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Earth eScentsuals
Scent Shop
candles and incense

Earth eScentsuals
Pagan Shop
Now offering Paganistic Jewelry

Earth eScentsuals
Gothic Shop

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Welcome to Earth eScentsuals!

What Would Buddha Do?!?!
That's the REAL question!
The WWBD t-shirt - an Earth eScentsuals exclusive.
Order this brand new item here and only here!

We've changed our prices recently to include our shipping charges. So the prices you see for our items already include shipping and handling fees. (Please note that we do not ship internationally, USA only.) There will be no extra fees added. We are also now requiring a $20.00 minimum order.

Coming soon...

Pagan Shop: Spell bottles and spell candles, crystals, minerals and stones, and dream pillows just to name a few!

Scent Shop: True Aromatherapy votive candles, scent tarts and hand made soaps

Gothic Shop: Leather restraints, floggers, collars, play candles and other fun goodies

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