabricius, matayadom,” Willow began chanting under her breath. Buffy exchanged a glance with Angel.

“Protection spell,” she told him.

“Ah.” He picked up his axe and shrugged on his duster.

“You okay?” Buffy asked him quietly.

He shrugged. “I’d be better if Cordelia checked in.”

“I’m sure they’re fine,” she said, placing a hand on him arm reassuringly. “It’s Friday night. She and Gunn are probably out somewhere…you know…on a date?”

“They’re married,” he reminded her.

“So? Married people can still go on dates,” she said pointedly.

“I guess,” he mumbled, unconvinced.

“Are we ready now?” Spike asked impatiently.

Buffy glared at him but headed to the door. “Be careful,” she reminded them. “Check in often. Everyone’s got their phones?”

The group nodded.

“Well then…let’s go kill us a vamp,” Xander said enthusiastically. The group stared at him. “What? Not much for a pre-battle speech, I know, but…come on.”

They headed outside.


Back in LA Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn were just arriving at the home of their new client. Cordelia knocked on the door.

“Come on, come on,” she muttered, knocking again after a minute.

“Nobody home?” Gunn asked a little nervously. “Maybe that vamp that’s giving her trouble got here first.”

The three exchanged a worried glance. “Maybe…” Wesley said.

Cordy knocked a third time. “Ms. Dade? Hello? It’s us…from Angel Investigations!” she called. No answer.

Gunn shifted his axe. “Ok, I vote we bust in. If the vamp is in there, we gotta save her.”

Cordelia looked unconvinced but nodded. “Go for it.”

Gunn took a step back and kicked in the front door of the little ranch house. The three ran inside before skidding to a dead halt.

“Oh boy…” Cordelia groaned, looking around.

The room was filled with vampires.

“We’ve got to get better clientele,” Wesley whispered, gripping his crossbow. The door behind them slammed shut and they jumped. Behind them stood two more vampires, guarding the now closed door.

One of the vampires stepped forward, a female dressed in a long white dress. “Ms. Chase and friends I presume. Thank you for coming so quickly. I hate to wait.” She looked around and smiled. “And I think I’ve waited long enough.”

“We…what do you want?” Cordelia squeaked.

“Oh, don’t worry my dear. It’s not you I’m after. You’re just bait. An ugly term, I agree,” she said when Cordy winced, “but it’s accurate. Now…what say we take those weapons from you? Be good dears…”

Wesley and Gunn gripped their weapons more tightly. The vampiress cocked her head. “You’re not going to make this easy, are you?”

Gunn didn’t flinch. “Damn right.”

The vampiress smiled. “I can smell your fear. It’s…nice…not very manly, but nice. Oh! But where are my manners? I’m Laren…and these…well, this is my modern day brute squad,” she said, her arm sweeping to encompass the room.

She neared Cordelia then glanced back at Gunn. “Well…you don’t like me being near this one, now do you? Such a pretty girl,” she said, bringing a hand to Cordelia’s cheek and stroking it. The seer recoiled and Laren grabbed her by the throat. “No, no. You don’t like it at all. Your fear just increased two-fold,” she told Gunn. “This one means something to you.”

“They both do,” Gunn informed her loyally. “So I suggest you don’t harm a hair on either of their heads. Else I’ll be harming some of yours.”

Laren didn’t like to be threatened. “And I suggest you drop that axe you’ve got there, son…before I snap her neck like a twig.” She increased her grip on Cordelia’s throat. Cordy gurgled as she tried to scream.

Gunn glanced at Wesley and reluctantly nodded. They lowered then dropped their weapons. Laren smile and slowly released Cordelia, pushing her back to her husband and friend.

“Now…why don’t we make these three…a little less comfortable?” she growled and the two vampires behind them moved in, knocking both Gunn and Wesley together. Their heads collided with a sickening crunch and they sank to the ground, unconscious. Now Cordelia screamed.

The vampiress winced. “Please don’t do that again,” she said, her voice child-like and almost sweet. “It annoys me.”

Cordelia’s head whipped up. “What do you want?”

Laren smiled. “I want Angelus.”

“He…he’s not here,” Cordelia sputtered.

“I know, my dear. But he will be. You’re going to see to that.” She stood and began to circle Cordelia as the vampires drug Gunn and Wesley’s lifeless forms out of the room. “You see…Angelus took something from me…something very precious…a long time ago. And now I’m going to take something from him.”

Cordelia looked faint. “Oh no,” the vampire chuckled. “Not you…well, not yet anyway. I need you alive for the moment. Long enough to get Angelus here. And I know that you know how to contact him. Tell me, my dear. Do you have one of those ever-annoying phones that you can carry in your purse?”

Cordelia blinked. “You’re holding me hostage so you can use my phone?”

Laren gave her a droll look. “Don’t be dense, Ms. Chase. Do you or do you not have a phone with which you contact your employer?”

Cordy swallowed. “Y-yes. It’s in there…” she indicated her purse on the floor.

Laren signaled one of her thugs who brought her the designer bag. Laren admired the workmanship for a moment. “Lovely. Really. Excellent craftsmenship. Handmade?”

Cordy stared at her. “Yes,” she growled.

The vampiress reached into the purse and retrieved Cordy’s phone, which was vibrating. “Now…could that be your noble employer now? Perhaps warning you about me? I’m sure he knows…I made certain of that…” She held the phone up to Cordelia’s mouth as two vampires grabbed the seer’s arms. “You once fancied yourself an actress. Now act!” she hissed.

Laren switched the phone on. “Hel-hello?” Cordelia asked timidly.

The phone’s volume was all the way up making it easy for Laren to hear the caller’s voice. “Cordelia?” Angel asked. “Where have you been? I’ve been trying to call you for hours!”

Cordy cursed herself. “Oh...ha ha…silly me…I left my phone on vibrate and didn’t know you called until now.”

Angel was quiet for a moment. “Where are you now?”

Laren raised her eyebrows warningly. “Oh, I’m with a client…Gunn and Wesley too…we’re all with a client,” Cordelia managed to get out. “Ow!” she hissed as one of the vampires gripped her too tightly. “That hurt!”

“Cordelia?” Angel’s voice came from over the phone. “What’s going on? Which client?”

“A new one, Angel. Just called tonight.”

“Ok…then I won’t keep you…but I had to warn you. There’s a vampire…female, black hair…she’s looking for me and she might come there first,” he began. “It’s bad, worse than normal. She’s looking for me for a reason, Cordy. Tell Gunn and the others to be on the lookout.”

Laren took the phone from Cordy’s ear. “Oh, really Angelus. Am I as bad as all that? I mean…it has been over a hundred years since you last saw me.”

Angel was silent over the other end. Finally he growled. “Laren…if you hurt her…if you hurt any of them…what I did to you a hundred years ago will seem like child’s play,” he threatened. His wording did not go unnoticed.

“Child’s play?” Laren screeched and grabbed Cordelia by the neck once more. The seer yelped loud enough for Angel to hear. “Wrong choice of words my dear Angelus. I’d be careful what you say if you want the pretty brunette…or the tall dark man…or the Englishman to live long enough for you to try to rescue them.”

In Sunnydale Angel was seething. “Let them go, Laren. This is between you and me.”

“Well, now it’s between all of us,” Laren informed him. “I suggest you hurry.” And she hung up the phone.

Chapter Three: From Bad To Worse